"From my point of view, we only need to take care of ourselves. As for Song Yijun, she can do whatever she likes. Let's just ignore this person." Tang Nuanhua said comfortingly.

"But..." Lin Nanxiang bit his lip, still dissatisfied.

Tang Nuanhua quickly interrupted with a smile, "Okay, Nanxiang, don't you, why bother about other people's affairs? Don't forget, we still have our own affairs to worry about."

"In a few days, the annual banquet is about to be held, when most people from the upper class will appear. Instead of wasting our minds on Song Yijun, it is better to think about how to spend more at the banquet. Make some friends, what do you think?"

"Gathering party?"

Hearing these words, Lin Nanxiang was slightly stunned, seemingly puzzled.

Tang Nuanhua suddenly remembered that Lin Nanxiang hadn't attended this banquet, and it was normal not to know.

He explained with a smile, "Well, this banquet, to put it bluntly, is a party created by the boring upper class."

"Every year at the end of the year, those upper-class people are bored, they will prepare a banquet, and all the upper-class people will be photographed and get together. Of course, some people will use this gathering to discuss business, blind dates and so on. , In short, it is a big miscellaneous pot.

Alas, I don’t know the specific situation in a few words. Anyway, you will know when you go to see it. Some celebrities attend this party and they dress up very grandly, making them look like celebrities on the red carpet. Oh, it’s said. Many celebrities will be there at that time, anyway it is very lively. "

"What? Even stars?"

Lin Nanxiang was shocked when he heard the word "star", his eyes widened a lot, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

"Isn't it? Hehe, our Xiao Xiangxiang hasn't been to a banquet like this yet? You'll know by then." Tang Nuan said with a smile.

This time, Lin Nanxiang was so happy.

Although she came to the Tang group, she also participated in some banquets with Tang Nuan painting, also saw some big scenes, and probably knew the way of dealing with some upper class people.

But it was the first time she heard of this scene like Tang Nuan's painting.

Especially when I think about the party, there will be many stars, god...

Although Song Yijun is not a idiot, she was shocked just thinking about the scene.

In this way, the matter about Song Yijun was naturally thrown away by Lin Nanxiang.


A few days later, the day of the banquet.

Early in the morning, Tang Nuanhua was woken up by a phone call, and the person who called was Lin Nanxiang.

"Nuanhuanhuahua, get up quickly!" Lin Nanxiang urged enthusiastically on the phone.

Tang Nuan's painting hasn't woken up yet, and the whole person is tired, and his tone can't help but become a little hazy.

Rubbing her eyes, she said dazedly, "It's still early, Nanxiang, sleep more, you should sleep more, don't worry, don't worry."

"But Nuanhua, didn't we all make an appointment with the designer, should we rush over there to do styling at nine o'clock this morning?" Lin Nanxiang urged again.

and many more!

Hearing this, Tang Nuan painting woke up instantly!

Yes, they have already made an appointment with the designer, and they are going to try on the dress today.

It is said that the stylist is notoriously good at craftsmanship. As early as when Tang Nuan's painting appointment was made, he put down a word, saying that the time is tight and outdated.

"Nanxiang, wait, I will get up now."

Tang Nuan painted no longer sleepy, got up from the bed with a rub, and then got up in a hurry.

But after a while, the sound of washing in the bathroom, the sound of rushing water awakened Li Jingyi.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and then saw the slender figure in the bathroom, busy washing up, and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

He simply got up and walked to the bathroom door with a lazy pace. He saw Tang Nuan's painting with his mouth full of foam while brushing his teeth. Li Jingyi asked, "Why do you get up so early today?"

"Jing Yi, morning."

Tang Nuan's painting said vaguely with bubbles.

Then I took another sip of water and washed away the foam in my mouth. Then he smiled clearly at Li Jingyi, "Did you forget? Today is the annual party, I have an appointment with Nanxiang. I have to get up early and go do some styling together."

"Hanging party? You actually went to that." Li Jingyi was a little strange at this moment, "Didn't you want to go last year?"

"Who said I was unwilling to go? I was busy with the final exam last year, didn't I have time? Besides, no one invited me to go there last year." Tang Nuan painted with a smile.

She took off the towel and washed her face. After washing, she left the bathroom and started choosing clothes to change.

While changing clothes, she turned her head to look at Li Jingyi. Seeing Li Jingyi's face just awake, she felt a bit seductive inexplicably.

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she couldn't help but stepped closer to Li Jingyi playfully, "Why, don't you have to go to this banquet? According to your identity, they should not not invite you?"

"Well, I've been there once."

Li Jingyi didn't deny it, and frankly said, "But I didn't want to go anymore. I felt that the banquet had no purpose. It was really boring, and it was a waste of time to go.

"Cut! You, it's so dull." Tang Nuanhua muttered to himself when he heard this, and then turned his head to continue changing clothes.

But Li Jingyi couldn't tell. He hadn't been to such a banquet before. The organizer of the banquet had specially invited Li Jingyi to the town venue before.

After I didn’t know, all the girls at the scene were fascinated by Li Jingyi one after another. They circled Li Jingyi in a circle, and there was no one who came forward to ask for contact information. It was a headache. .

So since then, Li Jingyi never went to unnecessary places for no reason.

Unexpectedly, now that Tang Nuan painted this little girl, she was actually going to attend this banquet. Without even thinking about it, this girl must be curious again.

So Li Jingyi didn't stop her, but just said softly, "Be careful. I'll let the driver at home see you off in a while."

"Hmm!" Tang Nuanhua nodded.

After she changed her clothes, Li Jingyi sent Tang Nuan painting to the door, and after entrusting Tang Nuan painting to the driver at home, he watched Tang Nuan painting leave.

Soon, Tang Nuanhua successfully met Lin Nanxiang at the door of the designer's store.

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