Thinking of all this in despair, an unprecedented feeling of hatred slowly rose from Galen's heart.

It's all that woman!

Tang Nuan painted that woman, that vicious-hearted **** woman, she ruined her innocence! She should die, she should die!


Galen's hatred was about to explode, she couldn't help letting out a fierce scream, and her palm was tightly squeezed into a fist.

At the same time, at the entrance of this alley, Tang Yan'er was laughing while covering her mouth while listening to the screams of the woman inside, thinking she was a fool.

But it is also fortunate that this woman is stupid enough to be able to be easily trapped by her.

Humph, Tang Nuan draws, just wait and see for me.

If you dare to show off in front of me, I will definitely make you pay! Let's wait and see!

Thinking of this, Tang Yaner's mouth raised a sinister smile, and then she walked directly into the alley under the umbrella.

There was a sound of footsteps running through the puddle.

Hearing this sound, Galen thought it was the men who had just turned back, and immediately sat up vigilantly, buttoned all the buttons on his clothes, and quickly picked up a stone on the ground next to him.

I thought, if those people insulted her again, she would use this stone to kill herself.

As a result, it was a woman who walked in.

Tang Yan'er turned on the flashlight in the phone and walked in carefully step by step. When she saw Jialian, she deliberately took a step backwards pretending to be scared.

"My God, miss, why are you here?"

Seeing Garen sitting in the rain, drenched in the rain unscrupulously, she hurried forward and asked softly.

Galen took a step back vigilantly, staring sharply at the woman in front of him, "Who are you!"


Tang Yan'er clicked and said pretentiously, "Miss Sister, when I was passing the alley just now, I heard a girl screaming inside. I was worried that something might happen here, so I came in to take a look. "

"In the end, I didn't expect that someone really had an accident. Come on, Miss Sister, get up from the rain as soon as possible, but don't shower yourself."

Speaking of Tang Yan'er hurriedly stepped forward to support Jialian, and deliberately put an umbrella on Jialian's head to protect her from the rain, in an innocent and kind manner.

He didn't want to but was pushed away by Galen directly, "You get out of the way! Who wants your hypocrisy! Say, what do you want to do?"

"I...I didn't want to do anything, miss, I really just passed by here, oh, miss, have you been irritated for some time?" Tang Yan'er asked deliberately.

"I, I'm fine!" Galen hugged her body quickly, pretending to be safe and sound.

Tang Yan'er just wanted to laugh when she saw this scene, but on the surface she still showed extra worry.

Reaching out to support Garen, she said with concern, "Okay, you see that your eyes are crying and swollen, and a girl is sitting in the rain, even if you are fine now, you can catch a cold and fever soon Something has happened, so get up quickly. Where is your home and I will send you back?"

Without any explanation, Tang Yan'er helped Jia Lian up and comforted him like a confidant big sister.

Jialian was in a daze for a moment, looking at Tang Yan'er in front of her, she burst into tears, "Why are you helping me?"

"Isn't it easy? Because we are all girls, and this place is inherently unsafe, let's leave now." Tang Yaner said softly.

In an instant, a stream of heat poured into Jia Lian's heart, she suddenly turned her head and hugged Tang Yan'er severely, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Why, why are you also a girl, you can be so kind, but she wants to be so vicious!" Tears fell down, making Galen really hurt.

"She? Who is she?" Tang Yaner asked curiously.

Galen was unwilling to mention Tang Nuan's paintings or recalling the scene just now, but shook her head vigorously.

"Well, since you don't want to tell me, then don't say it. It's raining now. Let's find a place to avoid the rain." Tang Yaner said "acceptably", and then He supported Garen and walked under an eaves to shelter from the rain temporarily.

When the two of them were standing in a dry place, Tang Yaner asked intimately, "Where is your home, do you want me to send you back?"

"My home..." Galen hesitated for a while.

"Huh?" Tang Yaner was puzzled.

Not thinking about the next second, Galen smiled bitterly, "I am already a person without a home."

Since her home in Country S was destroyed by those villains, Jialian has no home anymore. The place Xu Mo found for her is just a rented house. How can it be regarded as her home? ?

A person who has no sense of belonging in his heart will not be considered home wherever he goes.

Thinking of this, Galen felt that her heart was filled with despair.

Hey, it seems that this woman still has some story.

Tang Yan'er on the side could not help but feel curiosity when she saw Jia Lian's depraved appearance.

However, in order to maintain the good image of her intimate sister, she did not rush to ask Jialian's life experience, but said thoughtfully, "If this is the case, then you should go to my house and take a hot bath first, etc. Tomorrow you are in a better mood, and it’s never too late to come back if you want to go home."


Galen thought that she had nowhere to go anyway, and the girl in front of her looked very gentle and kind, so she nodded weakly and agreed.

Next, Tang Yaner took Jialian back to her rented house.

The rent is in a high-end apartment, beautifully decorated, it is just a small villa. Although Tang Yan'er was driven out by Tang Nuan to live alone, she will never treat herself badly.

When Galen first walked into this rental house, she was a little shocked and couldn't help but murmur, "The decoration here is pretty careful."

"Yeah, there is no way, who asked my wicked sister to kick me out." Tang Yaner sneered.


Galen frowned when she heard this.

Tang Yan'er only noticed that her personal design had almost collapsed, and she quickly smiled and smiled softly again, "Oh, it's okay, every family has a hard-to-read scripture."

"But don't worry, I am safe here, and you can rest here at ease."

Pointing to the guest room to the side, Tang Yan'er was more considerate than ever, “There is the bathroom over there, all right, you can take a shower quickly, don’t catch a cold.”

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