To put it bluntly, Song Yijun is a wanted criminal in China so far, how could he dare to do such a sensational thing?

Not to mention, Song Yijun doesn't have that ability at all.

So Tang Nuanhua seriously doubted whether Song Qianying made a mistake.

She couldn't help asking suspiciously, "Miss Song, are you making a mistake? As far as I know, Song Yijun is totally incapable of destroying the Song Group. Anyway, your Song Group is also a well-known large company in the industry. With years of foundation, how could it be possible in just a few days..."

Before she finished speaking, Song Qianying began to sob again.

Tang Nuan's painting had to be interrupted, and then she and Lin Nanxiang looked at Song Qianying, waiting for Song Qianying to follow.

Sure enough, Song Qianying quickly whispered and said, "Miss Tang, I'm afraid you don't know the truth yet."

The truth of the matter? Tang Nuan's painting is even stranger.

Song Qianying continued to cry, and then said everything in a whisper, "If it was Song Yijun back then, of course she would not have the ability to destroy our company. After all, our Song Group can’t be compared with today’s thriving Tang Group. , But it can be regarded as an old sign for many years, and it will not be shaken so easily."

"But, but now Song Yijun, she is no longer the Song Yijun back then!

She has now changed her identity, and she has become the president of the top company Luoshi Group and the adopted daughter of Luo Tianji! Do you think that with the Luoshi Group's ability, Song Yijun would not have this ability to retaliate against me? "

what? ? ?

Rockwell Group? ? ?

Adopted daughter? ? ?

Hearing these unfamiliar words, Tang Nuan's painting was completely stunned, and he said in his heart what it was all about.

Unable to frown fiercely, Tang Nuanhua asked calmly, "Miss Song, can you please elaborate on the matter? What the **** is going on! If you don't make it clear, I can't help you."

"Well, since Miss Tang you still don't know the situation, then I will tell you all about it!" Song Qianying nodded vigorously.

After that, Song Qianying stopped sobbing, wiped away tears, calmed down, and explained all the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Things began to change three days ago.

At that time, Song Qianying didn't know what was going on, only that suddenly, a project under the Song Group was inexplicably poached away.

At the beginning, Song Qianying was only shocked, but it was not too strange. After all, it was common for colleagues to dig each other's corners occasionally.

So Song Qianying stayed calm and went to check the specific situation.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the person who took away his customers was actually the top technology company-Rock Group!

As we all know, the Rockwell Group has always been an uncontested large enterprise.

Although not as well-known as the Li Group in the world, and even less impressive as the Li Group, the strength of their company should not be underestimated.

Because their company is doing business in the transportation technology category, and the associated partners have a background that cannot be underestimated.

This has also led to the fact that even though the Rockwell Group is not well-known, it has always been a big technology company that no one can surpass.

So the question is, why should such a large company dig out their customers from the Song Group? Why bother to **** these small businesses from the Song Group?

At that time, Song Qianying couldn't figure it out, so she had to put the matter on hold for the time being, as if she had suffered a dumb loss.

As a result, things got worse.

Gradually, the company's projects, whether large or small, were poached one by one, and some of them were even old partners of the Song Group who had cooperated for many years!

Song Qianying finally panicked, and hurried to investigate what happened, only to learn that it was the Luoshi Group that had actually dug out all the projects of the Song Group!

In the end, what is left to the Song Group is only a bunch of messy projects that were left behind in the middle of the process!

All of the Song Group’s capital chain was disconnected overnight.

Song Qianying was going crazy at the time, she wondered if she had offended the Luo Family? Why is such a big company going against their Song Group? Is it necessary?

Until yesterday afternoon, Song Yijun came to visit in person!

She wore expensive clothes and appeared arrogantly at the Song's house, shocking Song Qianying's mother Lin Jiaohua and Song Laozi.

After that, Lin Jiaohua almost didn't hesitate to pick up the broom in the kitchen, planning to drive away Song Yijun.

While rushing to her, he shouted, "You broom star, who asked you to come to my house! Get out of me! Get out!"

Unexpectedly, in the next second, a man next to Song Yijun, Gao Mada's subordinate, suddenly stepped forward and directly took away the broom from Lin Jiaohua's hand, and slammed the broom on Lin Jiaohua's head with his backhand.

As a result, Lin Jiaohua fell to the ground feebly, his head was smashed, and blood shed on the neckline.

"mom, Mom, Mom!"

When Song Qianying and Song Qianran saw this, they all rushed up crazy in an instant, trying to fight Song Yijun, but they were put down by Song Yijun's men, especially Song Qianran's hand, which was directly broken.

After that, Song Yijun laughed arrogantly in front of them, "I'm sorry a few, I didn't mean to bully you, I just came to get back what belongs to me."

After that, Song Yijun proudly took out a real estate certificate and smiled indifferently, "I'm sorry, the community you live in is all under my name. I will recycle your house at a high price and transform it into one. Playground, so please move out as soon as possible, okay?"

"Song Yijun, you unfilial daughter, do you know what you are doing!"

At this time, Song Huinian, the old man who had been motionless, finally couldn't sit still. He rushed over with a cane, gave Song Yijun a slap, and said angrily, "If you have the ability, you can tell me what I just said and say it again. !"


Suddenly, Song Yijun sneered.

But he was not angry. He just returned to look at his father indifferently, "What are you?"

Then he raised his hand and slapped his old father unpreparedly! He directly slapped the old father to the ground.

"Song Yijun, you are crazy, you are crazy!!! How can you beat Dad, how can you!"

Song Qianying yelled in shock. He didn't expect that Song Yijun, the woman, went crazy and even beat her old father!

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