Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1267: Can afford to put down

Then he hugged the girl tightly, and the picture was so beautiful that it wasn't sensible.

Xu Mo quickly took out his mobile phone to record this scene, even though he was eating dog food, he also had a great time.


After a while, Tang Nuan painting had some leisurely days.

Although very leisurely, but very happy.

Every morning I get up at a fixed time, and then go downstairs to have breakfast with Li Jingyi hand in hand, chat during breakfast, and occasionally make a few jokes with each other before going to work.

During the lunch break, the two would have a long phone conversation.

Although they have been together for a long time, every day, Tang Nuan could not help sharing the little details of his life with Li Jingyi.

In the face of Tang Nuan's broken thoughts, Li Jingyi gave her almost all his patience.

Every time he heard Tang Nuan painting on the other side of the phone, because he said a joke and laughed from ear to ear, Li Jingyi's mood would be much happier.

After finishing get off work in the afternoon, Tang Nuan painted packed his things and went to find Li Jingyi, waiting for Li Jingyi to leave work together.

After get off work, they either go out to watch a movie, go for a walk outside to play, or go home early to wash and sleep.

In this way, life is simple but happy.

Of course, if someone is happy, some will be unhappy.

Jialian can see how happy Tang Nuanhua and Li Jingyi are during this time. But how happy they were, how painful Galen was in her heart.

Although she had told herself time and time again, don't think about Li Jingyi, don't care about everything related to Li Jingyi.

Since Li Jingyi likes Tang Nuan's paintings, let them love it, it doesn't matter, she Jialian is a person who can afford it.

However, the person who overturned and overturned these ideas was still Garen himself.

When she saw the call made by Li Jingyi for Tang Nuan at the meeting, and directly suspended the meeting, she couldn't control her sadness...

Every time, when he was reporting work to Li Jingyi, Li Jingyi could immediately leave Jialian behind because of a phone call drawn by Tang Nuan...

At that moment, Galen felt hatred in her heart.

The more clearly she felt Li Jingyi's indifference to herself, the more clearly she could feel Li Jingyi's enthusiasm for Tang Nuan's paintings.

When dealing with himself, Li Jingyi is an iceberg, which will not melt once in hundreds of years.

For Tang Nuan's paintings, Li Jingyi is the sun, warming her all the time.

Once it was said that Tang Nuanhua was ill, and Li Jingyi didn't say anything. He left all the work in the company and ran to Tang Nuanhua's company to visit her.

This kind of preference, this kind of excessive pampering...

In this life, Li Jingyi will probably only give this woman.

Thinking of this, Galen couldn't help feeling a pain in her heart.

She finally understood how ridiculous she was, thinking that as long as she worked hard enough, one day she could impress Li Jingyi, who was as cold as an iceberg.

But today she understands that you can never let a person who does not love you love you, just like you can never wake a person who pretends to sleep.

She finally realized clearly that Li Jingyi didn't love her.

In this life, it is impossible to love her.

At night, the bar.

Thinking of all this in a chaotic manner, Galen felt that her breathing was about to stop.

She poured herself a lot of wine, one cup after another into her throat, just to wash away the pain and numb her soul.

What Galen didn't know was that she was being spotted in the dark at this moment.

The person who followed her was no one else, but Tang Yaner.

To be precise, Tang Yan'er has been watching her for a long time these days.

In order to torture Tang Nuan's painting, Tang Yan'er also took great pains, and finally heard that Li Jingyi had a love rival in Tang Nuan's painting by his side, so she immediately transferred Jialian's information.

No, at this moment, Tang Yan'er was holding a document in her hand with a picture of a girl printed on it.

The girl in the photo is Garen herself.

"Hey, second lady, do you think we are really useful to this woman?" When Tang Yan'er was silently lost in thought, a subordinate next to her suddenly asked.

This subordinate is a capable man who has been with Tang Yaner for a long time.

Basically every time it was Tang Yaner’s work, he was personally responsible for it, including the last time that Tang Nuan’s painting was captured in the wilderness, and it was this man who helped Tang Yaner to paint Tang Nuan. There was a beating.

To be precise, he has become Tang Yan'er's right-hand man.

Now that Tang Yan'er puts his gaze on Jialian, he naturally wants to pay attention.

Just thinking about it, there was a clear and sweet laugh next to him.

Tang Yan'er laughed, "You are asking something inexplicable. If it works, you have to try it before you know it, right?"

"Uh, indeed." The man nodded.

So Tang Yan'er didn't have any more ambiguity. He directly ordered the next man, "Hurry up, let your little brothers do it while this woman is still awake."


So next, a few stupid men in the darkness suddenly stood up and walked towards Galen together.

Tang Yan'er watched all this in secret, with a smug smile on the corner of her mouth, "Tsk tusk, Jialian, don't blame me, who made me fight alone now? I have to find a friend and Together, I can better fight the woman that Tang Nuan painted."

"You, get ready to join me."

Thinking about it, the smile on Tang Yaner's face became even more proud.

Then she looked in the direction of Galen intently, waiting for a good show to take place.

Galen was drinking her wine intently at the moment, without noticing the danger beside her, and was gradually approaching her.

She felt that her whole person had fallen into a state of demon, from time to time she twisted with the DJ on the stage and laughed twice.

Then he sat down again, drinking decadently.

The whole person's mental state looks very depressed and weak.

And just at this moment, the few people sent by Tang Yaner began to take action. They approached Jialian step by step, with wretched smiles on their faces, "Oh, little sister, you are here, but Let my brothers look for it for a long time!"

After finishing speaking, a salted pork knuckle directly hit Jialian's shoulder.


Galen woke up almost instantaneously, feeling the touch of a stranger, and she felt a severe nausea in her heart.

Immediately he stopped drinking the wine, and looked at the people behind him guardedly, "Who are you, don't come over, stay away from me!"

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