"Li Jingyi, why did you poke my wound and say these things! The reason why I came to take refuge in you is because I have nowhere to go, otherwise you think I have to come here to get your cold eyes? I invite you Eating is nothing more than a trivial matter. Why do you have to hurt my heart so much? Do you think my heart is made of stone? Wouldn't I be sad?"

Only silence responded to her.

Li Jingyi still sat opposite her without changing his face, watching Galen's overly intense reaction, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Sure enough, this Jialian was only a child after all.

As long as Li Jingyi said something serious, the girl started crying, speaking too lightly. The little girl didn't understand what he meant, and thought he was giving her hope.

What else can I do? Let's not talk about it at all.

In the end, Li Jingyi had to sigh softly, "Miss Jia, you go out first, I have to work."

Galen obviously didn't mean to give up. Her baby-like face was flushed red, and she shouted hoarsely, "I'm not going, you haven't answered my question yet, Li Jingyi, what do you think of me? Am I the one you come and go!"

In any case, she must let Li Jingyi give herself an answer. She wanted to know how many catties she had in Li Jingyi's heart.

During this period of time, did he see his silent contribution?

In fact, Galen didn't want much, as long as he gave himself a little bit of space in a small corner of his heart, she would be satisfied.

Unfortunately, Galen didn't wait for a reply.

Because just the second after she finished saying this, a violent figure rushed in. It was Tang Nuan's painting.

"Mrs. Young, Mrs. Young!" Xu Mo hurriedly followed Tang Nuan painting to stop him, but it was too late.

The moment Tang Nuan's painting opened the door, Li Jingyi and Jialian looked at Tang Nuan's painting one after another, and they saw a girl with bright eyes and teeth full of spring breeze coming in, and the bright breath of her body was like The most gorgeous flower in midsummer.

"Hey, little sister, are you a bit unkind?" After entering the door, Tang Nuan's painting looked directly at Jialian, with a very rude tone.

In an instant, Galen was dumbfounded.

Of course she hadn't seen this woman, but she didn't expect to meet so suddenly, she, she is Tang Nuan painting?

She really came back!

Li Jingyi was a little surprised at this time. He didn't expect this girl to appear suddenly. He looked at Xu Mo in a puzzled manner. Xu Mo had to lower his head and confess his mistake, "I'm sorry, President, I really can't stop Madam Young, she said. Just come in, I can't help it."

But this is not important right now. What is important is that Tang Nuan's paintings clearly came in with hostility.

In fact, Tang Nuan’s painting is really unbearable. Just now listening to the conversation between the two at the door, fools can tell that Jialian has an idea for Li Jingyi. In that pitiful tone, I wish Li Jingyi could go home for dinner with her obediently. .

But please clarify the situation, please use this trick against no object, OK?

Li Jingyi is now her fiance! Don't dig into other people's corners if you have a conscience, OK?

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan's paintings have no good expressions.

Humph, she wants to see what she can do with this little girl who is about eighteen or nine years old.

"You, are you painting by Tang Nuan?"

Galen finally reacted a little at this time, looking at the woman in front of her with an incredible expression.

"Oh? You still know me, so you should know that I am your president's fiancée? You said you are begging for nothing, letting my fiancé accompany you for dinner. What are your intentions? "Tang Nuanhua asked with a smile, but the tone was obviously ironic.

While talking, she walked to Li Jingyi's side. She suddenly looked at Li Jingyi with an arrogant and indifferent look, and snorted, "Hey, how did you mess with flowers when I was away? Mr. Li, your luck is really good. what!"

"I..." Li Jingyi stuttered inexplicably when Tang Nuan watched it so seriously, and at the same time he felt a strange feeling.

He can clearly feel that this girl has changed!

This domineering look is clearly the arrogant and willful girl who dared to love and hate in the past!

Could it be that this girl remembered what happened in the past? Has she recovered her memory?

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi's heart suddenly moved, his eyes brightened, "Warm painting? You, are you..."


Tang Nuan painted his lips just halfway through the conversation. Tang Nuan painted a bit playfully looking at him, "We have to say things slowly between husband and wife. Now we have to deal with one thing."

This matter is naturally Galen.

Tang Nuan painting is not such a generous person, let alone allow any woman to try to get in between her and Li Jingyi, so at this moment, she looked down on Jialian's eyes.

"Hey, little sister, do you like our family Jing Yi?" Suddenly, Tang Nuan asked directly with interest.

When Galen heard this topic, she was frightened, as if she touched a sensitive point in her heart, she shook her head and tried her best to deny, "I, I don't!"

"No? Then why do you want to ask a married man to eat at your house, it's weird." Tang Nuanhua looked at Jialian with obscure eyes, and snorted coldly, "Furthermore, if Jing Yizhen and Jing Yizhen You went to dinner and were photographed by some paparazzi. Wouldn't it be the hot news of tomorrow? When the time comes, will I be green by you?"

"I, I..." Galen suddenly felt very embarrassed, and he couldn't help but speak.

She thought to herself that she hadn't done anything but just invited Li Jingyi to have a meal. How could she feel a bit like being caught upright? I can't wait to find a hole in it!

In addition, she never expected that Tang Nuan's picture of this girl looked so optimistic and cheerful, and she was easy to get along with at first glance. The aura of the deity was so strong.

For a time, Galen was so shocked that she was a little speechless.

I could only blush, and then stammered trying to explain, "Miss Tang, you really misunderstood. I invited the president to my house for dinner, just because I want to thank the president for helping me during this period of time. I just ,just……"

"It's just gratitude, right?" Tang Nuanhua asked with a smile.

Galen nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, it's just a feeling of gratitude."

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