"Mrs. Shao, you just said that you want to go with me?" Aunt Li asked in disbelief.

"Yes, didn't you say that he had a stomach bleeding? I want to go and have a look together." Tang Nuan painted softly.

She didn't know why she suddenly wanted to take a look, but she just felt that there was some worry in her heart.

After that, Tang Nuan painting stopped talking nonsense, went straight back to the room to find a coat to put on, and just walked out after Sister Li.

Ten minutes later, the hospital.

When Sister Li arrived with Tang Nuan's painting, Gu Yunzheng still guarded Li Jingyi in the hospital, while Li Jingyi was sleeping.

"How's it going? Young Master Gu, how is our Young Master?" As soon as she walked in, Aunt Li hurried forward and asked.

Gu Yunzheng hurriedly softly comforted, "Sister Li is all right now, so just let Jing Yi take care of her well."

"Huh-that's good!"

Sister Li was relieved when she heard this.

After all, Li Jingyi grew up when she was a child. In Li's heart, Li Jingyi was already almost her own son. Seeing Li Jingyi's accident, she was naturally nervous to death.

"How did you come?"

At this moment, Gu Yunzheng suddenly looked at Tang Nuan's painting.

The handsome thick eyebrows raised uncontrollably, and his eyes were obviously unhappy.

"I'll take a look."

Tang Nuan's painting was wrapped in a large coat and hurriedly rushed all the way, his face still blushing.

"Look? What's so interesting, if you come to gloat, please leave now!" Gu Yunzheng's tone was obviously full of disgust.

"Why?" Tang Nuan painted puzzled.

She thought to herself that Li Jingyi was ill. Was it wrong to take a look for herself?

Why did Gu Yunzheng just come in, with this attitude, she wondered if she had done nothing wrong.

Gu Yunzheng suddenly sneered, "Stop pretending to be innocent here, do you think I don't know? If it weren't for you, Jing Yi wouldn't have had stomach bleeding from drinking!"

"He is lying on this hospital bed, isn't it all because of you? You, a lunatic woman, don't you know how to reflect!"

Thinking of his good brother, it was because of Tang Nuan's painting that Gu Yunzheng had become so decadent. Gu Yunzheng wished to give Tang Nuan's painting a headache. He had to wake her up completely.

Tang Nuan painting felt amused for a while, "Gu Yunzheng, why do you blame Li Jingyi for drinking? I didn't let him drink, nor did I let him drink with stomach bleeding. You blame me for what!"


Gu Yunzheng was so angry that he stared at Tang Nuan's painting for several seconds, but at the end he couldn't say a word.

With a cold snort, he simply shook his hand, "Tang Nuan painting, you are really a ruthless woman! I feel sad for my brother!"

"Don't use your amnesia as an excuse. Who knows if you have a real amnesia or a fake amnesia?

Even if you have really lost your memory, you shouldn't forget Jing Yi completely. Since you can forget him, it proves that you have never had him in your heart! "

In the last sentence, Gu Yunzheng almost roared out.

Tang Nuan painting was shocked by his roar, and for a while, he was speechless.

After shaking his eyes a few times unnaturally, Tang Nuanhua looked at Li Jingyi who was lying on the hospital bed. He was lying peacefully there, his complexion looked very weak.

In the end, Gu Yunzheng angrily dropped a sentence, "Tang Nuan painting, you are here today to give me a good reflection and reflection! Think about what you did wrong!"

Then turned and left.

The ward finally calmed down. Tang Nuan painted his eyes fixedly at Li Jingyi, not knowing what he was thinking, and finally slowly approached Li Jingyi.

Sister Li was holding a warm wet towel, wiping Li Jingyi's hands, sighing helplessly while intervening, but she didn't know what to say.

In the end, it was Tang Nuanhua who spoke first and asked softly, "How is he?"

Sister Li responded, "The young master has not been awake since he was sent to the hospital. The doctor said that because he had drunk too much alcohol, there was too much alcohol in his body, and he couldn't wake up for a while. ."

"Didn't it mean that he had a stomach bleeding?" Tang Nuan's tone was a little worried.

"Yes, this is the first time." Sister Li nodded.

Then he added another sentence, "But this is also to be expected. After all, like the young master's work and rest habits, it would be strange if the body can be healthy..."

"Huh?" Tang Nuan was taken aback.

"Madam, do you really remember nothing?"

Suddenly, Sister Li turned her head and stared at Tang Nuan's painting eyes tightly, her tone full of doubts.

She hoped in her heart that Tang Nuan's painting had no memory loss.

It's a pity that Tang Nuanhua's answer still disappointed her. Tang Nuanhua nodded honestly and said, "Sister Li, I really don't remember anything."

"Oh..." Li's wife heard this response and couldn't help it.

While wiping Li Jingyi's hand with a warm towel, and then wiping Li Jingyi’s forehead, Sister Li said lightly, “It’s a god’s will, it’s not easy for you and Young Master to walk this way, but now it’s hard to experience it. After so many twists and turns, reunited together, but you have lost your memory."

"Pity our young master, in the days after you left, Madam, you can't eat well and sleep well every day, and your mental state is tight all the time."

"Now, you finally came back, but you lost a heart.

Losing this heart is no better than losing someone. You can get it back if you lose it. If you lose your heart, you can't come back. "

After speaking, there was another heavy sigh.

Sister Li knew that she shouldn't talk more, but she couldn't help feeling regret for Li Jingyi and saddened by the twists and turns between Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan's paintings.

Tang Nuan's response to painting is always faint.

If possible, Tang Nuan would also like to know what kind of experience he had with Li Jingyi in the past, but I am sorry that she can't remember anything.


As he was thinking about it, the paper-colored man on the hospital bed suddenly coughed twice, and a stream of blood spurted directly from his mouth, staining the blue and white hospital gown in front of him.

"Master, master!"

Aunt Li exclaimed and hurried forward.

Even Tang Nuan's heart became tense at that moment, almost instinctively shouted, "You wait here, I'll call a doctor!"

After talking about Tang Nuanhua, he ran away and called the doctor on duty.

Soon, the doctor arrived.

Seeing the blood stains in front of Li Jingyi, the doctor couldn't wait any longer and immediately performed a series of checks on Li Jingyi, making everyone around him nervous.

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