Can't help but raise his hand, the counterfeit slapped towards Tang Nuan's painting again, but the hand was only halfway up, and was suddenly stopped by Tang Nuan's painting.

"What do you want to do!"

Tang Nuan's paintings seemed to come from the ice cellar in a cold tone, and she sneered, "Want to hit someone again? It's a pity. If you want to hit someone, you have to see if you have that ability!"

When the words were over, Tang Nuanhua directly released the woman's hand heavily, and staggered the woman directly back for several steps.

Tang Nuanhua said politely, "Tell you, I have already practiced a black belt in Taekwondo, and my martial arts skills are no less than that of the contestants. If you dare to move me, or move Nanxiang behind me, I will do it today. Let you crawl out from here!"

Tang Nuan's words are not joking, she has never been a good soft persimmon, and if there is grudge, it is her style of action.

If this woman dared to do it arrogantly, Tang Nuan could not guarantee that she would stay sensible. He just hoped that this woman would not cry when she was beaten up to find her teeth.

"You, you, you are so deceiving!"

After being so scared by Tang Nuan's painting, the counterfeit really didn't dare to hit Tang Nuan's painting.

One hand was stiff in the air for a long time, and finally she could only put it down in frustration. Then she stared at Tang Nuan painting in disgust, "Tang Nuan painting, you wait for me, I won't let you go!"


Tang Nuan's painting readily agreed, and his tone was full of arrogance, "I want to see you, a fake, and what other methods can be used against me. If you can torture me, it will be yours. I'll wait and see what we can do."


The counterfeit was short of breath, but she couldn't compete with Tang Nuan's painting at all, so she carried her bag angrily and ran away.

Seeing this woman running away from the back, Tang Nuan painting finally felt very happy.

Humph, something that is beyond your capacity.

"Nanxiang, don't you feel better, show me your face!" After driving away the counterfeit, Tang Nuanhua now turned his attention to Lin Nanxiang's face.

After seeing the injury on Lin Nanxiang's face, Tang Nuan cursed in anger, "Damn! That woman is really cruel."

At this moment, in front of Tang Nuan's painting, Lin Nanxiang's face had been beaten up, **** and swollen, it was terrible.

Tang Nuan felt distressed when he saw Lin Nanxiang's injury, and quickly let Lin Nanxiang sit down on the sofa in the office, and then called his assistant, "Chu Chen."

"Yes!" Chu Chen ran in in two steps.

Tang Nuanhua said, "Hurry up and get me some ice packs. I want to make ice packs for Nanxiang."

"Yes." Chu Chen stepped back quickly.

Tang Nuanhua looked at Lin Nanxiang's face intently at this time, and her heart was full of guilt. The tough tone just now softened, she whispered, "I'm sorry Nanxiang, it's all because of me. It’s because of me that I’m not good enough to cause you to be given to by that woman..."

"Nuanhua, you must never say that." Tang Nuan was interrupted by Lin Nanxiang before he finished his painting.

Lin Nanxiang looked at Tang Nuan's painting very tenderly, and said, "None of us knows that the woman will do something suddenly, right? And you have already helped me take revenge just now, the slap you hit her is comparable to her It’s much harder to do it on me, hehe, it’s probably enough for her to hurt for a few days."

"Cut! I just started to lighten up."

Not to mention it's okay, as soon as the counterfeit Tang Nuan painting is mentioned.

She drummed her cheeks and said angrily, "We Nanxiang are people who even I can't bear to bully. Where can I get a fake from her to show off his power? Humph, if it wasn't for my kindness, as early as when she slapped you just now, I should chop off her hand."

This sentence is of course angry.

But after Lin Nanxiang listened, she felt particularly happy, because she knew that Tang Nuan painted this angrily, and she knew that Tang Nuan cared about herself very much, and she couldn't help feeling warm.

As soon as my heart warmed, the pain on my face didn't really mean anything.

Can't help but reach out and gently hug Tang Nuan's painting, Lin Nanxiang nestled his head on her shoulders, still comforting her warmly, "Okay, Nuanhua, isn't that woman already beaten by you? Calm down, girls are particularly prone to wrinkles if they are always angry, and wrinkles are not pretty."

"If you are not beautiful, you are not beautiful. The most important thing is how are you!"

Tang Nuanhua didn't worry about herself. She only knew that when she saw the pain on Lin Nanxiang's face, she felt sad for a while.

Gently stretched out his hand, Tang Nuanhua carefully pressed Lin Nanxiang’s face, and Lin Nanxiang whispered in pain, "hiss——"


Tang Nuanhua sighed helplessly, and said while sighing, "Why can a woman treat our Nanxiang like this? There are people in Nanxiang who love and love. Besides, we Nanxiang are people who have boyfriends. Well, if you let your boyfriend know this, how distressed would it be?"

"Hmph, when Bai Ye will come back, I must ask him to sue him for this kind of trick!" Tang Nuanhua said seriously, but she looked very cute.

When it came to the White Night, Lin Nanxiang couldn't help but shy.

She gently pushed a handful of Tang Nuan's painting, her tone was soft and waxy, "Nuanhua, what do you think he does?"

"Hey, didn't I just want to make you happy?" Tang Nuan painted a silly smile.

She knew that Lin Nanxiang would be happy as long as she talked about White Night.


At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

Chu Chen had found the ice cube according to Tang Nuan's painting and hurried back.

After entering the door, he put the ice cubes on the table, "Miss Gu, manager, quickly apply some ice cubes to reduce the swelling."

"Okay, thank you." Lin Nanxiang smiled gently to express his thanks.

Then Tang Nuanhua took the ice cube to help Lin Nanxiang patiently reduce the swelling.

As the swelling subsided, the two of them talked about today's affairs.

Lin Nanxiang asked with some worry, "Nuanhua, do you think we should come up with a strategy? We can't let that counterfeit continue to run wild like this."

"It's time to think of a way." Tang Nuanhua nodded, feeling that Lin Nanxiang was right.

"Then what should we do?" Lin Nanxiang asked hesitantly.

She doesn't know how to deal with counterfeit goods, she only knows that this is absolutely impossible to develop.

After all, this counterfeit has become more and more effective. Before, she was rampant in foreign videos, and then moved to China, and now it is transferred to the company, trying to control the Tang Group step by step.

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