"Okay, then you try."

Then Li Jingyi let go of Tang Nuan's painting and let her try it by herself.

Tang Nuan's paintings were also unambiguous. She held Li Jingyi's tie very easily, and tied them back and forth. The process was actually very simple, but Tang Nuan didn't remember it before.

But just now she remembered what Li Jingyi taught her, so she finished it quickly this time. In less than half a minute, a beautiful neat tie was tied in front of Li Jingyi's Xiong.

After finishing the work, she stood in front of the mirror holding Li Jingyi's hand, pointing at Li Jingyi in the mirror with a satisfied smile, "Look, how beautiful it looks."

Li Jingyi also smiled.

He was not smiling with this tie, but with the picture in the mirror at this time.

They held hands and stood together, and Li Jingyi felt a strange feeling at that moment, as if they had been married for many years.

Many years later, she is still innocent and bright, and he can still be her support...

Suddenly, Li Jingyi couldn't help lowering his head, and gently squeezed Tang Nuan's chin with his index finger, and put a soft kiss on her lips.


Tang Nuan's painting was stunned for a moment, before he realized what had happened, the kiss was over.

Li Jingyi let go of the painting of Tang Nuan contentedly, lifted his index finger out into a bow shape, and gently scratched the nose of the painting of Tang Nuan, "Okay, little fool, it’s too early, so don’t be here. It's delayed, go back to the company, there are many things waiting for you to deal with."

"Ah, yes!"

After being delayed by the tie-up, Tang Nuanhua almost forgot about going to the company. When she remembered now, she quickly picked up a basin of bags on the table top, and then rushed upstairs. Undershoot.

While rushing out, I didn't forget and turned back and said, "Jing Yi, you will remember to have breakfast later, and then go to the company after eating."

After that, the girl jumped downstairs, Li Jingyi smiled helplessly on the spot, and then he also packed up to go out.

Twenty minutes later, the Down Group.

Since the car before Tang Nuan painted was damaged, it has not been repaired, so this time she was the company who took a taxi.

After the car parked downstairs of the Tang Group, Tang Nuanhua stood at the gate of the company downstairs, unexpectedly hesitating, and some dared not go in.

After all, she hasn't come back to the company for such a long time. If she comes back suddenly, will there be some... Well, no matter how much!

The hesitation in his mind was broken by himself in the next second. Tang Nuan painted cheered himself up and said, "I still have a lot of things to do. The company hasn't been in charge of the overall situation for so long, so I can do it!"

Thinking of Tang Nuan painting here, she didn't hesitate anymore, she took a sigh of relief, and then strode into the company.

When she arrived at the office area, she still forced her face to remain unchanged, as if everything was the same as before.

However, the exclamation that rang around clearly reminded Tang Nuan to paint that everything was different.

"Wow, look, everyone, isn't that our eldest lady is back!"

As soon as they walked into the office, the employees in the office area heard a sound of surprise and surprise.

The employees immediately looked at the position of Tang Nuan's painting with bright eyes. After seeing Tang Nuan's painting clearly, they were all stunned.

"Really hey, it's really the lady who is back!"

"Miss, Miss! You are finally back!"

"Great, our eldest lady is back, it's great!"

Seeing Tang Nuan painting come back, most of the people were happy, and some even greeted Tang Nuan painting in high spirits.

Tang Nuanhua suddenly felt warmth in his heart. I didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic about her after not coming back to manage the company for such a long time.

Then Tang Nuanhua nodded to the employees of the company, and after roughly saying hello, he turned and walked towards his office.

At this time, Lin Nanxiang was working in the office.

She is rigorous and focused, and she is meticulous in her work. Not only is she very efficient, but she basically does not make mistakes. It can be said that her work ability is superb.

But this was also after Tang Nuanhua left, she was forced to come out.

After all, if her work efficiency is not high, Tang Yan'er will have to stare at the position of Tang Nuan's painting again.

As the best sister of Tang Nuan painting, of course she has to do her best to hold this position for Tang Nuan painting.

The only thing that makes her feel a little frustrated is that although Tang Nuan painting is back now, she has lost her previous memories. I am afraid it will be impossible to come to the company to take over work in a short time.

She can only wait and wait like this, and she doesn't know how to wait until the year of the monkey.

Alas...Nuanhuanuanhua, please come back quickly, otherwise I really don't know what to do, Lin Nanxiang thought bitterly in his heart.

While she was frowning, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a loud and clear voice came in, "Nanxiang!"

Why is this sound so familiar?

Lin Nanxiang quickly turned around and took a look. Because of myopia, she had to squint her eyes. When she saw that the person was Tang Nuan's painting, she suddenly brightened her eyes, "Warm painting?"

"It's me, I'm back." The smile on Tang Nuan's painted face bloomed extremely brightly.

In an instant, Lin Nanxiang felt a surge of energy and blood in her heart, and the surprise and excitement made her a little speechless for a while.

Why did I just think that I hope that Nuanhua can come back quickly, and that Nuanhua will be back in the next second. Could it be that the two of them have a sharp heart!

"Ahhhhhh! Nuanhua, you are back, great!"

Suddenly rushed forward, and saw Lin Nanxiang hugged Tang Nuan tightly. She didn't know whether it was joy or excitement and tears on her face, but she was inexplicably full of tears.

and many more!

While tears were streaming down his face, Lin Nanxiang suddenly thought of an important question.

She pushed Tang Nuan's painting away, and suddenly looked at Tang Nuan's painting strangely, and asked, "It's strange, Nuan painting, haven't you already lost your memory? How do I feel about you..."

Before Lin Nanxiang finished speaking, Tang Nuan drew a laugh, and stretched out his hand to pinch Lin Nanxiang's collagen-filled face, "You little fool, if I can lose my memory, of course I can restore it. "

"What? You, you have recovered your memory!" Lin Nanxiang was instantly stunned.

"Hey, why do I feel that I have recovered my memory? You don't seem to be very happy yet?" Tang Nuan asked unhappily.

However, she didn't know why Lin Nanxiang was unhappy. She was just too happy to express her happiness!

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