Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1260: You won't, then you have to learn

By the way, two days ago, Tang Yaner was still so arrogant and domineering in front of her! Maybe now the company has fallen into Tang Yan'er's hands!


No, no, no, absolutely not. Don't let the company fall into Tang Yan'er's hands, absolutely not!

Thinking about this, Tang Nuanhua's heart inevitably became tense. Without a moment's hesitation, she got up from the bed, then put on her shoes and ran into the bathroom.

Soon, the sound of scrubbing came out, and something fell on the ground from time to time, and Tang Nuan's painting gently let out an oops.

Li Jingyi was lying on the bed outside listening to these sounds, and he could probably guess how anxious the girl was at this moment.

A smile spread unconsciously at the corner of his mouth, thinking that this girl is really cute and helpless.

However, after a while, Tang Nuanhua finished washing thoroughly, and then sat in front of the dressing table and gave himself a delicate makeup.

Then she took a deep breath of confidence, stood up and walked to the cupboard to open the bag, took out the bag she used to go to work, and prepared some daily makeup items in it.

Li Jingyi was almost up now.

After washing and dressing up a little, he took out his suit from the cupboard and put it on, then changed his tie in front of the mirror.

The tie is gray, and the style is very simple, but as soon as it is hung on Li Jingyi's neck, it instantly appears very atmospheric, as if it is a high-end tie made for him.

However, Li Jingyi didn't know what was wrong this morning. Suddenly he felt a little clumsy in his hands, and felt a little failure no matter how he tied his tie.

In desperation, Li Jingyi had no choice but to stop, and looked back at Tang Nuan's painting. He was about to speak, but he seemed to hesitate for a while. In the end, he couldn't help it. Can't come over and tie me a tie?"

"Huh? Oh."

Tang Nuanhua was putting paper towels into her bag at the moment. She didn't think so much when she heard Li Jingyi's words, suddenly raised her head and started walking in front of Li Jingyi, her eyes falling on his tie.

Hey, seeing the tie on Li Jingyi's neck, Tang Nuanhua seemed to think for a while, how to tie this tie?

Then she saw her eyes bright, reached out and took one end of Li Jingyi's tie with one hand, and then tied a simple bow very quickly.

"Okay, you're done."

After the business was over, Tang Nuan painted patted the bow, with a smile on his face, obviously very satisfied with the tie.

As soon as he raised his head, he found that Li Jingyi's face turned blue, and his obviously speechless eyes were telling Tang Nuanhua that this tie was wrong, and so wrong!

"Uh, am I wrong?" Tang Nuan had to smile awkwardly.

"What do you think?" Li Jingyi gave her a calm look.

"I think, it's actually pretty good..." Tang Nuan painted a silly smile, but knew in his heart that she had remembered this tie wrong.

Tang Nuanhua had to smile awkwardly while removing the tie, and then changed it to tie Li Jingyi's tie.

This time it was more pleasing to the eye than the previous time, and it did look like a tie. At least standing in front of the mirror and looking at the structure of the tie was quite satisfactory.

But from the side... it's not quite satisfactory.

You can clearly see it from the side. When Tang Nuan draws a tie, he only pays attention to the good-looking front, but does not pay attention to the beautiful side. Even the knot of the tie can be seen.

"Ahem... Well, Jing Yi, I think I probably don't know how to wear a tie, otherwise you should do it yourself."

In the end, Tang Nuan painted an awkward smile, trying to get sloppy.

I didn’t want her to be pulled by her wrist just as she was about to walk away, and then pulled back. Li Jingyi looked at Tang Nuanhua very domineeringly and asked, "Nuanhua, you will be my wife in the future. It is only natural for a wife to wear a tie for her husband. You don’t know what to do, so you have to learn."

After finishing talking, Li Jingyi raised his hands and grabbed the ends of the tie, and smiled slightly, "Now I will show you it again, you are optimistic."

Then Li Jingyi held the tie in front of Tang Nuan's painting and tied the tie again. This time it can be said to be exceptionally perfect. The tie that was typed out looked exceptionally beautiful no matter which direction it looked from.

When Tang Nuanhua saw this tie, he kept clapping his hands, "Yes, yes, yes, yes! Jing Yi, you are amazing, yes, yes, then go to the company like this today, absolutely handsome."

After talking about Tang Nuan's painting, he was ready to go away, but as soon as he moved away, Li Jingyi dragged her back, and asked with a smile, "Is it good-looking?"

"Yeah, it's great." Tang Nuanhua smiled with a thumbs up.

Li Jingyi smiled indifferently after hearing this, "After that, this is your job. I hope you can do as well as mine."

"Huh?" Tang Nuanhua was obviously taken aback when she heard this. She thought to herself that she would not wear a tie.

But Li Jingyi's tone couldn't help but say, "Now, follow the way I taught you just now, give me a tie again."

"No, my mother..." Tang Nuanhua almost shed tears when she heard this, but seeing Li Jingyi's look of expectation, she really couldn't bear to refuse.

In the end, Tang Nuanhua had no choice but to accept his fate and nodded, "Okay, okay, okay, you come over a little bit, I, I will try again."

Li Jingyi obediently moved towards Tang Nuan's painting, and after that, it was a long time to tie his tie.

Tang Nuanhua kept reminiscing in his mind the way Li Jingyi had tied his tie just now, thinking that he was going around here first? Or tie a knot first? No, it seems like this here, but it seems like this again...

While thinking about it, Tang Nuanhua frowned. She could see that she was very tangled in her heart, and the movements on her hands were also exceptionally clumsy.

Li Jingyi watched this scene silently, suddenly felt a little funny, couldn't help but stretch out his hand and gently grab her hand, the temperature of his palm was instantly passed.

Then he gently grasped her hand, teaching hand-to-hand, and the low voice sounded even more confusing, "Look, this is the case first and then go through here..."

In the process, Li Jingyi's attitude can be said to be gentle to his bones.

Tang Nuanhua finally learned so many skills under his hand-in-hand teaching. Finally, she raised her head and smiled at Li Jingyi, "I know what to do."

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