"Repaying debts is justified. It can't be said that we are aggressive, right? Pay the money quickly!"

"Pay the money soon!"

The surroundings became noisy again.

Lin Nanxiang showed a look of embarrassment...

She thought to herself aggrievedly, she also wanted to pay it back, but the point was that where did she have half a million? Even if it is dead, it can only come out with more than two hundred thousand...

But helpless people around were persecuted and forced Lin Nanxiang to pay back the money.

Lin Nanxiang couldn't bear the pressure, so he bit his lip with determination, and then asked in a low voice, embarrassingly, "Then, can I pay you back in installments? I will pay a part today, and next time... …"

"What? Staging?"

Before Lin Nanxiang finished speaking, the guests around suddenly burst into laughter.

It seems that I didn't expect that for a mere 500,000 yuan, there are still people who want to repay it in installments. Is it really a laugh?

Both Song Yijun and the man in the light blue suit couldn't help but laugh out loud. They only felt that Lin Nanxiang had come here to make a fool of himself, and he would be ashamed to be thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

But Lin Nanxiang cautiously insisted, "Don't worry, I will pay you 200,000 first, and I will definitely pay off the remaining money within two years! You can give me the account or set up a copy for me. Words, me, I will pay it off!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"

There was a burst of laughter on the scene again, and everyone seemed to have heard a huge funny joke, and they leaned forward and closed their mouths from ear to ear.

In fact, half a million is not a big deal to people like them who live at the top of society, but it is a joke to see this girl make such a fuss.

"Well, miss."

At this time, the man just spoke again.

He covered his mouth and said to Lin Nanxiang while he couldn't help laughing, "I think you are also very embarrassed, I am not short of this hundreds of thousands of dollars, or you apologize to me, I Just forgive you, how?"


Lin Nanxiang's heart moved when he heard this, and without thinking about it, he asked, "How do I apologize? Didn't I apologize to you just now?"

"NoNoNo, I don't want you to just say sorry, such a perfunctory apology." The man shook his head with a thoughtful smile.

"Isn't that an apology? What is it?" Lin Nanxiang became a little confused, his simple face filled with puzzlement.

She thought to herself that she had said so many sorry words just now, wouldn't it be regarded as an apology?

"I want you, kneel and apologize to me." As he was thinking, the man added coldly.


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, and Lin Nanxiang was even stupid.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to?"

At this time, the man looked at Lin Nanxiang’s stupid expression, and the smug smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger and stronger, "What a good deal, as long as you kneel down and apologize for my clothes, I will forgive you and you won’t have to I owed an IOU to me, what a simple thing, right?"

"Do not……"

Lin Nanxiang shook his head.

She thought it was impossible, she had only heard of kneeling down to the sky and kneeling down to her parents, and had never kneeled down to other people's clothes.

This man is clearly humiliating her!

But... that's half a million! ! !

Lin Nanxiang’s current salary, although the annual salary can be as high as several hundred thousand, but she still has to take care of her life, and her younger brother has always wanted to do business and want to open a shop to make a living, and the two siblings have plans to buy a house in the next two years. Buying a car, after all, can't stay in the house of Nuanhua.

After all calculations, her one-year salary is simply not enough, let alone returning all the clothes.

But if like this man said, as long as you kneel down and apologize, everything can be written off, and your brother can open a shop and do business smoothly, and the plan to buy a house is one step closer...

After weighing it, Lin Nanxiang had to admit that he was moved.

"How about? Have you considered it?" The man asked Lin Nanxiang after he hadn't spoken for a long time.

At this time, the surrounding guests once again watched the excitement, and the ground started to booze, "Girl, would you like to kneel? What a cost-effective deal, just for a poor girl like you, it's worth five. Hundred thousand don’t know how long it will take. Instead of letting life be dragged down, it’s better to kneel down quickly. Things that can be solved by kneeling should not be so complicated. Kneel now!"

"Yeah, yeah, get on your knees."

"Hurry up and kneel down."

Do not……

Lin Nanxiang was still struggling fiercely.

While thinking about it, even if people are poor, they shouldn’t have ambition. You can’t kneel down!

But on the other side, I wondered again, should I delay my brother and my plan for another year because of my own mistakes?

Or, just kneel and solve everything?

What no one noticed was that at this moment, Tang Nuan's fist was already unknowingly squeezed!

She thought to herself, these people are so deceptive!

Nanxiang has already promised to repay, what else do they want? Do you have to bully people like this? Do you have to trample on the dignity of others like this?

I'm embarrassed, her friends painted by Tang Nuan are not something these people can trample on!

"You guys watching the excitement, have you seen enough?!"

Finally, Tang Nuanhua stood up unbearably, "Who said she can't afford the half a million? She can't afford it, I'll pay it back for her!"


Hearing this, everyone suddenly looked at Tang Nuan's painting strangely.

"Warm painting..." Lin Nanxiang was also shocked.

Seeing Tang Nuanhua’s expression on his face was extremely determined, he opened his bag and drew out a check from it. After brushing the ground, he wrote half a million, and then threw it directly to the man, , This is the 500,000 you want, please disappear to me immediately after you take the money! As for the apology? Hey, go ahead and dream of your spring and autumn!"

After that, Tang Nuanhua directly threw the check on the man's face, then pulled Lin Nanxiang around and left.

"You! You woman is so arrogant!"

The man became angry instantly behind him, and he did not expect that he would be humiliated by a woman. Is this a 500,000 thing? This is a matter of face!

So the man couldn't hold back, he rushed to find trouble with Tang Nuan painting, "Hey, you **** woman, stop me!"

Unexpectedly, just as soon as he stretched out his hand, he suddenly felt a huge force coming.

Someone squeezed his wrist directly, applying force little by little, and almost squeezed his hand!


A painful look appeared on the man's arrogant face.

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