Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1462: You are finally back

But since I met Tang Nuan painting here, Song Yijun's heart suddenly became more determined. It's time for her to return to China!

Over the past year, she has been hiding in the lonely island without seeing the sun. After training so hard for such a long time, she has been exhausted long ago, but she has also developed all the skills.

Now if she doesn't return to the country, it doesn't make sense for her to stay outside. It's better to go back sooner and regain everything that should belong to her!

Thinking about this, Song Yijun's eyes became much firmer, and after that he did not hesitate anymore and returned to China.


In the evening, Li Yuan.

After Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan got off the plane, they went straight home. When they got home, the housekeeper, Mrs. Li, saw that the two of them came back after only two days of travel. They couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Master, Madam, why are you coming back so soon? Up?"

Tang Nuanhua breathed a sigh of relief, and could hear her helpless, "I encountered some troubles when I was abroad, what else can I do if I don't come back?"

"Is that so?" Aunt Li murmured and didn't ask much.

He just went back to the kitchen and warmed up some food for Li Jingyi and Tang Nuanhua, then brought the fragrant food to the restaurant, and called Li Jingyi and Tang Nuanhua to eat.

During the meal, both Li Jingyi and Tang Nuanhua didn't speak tacitly, perhaps because they were too tired. After eating, they washed and fell asleep.

On the other side, An Family Mansion.

Song Yijun was pulling his suitcase, standing at the door of the An family at this moment, looking at this long-awaited reunion place, feeling inexplicably in his heart.

She thought to herself, I'm back, I'm finally back!

Gu Jun, his subordinate, followed at this time and saw Song Yijun standing at the door for a long time and refused to enter. He could not help but urged, "Miss, why don't you go in at the door? Mrs. An is still waiting for you inside. "

"Okay, let's go in." Song Yijun nodded, and then took Gu Jun into the house with him.

At this moment, in the living room of the mansion.

An Ruoqing had already eaten and drank now. After washing and washing, she was bored and sat on the sofa watching TV series, with a golden mask on her face, just like a lady.

At this moment, the servant suddenly exclaimed from outside the door, "Miss, Mr. Gu, you are back!"

? ! !

Hearing this sound, An Ruoqing immediately turned his head and looked in the direction of the door, and then saw Song Yijun and Gu Jun walking in with strides.

After entering the door, Song Yijun first smiled at his aunt, then greeted softly, "Auntie, I'm back."

In an instant, An Ruoqing was almost speechless with excitement, "Child, you are back!!!"

With her eyes and nostrils widened, the mask on her face couldn't hang in an instant, and it fell directly on the ground. However, An Ruoqing didn't care about the mask. She looked at her niece in amazement, almost excited. Cry.

Suddenly, she rushed straight up and hugged Song Yijun tightly, and put Song Yijun into her arms, "Yijun, you are finally back, you are finally back!"

"Yes, I finally came back." Song Yijun smiled lightly, feeling calmer.

Then she turned back and patted her aunt gently on the back, and asked in a warm voice, "Auntie, it's been a long time, how have you been recently?"

"Well, good, good, how could auntie be bad! It's you, how are you doing this year?" An Ruoqing said, letting go of Song Yijun, her eyes full of concern for Song Yijun.

This is also Song Yijun’s long-lost feeling of warmth, and then he smiled and said indifferently, "In fact, this year I have not been very well, every day is very, very tired, tired to die, but now I come back If I can live with my aunt in the future, everything will be fine."

This remark was undoubtedly full of flattering.

Sure enough, An Ruoqing laughed happily, then patted Song Yijun on the shoulder and said, "Yijun, it seems that you have grown a lot now! Not only has you become a lot more stable, your mouth has also become particularly sweet. It can be regarded as auntie not hurting you in vain."


Song Yijun smiled humbly, "Thank you, auntie for your cultivation. Without you, there would be no where I am today."

After that, Song Yijun suddenly felt that her stomach was a little hungry, so she asked the servant next to him, "Is there anything to eat at home? If so, can you please help me warm it up? I'll fly back in the afternoon. Haven't eaten anything yet."

"Have you heard, go and cook something for the young lady, hurry!" An Ruoqing urged.

Wherever the servant dared to delay, he nodded quickly, "Yes, I will go now." Then he hurried into the kitchen and started cooking.

An Ruoqing pulled Song Yijun, and the two sat down on the sofa together, and then began a cold and warm meal.

I saw An Ruoqing first glanced at Song Yijun up and down, and then nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, not only has your figure become better this year, but your face has also become more beautiful. But, did you just do it? Fine-tuned?"

"Ah, I didn't expect such a small detail to be discovered by you, Auntie." Song Yijun laughed.

In fact, when Song Yijun came back this time, she was indeed a lot more beautiful than before. Although she was still pretty in the past, the facial features on her face were relatively tough, which couldn't give people a very soft feeling.

Now, after Song Yijun has done fine-tuning, the contours on his face have become much softer, and the areas where the facial features are not refined enough have become more refined...

In general, she can't find any faults in her facial features.

An Ruoqing was very satisfied with this point, and then began to change the subject and talked about some business affairs, "By the way, Yijun, I have arranged your identity after you come back this time, and will return it to you. I have prepared a piece of information that is unique to you, so please take a look first."

When the voice fell, An Ruoqing turned his head and said to the servant next to him, "Go, get the portfolio on the desk in my room."


The servant nodded, then went to An Ruoqing's room and brought the portfolio.

He took the portfolio easily, and then Song Yijun took out a file from the portfolio and conducted some research.

The name An Ruohan, 23 years old, graduated from Harrison University in the United States, has obtained a master's degree in finance and sociology abroad, and is an out-and-out returnee elite...

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