In the process, she didn't notice, Tang Yan'er also came in.

"Damn, what a broken hospital? A hot water room is so crude, is it for people to use?"

Tang Yan'er expressed her dissatisfaction as soon as she entered the hot water room, her eyes full of contempt for this place.

At this time, the people around couldn't help but interrupt, "The hot water room of this hospital is already considered acceptable. You are so picky, if you have the ability, you can fix it yourself."

"That's it." Others also said that Tang Yan'er was wrong.

Tang Yan'er obviously did not expect that someone would just say something casually, and she was a little annoyed in an instant, "If I say what I want, you need to take care of it? The mouth is on me, so I can say whatever I like. What is your relationship! Nosy!"

Obviously he looks arrogant and not too big of a problem.

When the people around saw her, they cast contemptuous glances at her, but they were not in the mood to fight with this woman in the hospital, so most of them just muttered "I really have no quality, what kind of education" and left.

"Cut, you are not educated! As long as I want, I can buy this hospital, you are nothing."

Tang Yan'er muttered to the back of these people with disdain, and then she didn't talk nonsense, and she also leaned over to receive the boiling water with the cup in her hand.

However, his gaze was scanning, and he accidentally fell on a thin back.

The figure from the back was standing in front of the faucet at this time, as if washing her own wrist, her body shape felt very familiar.

Hey, how come you always feel like you have seen it somewhere?

Thinking of this, Tang Yan'er walked towards Tang Nuan's painting unconsciously.

Tang Nuanhua washed his hand scalded by boiling water for a long time, and finally felt a lot more comfortable, and he was also relieved.

Then she reached out and took the cup set aside, turned around to go back to the ward, but when she turned around, she happened to face Tang Yan'er.

In an instant, the two looked at each other, and Tang Yaner was shocked!

She looked at the painting of Tang Nuan in disbelief, her voice invisibly increased by decibels, "Tang Nuan painting?"

"you are?"

Tang Nuanhua frowned, and looked at Tang Yan'er in front of him suspiciously.

Don't know where the intuition came from, Tang Nuan painted instinctively didn't like the girl in front of him.

Facts have proved that it is right that she has no good feelings, because Tang Yaner's attitude is really impossible to make people feel good about her.

After the shock, Tang Yan'er hugged her hand in front of her, looking at Tang Nuan painting in front of her with a sneer, "Oh, you are not dead!"

In this tone, a fool can also know that the person is bad.

Tang Nuan painting saw that this woman had no good intentions, so he simply refused to be polite to her, and directly asked coldly, "Who are you?"


Tang Yan'er heard Tang Nuan's question, and amusedly stretched out her index finger to point to herself, "Are you actually asking who I am? Hey, Tang Nuan painting, what are you doing, you?"

"I didn't do any tricks. If you don't say anything, I'll go." Tang Nuan painted too lazy to talk to this woman with exaggerated expression, and turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, she was dragged back just after taking a step. Tang Yaner directly pulled Tang Nuan's painting back in front of her eyes, and looked at the delicate face of Tang Nuan's painting suspiciously, "Hey, Tang Nuan painting, don't you rush you in front of me The acting skills!"

"I'm not that boring." Tang Nuan replied.

Tang Yan'er smiled, "Don't you? Then why don't you remember who I am?"

Tang Nuanhua didn't bother to answer such silly questions, so he answered straightforwardly, "I have amnesia, can I?"

"Amnesia? Hahahahahahahaha!"

Tang Yan'er couldn't help laughing at this place, as if he had heard a big joke, covering her mouth and laughing so that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear.

Tang Nuan's painting became even more speechless in an instant, wondering if this woman had any disease?

The first meeting is menacing, and now you can make her amused by just one sentence. Isn't this person a brain problem?

As she was thinking, the laughter from Tang Yan'er's throat stopped abruptly, and this time she sank her face, "Tang Nuan painting, don't you want to play the part of the idol drama with me? Amnesia? You? Was the head pinched by the door, or was the head kicked by the donkey?"

Tang Nuan's painting is even more speechless.

Yes, she could see that the woman in front of me was purely looking for something to look for her presence, she simply ignored it, and said coldly, "Miss, if you are deliberately okay, please let me. There are patients to take care of."

After speaking, he bypassed Tang Yaner and went outside.

Just after taking a step, the person behind him suddenly shouted again, "Tang Nuan draws you to stop!"

"Don't think that you don't remember anything. That's the reason why you don't go back to be filial to your father. Do you know that your father washes his face with tears for you every day, and you are an unfilial girl!" The last sentence almost roared.

Tang Nuan's footsteps suddenly took a terrible meal, thinking, father?

In an instant, scenes of past events began to flow in Tang Nuan's mind.

The face of a middle-aged man, with a smiling face, gradually emerged in Tang Nuan's painting mind.

That man is Tang Zhen.

Between the electric light and flint, Tang Nuan's painting suddenly remembered clearly, the picture of her father running around in the garden with her, and the tone that her father always favored her, as well as the close doting favor her father gave her.

Every time I did something wrong, my father would not only not blame, but always give her the warmest encouragement, "Painting, our family's painting is the best, and the painting will always be the most beautiful little princess in my father's heart!"

And every time he heard his father say this, Tang Nuanhua would be extremely happy, and his entire face was filled with happiness.

Now suddenly thinking about it, Tang Nuanhua suddenly realized that, yes, she still has a father, she still has a father!

Thinking of this, Tang Nuanhua quickly turned around and looked at Tang Yan'er anxiously, and asked, "Hey, do you know where my dad is?"

"Oh, now that I think of it, you still have a father? Didn't you have amnesia?" Tang Yan'er smiled contemptuously when she saw this.

Tang Nuanhua wasn't in the mood to quarrel with her here, and only persistently asked, "Do you know where Dad is? If you know, can you take me to see him? I want to see him!"

"Really? But why should I help you?" Tang Yaner sneered.

"You!" Tang Nuan painted a momentary anger.

She recognized Tang Yan'er's hatefulness, and then she didn't count on her at all, and said angrily, "I will go by myself, okay?"

Although she no longer remembers the specific location of the Tang family.

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