Song Yijun still looked innocent, and smiled flatly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bully you. I just told the truth. You are so irritable and sensitive. What is it that you are so irritable and sensitive?"


"Also, who told you that I returned to China to deal with Nuan Painting, please, I just returned to my hometown to live, is there any problem? What does it have to do with you?"

"Besides, I haven't come back for a whole year, and all the grievances and grievances in the past should be cut off. Now in my eyes, Nuanhua is just an old friend of mine. I have no need or energy to deal with it. Nuanhua, don't be so passionate, okay?"

Anyway, according to Song Yijun's intention, when she returned to China this time, she had nothing to do with Tang Nuan's painting, nor did she have any intention to target Tang Nuan's painting.

For a while, Lin Nanxiang was a little surprised.

Can't believe Song Yijun's words are true, she asked incredulously, "Song Yijun, don't you pretend to be! You are coming back this time, really not malicious?"

"Ha! It's really funny, you like to think about it by yourself, why do you put this **** basin on my head?" Song Yijun sneered disdainfully.


"Also, didn't you just ask me why I was here? I told you that, in fact, like you, I came here to buy food. Is there any problem? Don't I even have the right to eat? Is it?" Song Yijun asked indifferently.


Lin Nanxiang suddenly had nothing to say.

After all, Song Yijun was so hard-talking, she was indeed ignorant.

In the end, Lin Nanxiang breathed a sigh of relief, but still coldly warned Song Yijun, "Anyway, no matter what, it's better to be honest with me when you come back. Don't think about anything to do with the warm painting, otherwise I won't let it go. By yours!"

"haha ok."

Song Yijun agreed lightly, but his eyes were clearly proud.

At this time, Gu Jun had already bought food and returned.

After he packed some food, he ran back to Song Yijun and said, "Miss, I have already bought the food. Haven't you been hungry long ago? Let's go back and eat."

"Okay, let's go."

Song Yijun smiled faintly, then took Gu Jun and left without looking back.

Only Tang Nuan painting and Lin Nanxiang stood in place, looking at Song Yijun's back, there was something strange in their hearts.

"Damn it!"

Lin Nanxiang thought for a while, but still felt a little angry.

She turned her head and asked Tang Nuanhua, "Nuanhua, do you believe what she said just now? Do you believe that she is really not malicious when she comes back this time?"

"What do you think?" Tang Nuan painted a little smile.

"I don't believe it anyway!"

Lin Nanxiang said angrily, and added, "And did you find out that Song Yijun's return this time seems to be different. I always feel like she has changed."

"Where has it changed?"

"Just...I don't know clearly anyway, but I just feel that Song Yijun's aura has changed." Lin Nanxiang said in a daze.

In fact, she couldn't tell what kind of feeling she felt in her heart, but from the first sight of Song Yijun, she felt that Song Yijun was no longer the Song Yijun she used to be.

The former Song Yijun always deliberately pretended to look like a white lotus, approaching everyone in a friendly manner, and then using others calmly.

It can be said that her favorite thing is to stab others in the back.

But the current Song Yijun looks very generous, and he is very confident in his words, as if he is very confident.

It's really different from before.

"Oh! Nuanhua, anyway, we can't take it lightly anyway. After all, you are pregnant with a baby now, so you can't neglect it. Let's take a long time."

In the end, Lin Nanxiang had to seriously exhort.

"Ok, I know."

Tang Nuanhua nodded, actually knowing it all.

Of course she wouldn't believe Song Yijun's words. Did Song Yijun say that she didn't have any bad intentions, so she really didn't have any bad intentions?

Song Yijun has always been a double-faced person, and God knows what she will do secretly.

Therefore, even if Lin Nanxiang does not remind, Tang Nuan painting will always remain vigilant.

After that, Tang Nuanhua lost her appetite for some reason, thinking that Song Yijun ordered something in the Zhejiang Sichuan restaurant, she suddenly didn't want to eat here.

Simply pulled Lin Nanxiang's hand, "Forget Nanxiang, let's go back to the company and eat other things."

"Okay!" Lin Nanxiang nodded, so they also left.

At this time, Song Yijun had returned to his car, and saw Tang Nuan painting and Lin Nanxiang leaving in the car.

A chuckle suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth, "They are really two stupid women, they are so stupid."

Gu Jun silently picked up vegetables for her and asked, "Miss, what are your plans next?"

"Plan? Did you forget what Auntie said to me yesterday?"

Song Yijun rubbed his eyebrows and said, "The most important thing right now, of course, is to take back the Song Group first. Also, didn't I ask you to prepare a recent financial statement of the Song Group? You prepared it. How's it going?"

"Oh, please rest assured, this lady. I have paid for the core employees of the Finance Department. He has backed up the financial statements of the Song Group in the past year. Please check it yourself."

Gu Jun took out his mobile phone as he said, and then turned over the financial statement file to Song Yijun.

Song Yijun took his mobile phone carelessly, and then checked it carefully.

After reading it, Song Yijun’s eyes were full of contempt and disdain, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth. “I really don’t know how Song Qianying managed the company over the past year. The company was managed by her like this. Didn't she even find out her problem?"

Speaking of Song Yijun, he threw the phone back to Gu Jun directly.

Gu Jun quickly picked up the phone, but some did not understand Song Yijun's words, "Miss, I have read this financial statement. It seems there is no problem."

As soon as he said the words, he was scolded by Song Yijun, "What do you understand, you!"

"I'm sorry..." Gu Jun lowered his head quickly.

Song Yijun was still unwilling and said directly dissatisfied, "Don't you see that Song Qianying is too easy to be satisfied! Other companies are working hard to move up, what about her? What has she done? Are the results coming!"

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