Along the way, Song Yijun didn't know what was wrong, tears just couldn't stop streaming.

Gu Jun thought that Song Yijun was crying for his own affairs, and couldn't help feeling very guilty in his heart, so he had to continue to comfort him, "I'm sorry, miss, it's all my bad, it's all my bad, but I, I originally wanted I came to relieve you, I..."


Suddenly, Gu Jun slapped himself severely.

Song Yijun was stunned by the slap. She stopped her tears and looked at Gu Jun a little strangely, "What are you doing? There is something wrong, why beat yourself!"

"Sorry Miss, I just don't know how to apologize to you, I, I know I did something wrong, if this makes you feel better, then just hit me a few more times!" Gu Jun gritted his teeth.

He is a big man, he doesn't know how to make girls happy, so he can only use this method to make Song Yijun vent his anger.

Facts have proved that this trick is still somewhat useful.

Song Yijun just cried loudly because she felt wronged in her heart. No one knows what she has gone through this year and what kind of devil training she has experienced.

This year, she was banished to a small island that was uninhabited and undetectable by satellites, where she had been trained as a devil for a whole year.

This kind of training is not only aimed at her body, but also at her heart, and the method of training is to make life worse than death.

Every day and every day, Song Yijun was so tired that she almost wanted to die, but she still forced herself to be strong, so that one day, she could be neither humble nor overbearing in front of Li Jingyi, and calm and calm in front of Tang Nuan's paintings. In front of all powerful people, all are as stable as Mount Tai.

Just like a person with no weakness, and then defeat all the people he hates one by one.

But today she suddenly discovered that her training was not completely successful, and she found that even after training, she still seemed not so strong.

She thought she could raise her head proudly in front of Li Jingyi, but in the end she didn't do it.

That's why she couldn't stop crying after confessing to Li Jingyi's mistake. In fact, the tears were full of her disappointment in herself.

However, at this moment, seeing Gu Jun lowering his head and looking humble in front of him, Song Yijun suddenly felt that this should not be the case.

In any case, the devil training of that year has passed, no matter whether the training was successful or failed, she is no longer the stupid Song Yijun back then.

Today she can accept failure, but she can never accept her cowardly crying.

So soon, Song Yijun regained her senses. She forced herself to hold back her tears, forcing herself to take back all those shameful fragility, and then regained a light smile on her face.

The transformation of the whole process turned out to be so simple and rapid.

"Miss, you finally laughed!"

Seeing that Song Yijun finally returned to normal, Gu Jun didn't know how happy he was in an instant.

He knew that his own lady is absolutely good, and she won't be crushed by the little frustration just now!

"But miss, can I ask you a more private question? After you listen, can you not be angry with me?" Suddenly, Gu Jun asked cautiously.

"You ask." Song Yijun finally adjusted his mental state, and his tone became much easier.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jun asked another very untimely question.

He bit his head and asked softly, "Miss, I want to know what feelings you have for Li Jingyi now? You have always liked this person before, so what about you now..."

After asking the question, Gu Jun immediately fell silent.

He looked at Song Yijun in front of him cautiously, feeling particularly uneasy in his heart, thinking Miss ah miss, you must not tell me you still like him...

Fortunately, when Song Yijun heard this, he was taken aback for a while, and then sneered, "No, how could it be possible? How could I still like someone like Li Jingyi?"

"Although I did stupidly affect him in the past, and even targeted Tang Nuan's paintings for him countless times, but now that I think about it, my feelings for him are just out of unwillingness. It's reluctant, after all, there are really very few good men like him."

But so what?

Song Yijun finally realized that everyone has his own destiny, and things that do not belong to him will never belong to him in his lifetime.

"In short, I won't like this man anymore, don't worry, I won't ask for trouble." After saying this, Song Yijun smiled bitterly, and then said nothing more.

"That's good."

When Gu Jun heard Song Yijun's words, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, there is no other reason why he has been with Song Yijun silently over the past year, but because he fell in love with Song Yijun, so he wants to be by her side all the time and become her right-hand man.

As long as he can do everything for her, good and bad, he will accept it all.

For Gu Jun, as long as it was for Song Yijun, he was not afraid of going up to the sword mountain or going down to the sea of ​​fire. The thing he was most afraid of was probably that she had a sense of belonging.

Now, hearing Song Yijun vowed to promise that he would not like Li Jingyi, Gu Jun was relieved.

"Miss, what plans do you have next?"

Thinking about it, Gu Jun asked again, "Couldn't you really not take revenge just because of the words just said?"

"Hmph, of course it's impossible." Song Yijun suddenly smiled, "You don't know my character."

When he was being trained by the devil, Song Yijun would have been almost unable to survive if it were not for the hatred of Tang Nuan painting in his heart.

Now that she has finally survived, how can she just let it go?

Tang Nuan painting is her lifelong enemy. After all, if it weren't for Tang Nuan painting, she wouldn't be forced into desperation step by step. Therefore, for Tang Nuan painting, she would never give up so easily!

"It seems that the young lady's heart has not changed, so I can rest assured."

Seeing Song Yijun's firm appearance, Gu Jun couldn't help feeling relieved.

Then I analyzed it rationally, "But, miss, what are you going to do this time? Now Li Jingyi seems to be tightly guarding Tang Nuan's painting, I'm afraid you won't be able to start."

"Yeah, you are right, it's really hard to start."

Nodding noncommittal, Song Yijun admitted that Gu Jun made sense.

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