"Good." Li Jingyi nodded and agreed seriously.

Then, Tang Nuanhua cleared his throat first, and then said softly, "First of all, I want to say that I am a person who is in love with cleanliness. You, if you really treat me What kind of infidelity, Jing Yi, no matter how much I like you, I won’t be wronged by myself, do you understand?”

This means that she cannot tolerate betrayal.

"it is good."

After hearing this, Li Jingyi agreed with one bite, which was not difficult for him.

In fact, there is no need for Tang Nuan to say that, he has already decided in his heart that he will only love her and guard her in this life.

"The second one..."

Tang Nuanhua thought for a while, stretched out her finger and scratched her chin, thinking about it for a moment, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, "The second point is, I, I am a person who has a bad temper and is particularly irritable. So you have to always tolerate and consider me, okay?"

"Also, your heart can only be placed on me forever. If any woman confesses to you in front of you, or indirectly expresses something to you, you must immediately, and Tell her without hesitation, you are the only one in your heart, can you do it!"

"Of course, I will definitely be loyal to you!"

Speaking vowedly, Tang Nuanhua looked at Li Jingyi seriously, hoping that Li Jingyi could give himself a definite answer.

Only in this way can Tang Nuan paint a more sense of security in his heart.

Fortunately, Li Jingyi nodded quickly, "Okay, no problem."

This second point is not difficult for Li Jingyi, tolerating this girl's temper?

He didn't think that was tolerance, but felt that the so-called temper in Tang Nuan's paintings was not considered temper at all.

To love someone is to accept all her shortcomings, even her shortcomings are lovely in his own eyes, so Li Jingyi has never felt that Tang Nuan's paintings are temperamental, so don't talk about tolerance.

As for rejecting other women for her, this is even Li Jingyi's principle and will never be violated.

So these are not problems.

"As for the third..." At this time, Tang Nuan painting began to think about the third request again.

To be honest, the third point of Tang Nuan's painting is really hard to remember.

She is not the kind of feminine and feminine woman. As long as she pays for each other and treats each other seriously, she will not pick on those details.

So for a while, Tang Nuan painting really didn't know what her third request was. After thinking about it for a while, she still couldn't find an answer.

In the end, Tang Nuan's painting had no choice but to wave his hand altogether, "Hey, forget it, I can't remember the third one for the time being. When I think of it, I will tell you again."

"Now, you give me a good job, and quickly finish the work on my hand, and then take me out for dinner, okay? Hurry up, keep busy!"

After speaking, Tang Nuan painting finally closed his mouth obediently, and then took out his mobile phone and sat on the sofa to concentrate on playing.

At this moment, Li Jingyi glanced at Tang Nuan's painting, a smile appeared unknowingly on his face, and his eyes were full of pets.

He shook his head and thought helplessly, this girl...

Later, Li Jingyi got off work.

After get off work, as agreed, he took Tang Nuan painting to dinner the first time.

It was nine o'clock in the evening, and the two drove for a while, then walked for a while, and finally arrived at a five-star restaurant that the two used to often go to.

After sitting down, the two ordered some familiar dishes, which Tang Nuan painted like.

After eating, the two went home together.

Talking and chatting along the way, time passed quickly.

The next day.

Perhaps because of the recovery of his memory, Tang Nuanhua woke up early in the morning and saw that the room was brightened by the sunlight outside the window, and his mood was also much better.

Turning his head, Li Jingyi happened to be sleeping next to her again. The quiet and peaceful face of his sleeping face made people feel more satisfied.

His exquisite features are still so protruding and seductive. Just looking at Li Jingyi so quietly, Tang Nuan's paintings feel particularly enjoyable.

After looking at it for a while, Tang Nuan couldn't bear the painting, so he couldn't help but took out his fingers and stroked them little by little, touching the muscles and skin of Li Jingyi's face.

I have to admit that Li Jingyi's skin is really good, firm and smooth. Although it can’t compare to women’s tender muscles that can be broken, but compared with the male celebrities who advertise skin care products on TV, it’s hard to beat. Nothing less.

Tsk tsk, Tang Nuan couldn't help but chuckled lightly just looking at this face in the painting.

I thought softly, what kind of good things she did in her last life to be with such a handsome guy.

"Have you seen enough?" When Tang Nuan was thinking about painting beautifully, the man in front of him suddenly opened his eyes.

The idiotic expression on Tang Nuan's painting happened to fall in his eyes, and Li Jingyi suddenly felt a little funny. He didn't expect that this little girl would have an idiot side, she had never seen it before.

Yeah, but it's pretty cute.

"Ah, why are you awake!" Tang Nuan's painting was suddenly startled.

Then Tang Nuanhua quickly stretched out her hand to cover her face tightly, thinking to God, it was really embarrassing, she originally just wanted to quietly appreciate Li Jingyi's handsome face...

Upon seeing this, the smile on Li Jingyi's face became more intense.

Can't help but stretch out his hand to soften the messy hair of Rou Tang Nuan painting. He smiled softly and his voice is a little bit magnetic. It is almost comparable to the male voice actor in the animation, "Okay, lazy pig, about to get up. ."

"But, but people still want to sleep." Tang Nuanhua bit her lip and said with her cheeks puffed out, looking like a little squirrel.

In the past two days, she usually slept at home three poles before waking up, so even if she woke up early, she still had to continue to sleep for a while.

Li Jingyi just laughed when he heard this answer, and then asked, "So, don't you plan to return to the company?"

"Huh? Company!"

Tang Nuanhua was reminded so suddenly that it suddenly occurred to him that he still had a company.

God, how could she forget her company? How can I forget such an important thing!

"Jing Yi, during my absence, is our Tang Group operating particularly poorly? I, it's over, it's over..."

Tang Nuan feels terrible just thinking about painting, damn, she is the head of the Tang group! If she doesn't care, who knows what will happen to the company during her absence.

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