The most important thing is that she is the adopted daughter of An Ruoqing and the only daughter of the dignified Luo Family.

Looking at the file in his hand, Song Yijun gradually showed a smile on his face, obviously very satisfied with the arrangement of this identity.

However, she hesitated and asked again, "Auntie, although you have created a fake identity for me now, my appearance has not changed so much, in case someone else recognizes it. ,What should I do?"

Although Song Yijun's identity can be faked now, her face is still the same, even if some fine-tuning is made, only some details are changed, and the overall difference is not very big.

So Song Yijun was a little worried, if she was recognized, wouldn't it be a big trouble?

"Heh, Yijun, you don't have to worry about these things anymore. Auntie, since I will let you go back to China, I will naturally help you settle everything in order, and I won't make you worry about it." An Ruoqing promised at this time.

In fact, An Ruoqing had already made a lot of preparations in order to prepare Song Yijun to come back. Even if someone recognized Song Yijun's appearance, no one would be able to show evidence that she was the former Miss Song Family.

What if it arouses public opinion then? As long as Song Yijun insists that he is An Ruohan and not Song Yijun, who can come to her trouble?

There are so many people in this world who look alike, who would dare to find someone convicted with just one face?

So Song Yijun doesn't have to worry about this matter.

"Huh—I'm relieved if you have said that, Auntie." Song Yijun nodded at this moment, which was considered a lot of worry.

"However, my ugly words are ahead." After a pause, An Ruoqing suddenly added another sentence.

I saw her originally kind face, and her tone became gloomy in an instant, and her tone became colder. "Yijun, you also know what auntie has been to you for so long, and what auntie almost did. I've been thoughtful and thoughtful for you, and the aunt has always treated you as my own daughter, so Yijun, this time, you promised not to disappoint the aunt, okay?"


"Auntie assures you that after you return to China this time, if you want to do anything, Auntie will support you! However, I only have one request, that is, you must work hard for me to take back the Song Group!" An Ruoqing said suddenly and forcefully.

In fact, the Song Group has always been a knot in An Ruoqing's heart.

An Ruoqing will always remember her sister, Song Yijun's mother. She was so embarrassed and helpless when she was driven out of the house by the Song family's mother and daughter! Later, her death was inseparable from the family.

So if An Ruoqing didn't help her sister for this grudge, she would not be willing anyway.

This time when Song Yijun came back, An Ruoqing didn't do anything else. She only hoped that Song Yijun could cheer up and take over the Song Group for her mother personally, and bring back the things that belonged to her sister!

Just this is enough.

"Auntie, please rest assured this time!" At this time, Song Yijun seemed to have made up his mind too, and his tone became extra firm.

She promised to say, "In fact, when I came back this time, I had already thought about this problem. The Song Group originally belonged to me and my mother, so the first thing I would do after I came back was It is inevitable to retake the Song Group.

No, not only that, I will not let my mother suffer the grievances of the past in vain! I will surely make them pay back ten times a hundred times for the harm that the Song family caused to their mother in the past! I want them, pay the price! "

"Okay! It's great for you to think so!"

Hearing Song Yijun say this, An Ruoqing felt that there was hope in her heart for the first time, and she was willing to give Song Yijun the greatest support.

She thought with satisfaction that the Song Group, this thing belonging to her sister, should finally be taken back!


The next day, the Tang Group.

After Tang Nuanhua woke up early in the morning, he found that Li Jingyi had gotten up early to go to the company, so he hurriedly got up to wash up and went to the company.

After arriving at the company, the employees greeted Tang Nuan painting one by one, and Tang Nuan painting responded with a faint smile.

After Tang Nuanhua went to her office, Lin Nanxiang was dealing with work. As soon as she looked up and saw Tang Nuanhua, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, but she was a little strange, "Nuanhua, you are not traveling to the Maldives. Why? How come back in such a short time."


When he mentioned this matter, Tang Nuan painting felt a very headache, so he had to say unhappily, "Actually, I encountered some bad things in the Maldives, otherwise I wouldn't be back in such a hurry. . Guess, who did I meet over there?"

"Who?" Lin Nanxiang asked in confusion.

Tang Nuanhua had to shrug his shoulders and said speechlessly, "I actually met Song Yijun there, don't you think it was bad luck?"

"What, Song Yijun!!!"

Lin Nanxiang was shocked when he heard this name.

She hasn't heard the name for a long time, it seems that it has been a whole year, but even after a year, Lin Nanxiang heard Song Yijun's name, his eyes were still full of dislike, "How come you meet To her? How is this a little bit of bad luck, this is simply bad luck, okay?"

"Isn’t it... But what’s even more unfortunate is that I was kicked in a mess over there. This kick took me to the hospital directly. You say it’s amazing. "Tang Nuanhua said helplessly.

"Ah? How could someone get kicked, what is going on?" Lin Nanxiang was confused now.

She thought to herself that Nuanhua went to travel? Traveling is supposed to be a happy thing, how could she encounter so many things?

Tang Nuan painting was also very helpless, so he slowly carried the bag, returned to his seat and sat down, then put the bag aside, and then told Lin Nanxiang what had happened in the Maldives these two days.

"My God! How could something like this happen! You finally decided to go out for a trip, and as a result, so many setbacks occurred, it's really..."

After hearing the ins and outs of the incident, Lin Nanxiang cast a sympathetic look at Tang Nuan's painting.

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