
No ghost would believe this.

A sneer appeared on his handsome and cold face, after which Li Jingyi didn't bother to talk with Song Yijun anymore.

He looked at Song Yijun directly with cold eyes, and approached her again step by step, with a cold tone that made people shiver, "I have warned you once, Song Yijun, I don't want to warn you again! Give me away from Tang Nuan. Draw a little further and don't make any crooked thoughts, otherwise, I want you to die without a place to be buried!"

Dead nothing. Buried. place.

The lethality brought about by this sentence is really too great.

When Song Yijun heard the sentence that there is no place to bury his body, his whole body couldn't help shaking, and he took a step back suddenly.

She looked at Li Jingyi incredulously, her eyes full of consternation, "Jing Yi, you, do you really want to be so unfeeling? Are you really, can't you trust me once? Even a little trust is fine. , Am I so untrustworthy in your heart?"

I don't know what I said, it sounds like a big joke.

Li Jingyi not only would not be soft-hearted, but only thought Song Yijun was funny and funny. Why should he believe in Song Yijun, such a person who has done all the bad things?

Therefore, Li Jingyi didn't mean to give Song Yijun any face, his tone was indifferent, "Go away, don't let me see you two again, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

"Heh, hehe..."

Song Yijun sneered at this moment, as if he finally understood what it meant to be self-inflicted.

I thought that as long as he spoke well, he could make Li Jingyi more or less soft-hearted. It seemed that he was too affectionate.

"Forget it, let's go, don't get in the way of others' eyes here."

Turning around directly, Song Yijun was disappointed, pulling Gu Jun to leave.

At this moment, Gu Jun was angry, and he shouted directly, "Wait!"

Song Yijun and Li Jingyi couldn't help but froze at the same time. After that, they looked at Gu Jun, only to realize that Gu Jun's face had actually flushed red without knowing when.

In fact, just now Gu Jun watched Li Jingyi treat Song Yijun so indifferently, the anger in his heart was already rising.

God knows what kind of baby Song Yijun is in his Gu Jun heart!

Why is his treasure being so ruined and not cherished in others?

All this is to blame on the **** Li Jingyi, and the man in front of him who doesn't know good or bad!

Thinking of this, Gu Jun's eyes suddenly surged with anger, and directly squeezed a fist at Li Jingyi and smashed it directly.

"Ah!" Song Yijun's throat tightened in fright.

Without thinking about the next second, Li Jingyi stretched out his hand quickly, his five fingers directly pinched Gu Jun's neck firmly and accurately, his eyes were full of violent flames, as if death was full of killing intent!

After that, Li Jingyi abruptly lifted a huge figure like this.


Song Yijun looked dumbfounded at this scene. This was the first time she had seen Li Jingyi burst into such a big fire.

Moreover, with so much strength, Li Jingyi actually lifted a figure as big as Gu Jun directly into the air?

Suddenly, Gu Jun was angry just now. In front of Li Jingyi's full body, he was crushed overwhelmingly, and he was the only one left to struggle in pain.

"Ahem, ahem..."

Li Jingyi's fingers were pinching tighter and tighter, and Gu Jun felt that he was about to lose his breath, his face was completely red from his neck to the base of his ears this time.

Li Jingyi still looked so gloomy and cold, and his words were full of chills, like a sharp blade across Song Yijun's heart, "How about it, I still don't want to give up, right?"

Song Yijun was almost silly.

Watching Gu Jun helplessly, he was lifted up a little bit in Li Jingyi's hand, breathing a little bit weakly, nearly asphyxiated...

Where did Song Yijun dare to contend with Li Jingyi, she hurriedly softened her tone, tears almost frightened, "I'm sorry Jing Yi, I'm sorry Jing Yi is my fault, don't be like this, I beg you to calm down, OK? I was wrong. Can’t I make a mistake!"

"Wrong? Where did you go wrong?" Li Jingyi asked without changing his face.

"I, I was wrong, I shouldn’t be here, I shouldn’t have come to Nuan Painting, it’s my fault, I’m wrong, I promise you, I won’t be close to Tang Nuan painting in the future. Okay? You quickly put the person down, you quickly put him down."

While speaking, Song Yijun almost cried.

The tears were not only scared, but also reluctant to give up to Gu Jun. She was worried that Gu Jun would be strangled to death like this. She was really terrified.

Over the past year, Gu Jun has been following her with all his heart, and said exactly what she said. It can be said that he is so loyal and efficient in doing things...

If he loses Gu Jun in this way, Song Yijun can't imagine how sad and broken he will be.

Therefore, Song Yijun would rather put down her figure and keep begging, "Jing Yi, I didn't do it right, can I make it better in the future? Just let go of him, he is really going to be choked to death by you..."

Hearing this, and seeing Song Yijun crying like a pear with rain, Li Jingyi finally gave a cold snort.

So he let go, letting a guy as big as Gu Jun just sit on the ground like that.

After that, Li Jingyi ruthlessly left his last sentence, "Song Yijun, I hope you can always remember your confession today, remember this lesson I gave you today, and don’t make trouble again from now on, otherwise, I’ll be rude to you. !"

After speaking, Li Jingyi never gave Song Yijun a chance to speak again, and went straight back to the ward, closed the door of the ward, and put the lock on the way.

"Jing Yi..."


At this time, Gu Jun, who fell to the ground, looked at Song Yijun in embarrassment, and saw her tears continue to fall, and he was very distressed.

Climbing to the side of Song Yijun quickly and hard, Gu Jun stretched out his hand, hurriedly wiped away tears for Song Yijun, and constantly comforted, "I'm sorry, miss, it's me who is not good, but I am unable to protect you, sorry..."


Before he finished speaking, Song Yijun slapped him severely while crying.

She angrily said, "You useless thing, why don't you stand up for me and be embarrassed here!?"


Gu Jun did not dare to delay, and quickly stood up from the ground supporting his body.

It was just that the short-term hypoxia had not recovered, he had to feel a little dizzy, but he still barely supported himself to stay awake, and then hurriedly left the hospital with Song Yijun.

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