Raising his hand, he directly took Tang Nuan's painting into his arms, and Li Jingyi took it for granted, "But I just like her, what's your opinion?"

"What?" The counterfeit was stunned.

She looked at the paintings of Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan incredulously, and asked strangely, "But Jing Yi, you, how could you like a third party?"

third party?

Hearing these three words, Li Jingyi and Tang Nuanhua looked at each other tacitly and smiled.

Then Tang Nuanhua turned his head and looked at the counterfeit in front of him coldly, with a touch of contempt at the corner of his mouth, "Miss, to be honest, I really don't know where your confidence came from. I wonder if you are under People have been brainwashed, do you really think you are me?"

Watching this woman speak nonsense here, and the thief shouted to catch the thief, Tang Nuan felt that his three views had been brushed with no lower limit.

"You guys, what do you mean!"

The counterfeit was obviously panicked right now, but she didn't expect to be dismantled by Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan painting on the spot. She bit her head and said fiercely, "Obviously I am the real Tang Nuan painting, and I am the real Jing Yi's. Fiancee, it's obviously you who occupied the magpie's nest! You "fake", the man who has occupied my company and wants to occupy me, do you have a conscience!

That eager tone, vivid expression, it was a great acting explosion!

For a moment, Tang Nuan snorted and didn't know how to argue with the woman in front of him.

At the beginning, she checked and found that this woman was most likely threatened by Tang Yan'er, so she had no choice but to pretend to be herself to bluff and deceive.

But now it seems that things are far from that simple.

This counterfeit seems to have been brainwashed, maybe she still thinks in her heart that she is the real Tang Nuan painting.

It's really funny, if she is the real Tang Nuan painting, who is she?

"After Jing Yi, I don't think we need to argue with this lady here anymore. You may not be on the same channel at all. It is useless to say more, right?" At the end, Tang Nuan raised his head to face Li Jingyi Smiled.

She knew that no matter how to communicate with this counterfeit, she couldn't communicate, so she didn't want to waste time here.

Li Jingyi also nodded, and gently touched Tang Nuan's painted hair, his eyes were very gentle, "Hungry?"


Tang Nuan painted aggrievedly, but then smiled brightly, "But I have prepared a bento for you. I made it by myself. It's delicious and delicious. Let's find a place to eat together. how about it?"

"it is good."

Li Jingyi agreed with one sip. Although he originally wanted to take Tang Nuan painting to try a new western restaurant, since Tang Nuan painting has already made two bento, Li Jingyi is naturally more willing to try Tang Nuan painting. craft.

After all, the western restaurant is open every day, and Li Jingyi has a lot of time to eat at any time, but the food cooked by Tang Nuan is very rare.

"Hey, let's go!"

Seeing that Li Jingyi had agreed so readily, Tang Nuanhua directly hooked his wrist and turned and left with a smile.

It's just that Tang Nuan painting suddenly turned around before taking two steps, with a solemn expression on the counterfeit who was standing there and exhorted, "By the way, I officially warn you!"

"Everyone has a bottom line. My bottom line is my father and my fiancé. If you dare to get close to Jing Yi or my father in the future, I promise you will eat for yourself!"


Upon hearing this, the counterfeit opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

However, Li Jingyi didn't give her a chance to speak, he added coldly, "Miss, remember that everything is adequate. When choosing a camp, you must also see who your enemy is. Remember, don't cut your own back. "

When Li Jingyi said this, his tone was extraordinarily elegant and ordinary.

But it was such a cold attitude that really made people feel scared.

How could a counterfeit not know that Li Jingyi, he is such a powerful person regardless of wealth or power, if once directed against herself, then she would definitely not be able to eat.

Maybe the family will also be implicated...

Thinking of this, the counterfeit couldn't help but sound the alarm in her heart. She pinched her finger with an uneasy expression, and her heart became completely contradictory.

"Hey, hello!"

When the counterfeit was in a daze, suddenly a hand stretched out and pushed her.

Tang Yan'er had already emerged from the dark for some time, seeing this woman standing on the side of the road in a daze, she couldn't help but stepped up and interrupted her, "What are you thinking about? What did they say to you just now."

"No, nothing." The fake shook his head.

"Nothing? I think they must have targeted you just now! Hmph, I didn't expect Tang Nuan to come over and destroy it at this time. It's really shameless." Tang Yan'er said angrily.

Originally, she was still thinking of letting this fake guy go to establish a relationship with Li Jingyi, who knew that Tang Nuan's paintings were still lingering and came here at this time.

What a shame!

But this doesn't mean that Tang Yan'er will give up. On the contrary, she doesn't believe that Tang Nuan painting will arrive in such a timely manner every time a counterfeit is close to Li Jingyi.

Humph, she can always take advantage of the danger!

Thinking about this, Tang Yan'er didn't think about that much anymore. She didn't want to look back but found that the expression of the counterfeit at this moment was a bit unpredictable, and the whole body was unpredictable.

Tang Yan'er couldn't help but condensed her eyebrows, and asked angrily, "Hey, aren't you afraid of it!"


The counterfeit wanted to say that she was not afraid, but she had to admit that she was indeed afraid.

Neither Li Jingyi nor Tang Nuan’s paintings are easy to provoke. She is worried that if she really offends them, then she will definitely not be able to eat and walk around. If it hurts her family, it will not pay off.

But here, Tang Yan'er is pressing hard again...

So... what should we do?

"Talk to you, are you deaf!"

The woman in front of him was slow to speak. Tang Yan'er became impatient and couldn't help but push her forward, "Hey, what do you mean? Isn't it the woman Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan said? A few words? This is all expected. What are you pretending to be weak here!"

"I, I didn't..."

Tang Yan'er sneered, "Don't you? Oh, you don't have you standing here like a wood, do you think you are posing?"

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