Only she knows how much Song Yijun hates Tang Nuan painting.

This year, she hid on that little island with no sky, and received a whole year of training.

Three hundred and sixty-five days of devil training, there is no day Song Yijun doesn't want to die.

However, whenever she thought of not seeking revenge on Tang Nuanhua, Song Yijun burst into hatred!

She told herself, Song Yijun, you can't die!

Tang Nuan painted that woman and killed you like this. She didn't die. Why are you going to die?

You must survive, and then go to Tang Nuanhua for revenge!

She ruined everything you have, then you have to ruin everything she owns, because this is the price she should pay for Tang Nuan painting!

In this way, Song Yijun finally survived with hatred.

Now that Song Yijun has finally returned to China, he has also taken back his company, and has such a brand new identity, how can he forget his deep hatred?

This time, she had made up her mind to take revenge, and no one could stop it!

"Well, Yijun, now that I have decided to take revenge, the aunt will naturally not stop you."

An Ruoqing said sympathetically at this time, "However, Auntie also wants to remind you in advance that your road to revenge may not be so easy. If you can avoid head-on confrontation, you should try to avoid it.

And you must remember not to act recklessly, and don't just do it yourself. After all, the Li Group is not that easy to deal with. "

"Of course, if it is a last resort and has to face-to-face confrontation, Auntie will definitely stand on your side unconditionally. You can rest assured of this."

After all, this is An Ruoqing's only niece, and An Ruoqing has been childless, so naturally he treats this niece as her own daughter.

Although she can't directly avenge her niece, at least, she can still be her solid backing.

"Really? Thank you Auntie, thank you so much!"

After listening to Song Yijun, he immediately thanked his aunt gratefully, and was very happy.

After all, with the help of an aunt, she naturally became more confident.

Although Song Yijun has a bigger backing behind... However, it is not a bad thing to have another backing.

She silently and firmly thought in her heart, Tang Nuan painted, just wait and see for me! I won't make you feel better!

At the end of the day, Song Yijun was finished with a meal, and left with Gu Jun.

On the way back, Gu Jun asked curiously as he drove, "Miss, since you have decided to take revenge, what are your plans next?"

Song Yijun snorted coldly, "Of course there is a plan. In a few days, isn't their upper class going to have a dinner party? Let's start from there!"



At the same time, the Tang Group.

The cold incandescent lamp is always on. Tang Nuanhua is working overtime in the company at the moment. Since the company is currently engaged in the charity organization, she can be said to have spent a lot of thought.

Fortunately, all these thoughts were not wasted.

Seeing that after a long period of preparation, the charity is about to be officially established, Tang Nuanhua is indescribably happy, and at the same time he has a small sense of pride.

In the future, the money donated through the mall will finally fall into the hands of poor mountainous areas without any discount.

Wanting to be here, Tang Nuanhua felt extremely satisfied.

In contrast, Lin Nanxiang does not seem so optimistic.

She has been observing the smile on Tang Nuan's face, but her tone is helpless, "Nuanhua, sometimes I really admire you, you said such a big thing, you can still handle the work without distraction. It's really big enough."

Song Yijun’s acquisition of the Song Group has exploded time and time again on the Internet, causing a lot of controversy.

But after all this day, Tang Nuan's painting seems to be a okay person, who doesn't care about this matter...

Lin Nanxiang almost doubted life.

At this time, Tang Nuan painting finally recovered, and suddenly laughed lightly, "Nanxiang, are you talking about Song Yijun?"

"if not?"

Lin Nanxiang shrugged and said bluntly, "Song Yijun’s acquisition of the Song Family Group has caused so much trouble, and the entire Internet is talking about her. I just look at the news and feel upset and upset. It's been a day. But Nuanhua, you don't care about this matter at all, and your mentality is still so stable. It really makes me admire the five-body cast."

"LOL, really?"

My girlfriend suddenly laughed when she heard this, but her tone was still so indifferent, "But things have already happened, and it's useless for you to be bothered, right?"

"Yes, that's what I said, but I'm not happy to see Song Yijun's proud look. People like her, who have done so many things against their conscience, can actually change their name and make a comeback? I don't know if it's true. God is blind, I really convinced."

If possible, Lin Nanxiang didn't want to be so angry, but she really couldn't stand Song Yijun's arrogance.

In order to prove her identity, Song Yijun directly mobilized all the media to help her clarify.

So that all day today, Lin Nanxiang didn't see any news, so he saw Song Yijun's clarification draft.

What annoying, what is this?

Is it possible that Song Yijun is showing off his power?

In any case, Lin Nanxiang couldn't be happy.

At this time, Tang Nuanhua was finally busy with the work at hand, and finally, she closed the computer contentedly.

His gaze immediately turned to Lin Nanxiang, and Tang Nuanhua realized that Lin Nanxiang's expression had always been low, and there seemed to be some small grievances on his face.

Suddenly, Tang Nuan painting couldn't stop laughing, "Nanxiang, don't you need it? Isn't Song Yijun just showing up a little bit, since she wants everyone to see her skills so much, let her go out and talk, anyway It won't interfere with us, does it?"

"But, but I just feel uncomfortable in my heart!"

Lin Nanxiang couldn't correct her mentality at all, and said angrily, "That woman Song Yijun is really annoying. Isn't she afraid of causing trouble if she is such a big fan?"

"Cut, people rely on the big tree with their backs to enjoy the shade, what's so scary?"

Tang Nuan chuckled lightly, then consoled Lin Nanxiang in turn, "After visiting Nanxiang, don't be angry anymore. What's the point of you saying that you are annoyed here alone? Look at me, I won't To punish myself with what Song Yijun did, because I didn't even bother to waste this energy for her."

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