Unfortunately, Tang Nuan didn't believe it at all.

The girl had just spoken to Li Jingyi in such a sturdy tone that the two were obviously already acquaintances.

Tang Nuan's painting is not a fool either. From their conversations, I can tell more or less that there are more or less stories between them, otherwise the girl would not be so unscrupulous.

However, since the girl explained that she didn't like Li Jingyi, it proved that she was actually guilty.

Tang Nuan's painting is not so aggressive, and she thinks that she doesn't really need to destroy the atmosphere, anyway, she will give other girls a face.

So in the end, she just laughed coldly and said, "Okay, since the explanation is clear, there is nothing to do with you, but remember it in the future. Don't let someone else's man accompany you to dinner and say it out. It’s not good for you."

"Yes, I see." Galen was finally relieved and nodded.

Then Tang Nuanhua ignored her, instead turned his head and smiled strangely at Li Jingyi, "Now it's your turn, Jing Yi baby, I haven't settled with you yet."


Seeing Tang Nuan painting's grim smile on his face, Li Jingyi felt inexplicably creepy, and he quickly smiled innocently, "Beautiful fairy, what did I do wrong?"

"Hmph, what do you mean?" Tang Nuan painted pretended to squeeze his fists, as if he was about to fight.

After that, the two were flirting.

Jialian stared at the two of them in a daze. She suddenly discovered a cruel fact, that is, Li Jingyi, who she had always thought of being cold, was actually a living person.

It turns out that he doesn't have a cold face all the time. It turns out that he will have a happy smile, pretend to be innocent in front of a girl, and also have embarrassment and fear.

It turns out that no matter how strong and indifferent a person is, he will have his own weakness, but that weakness is not Galen.


Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared at the corner of Galen's mouth.

She didn't know whether she was laughing at herself or the facts in front of her. Suddenly, she felt that her efforts for such a long time were nothing more than wishful thinking.

Galen originally thought that as long as she worked **** her own, she would be able to move Li Jingyi a little bit, but now it seems that all of this is entirely her own passion.

The person who occupies the most important position in Li Jingyi's heart was not himself before, and he cannot be himself in the future.

She is just a funny passerby.

In the end, Galen finally lost the courage to stand here. She got up and left the office. When she left, she carefully closed the door. Before leaving, she looked back at Tang Nuan painting and Li Jingyi, the light under her eyes was silent. A lot bleak.

Finally, I sighed softly and went out.

In the office, only Tang Nuanhua and Li Jingyi were left, and they were still fighting.

It's not so much fighting, as it is flirting.

Tang Nuanhua shook his small fist rudely, fist after fist fell on Li Jingyi’s shoulder, Li Jingyi’s hunch, and Li Jingyi’s arm, making an arrogant hum, “It’s all yours. It's all your fault! Li Jingyi, let me tell you, you are done today!"

Li Jingyi was beaten up with a dazed expression, so he had to fight Tang Nuan painting while smiling dazedly and asked, "Nuan painting, no, no, lady fairy, what did I do wrong?"

"You! You! You are so embarrassed to ask me, why didn't you find me earlier, why did you leave me alone on that island, do you know how boring I am there!

Do you know that I think about you every day, every day I try to retrieve my previous memories, but I just can’t find it, I can’t find it anyway, do you know how helpless I am, I……"

Talking about Tang Nuan's painting, suddenly there was some emotion that could not be restrained. The little hand that was waving her fist and slamming Li Jingyi couldn't help but stop. She covered her eyes tightly, and the palm of her hand felt damp.

She remembered her life on Sakura Island in those days. Although the days were very leisurely, she felt extremely empty at that time, as if she was missing something, but she didn't know what was missing anyway.

Now that she suddenly thought of all that, Tang Nuan painting realized that she had lost the most important thing. It turned out that she almost lost Li Jingyi, the most important person in her life.

"Li Jingyi, you bastard, didn't you say that you wouldn't lose me, but you almost lost me, do you know if you missed you, it would be so big in my life? Sorry, woo..."

While speaking these words slurred, Tang Nuanhua buried his head in Li Jingyi's arms and wept, tears raining down.

Soon Li Jingyi felt that the front of his clothes was wet by the tears of Tang Nuan's painting. He had no choice but to comfort Tang Nuan's painting, pat her back lightly, and apologize to Tang Nuan's painting. .

"Nuanhua...I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have found you so late. It's all because I made you suffer. It's all my bad, Nuanhua, sorry."

Holding Tang Nuan's painting tightly in his arms, Li Jingyi's heart was full of debts, and the arms holding Tang Nuan's painting became much tighter, and even his eyes became hot.

If he could, he hoped that his hug could make up for the wounds in Tang Nuan's paintings, and make up for the sufferings that Tang Nuan's paintings suffered because he has not been accompanied in Tang Nuan's paintings these days.

But it was too late.

The damage this girl has suffered has been caused and cannot be saved, but the only good news is that she finally returned to her side alive and finally did not disappear from this world.

God knows how Li Jingyi went crazy during the time she disappeared...

Fortunately, she is finally back!

Li Jingyi has already figured it out clearly. Since he can't let time go back and make up for the mistakes he made before, he will definitely doubly paint Tang Nuan well in the future, and make up for the warmth that he didn't paint Tang Nuan before.

At least in the future, he will never let Tang Nuan's painting suffer the slightest grievance!

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi hugged Tang Nuan's painting harder, and the solid temperature passed over, giving people a feeling of collapse.

Tang Nuan's painting also stopped tears, indulging in this embrace, unable to extricate herself.

and many more!

Just when the two were about to hold each other tighter, Li Jingyi seemed to suddenly realize something.

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