Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1490: How passionate about you

His facial features were so painful that he was distorted, and he couldn't help wailing in pain, "Who, who is it!"

Suddenly opened his eyes, but was startled suddenly, "Yes, it's you! Young Master Li?!"

"Oh my God!"

An exclamation erupted at the scene in an instant, and then everyone whispered.

"Isn't that President Li of the Li Group?"

"Why is President Li also here?!"

"I heard that Mr. Li has never liked this kind of occasion. He refused to show his face every year before, so how come this year?"

"Is it really President Li? I read it right!"

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

If this is a banquet held by the upper class, then in their hearts Li Jingyi is a more upper class person than the upper class.

Every year they hold this banquet, the organizer invites Li Jingyi countless times, but Li Jingyi refuses to appreciate this face every year.

The reason for refusal is also very simple and direct, inconvenient, no time, no interest, etc...

In the end, the organizers had nothing to do with Li Jingyi, so they could only stop asking for it.

But this year nobody thought that Li Jingyi would come here!

Everyone present was shocked.

Even Tang Nuan's paintings are a bit dumbfounded, wondering why Jing Yi is here? Didn't he say that he wouldn't be here today?

I remember that before leaving, he said that such an occasion was boring.

But when Tang Nuanhua raised her head, the person who appeared in front of her at this moment had a firm face and a cold facial features, a person who was born with a noble and solemn atmosphere...

Not Li Jingyi, who else?

"Jing Yi..."

Tang Nuan didn't know what was wrong. The moment she saw Li Jingyi, she felt a sore nose inexplicably.

At this time, Li Jingyi still held the man's arm tightly, using some strength in his hands, and his face was even more terribly cold.

The man keeps crying, "Young Master Li, Young Master Li, I was wrong, it hurts, please let me go..."

Li Jingyi snorted coldly, and forcefully released the man's hand. The man was out of control and he staggered back several steps.

After that, Li Jingyi's voice was very cold, "You dare to move my woman, want to die?"

"I, I don't dare, Young Master Li, I don't know this lady is your woman! If I knew it, how could I dare to offend!"

The man who flared his teeth and claws just now, he immediately persuaded him, there was no sign of aura.

After that, he didn't dare to be mad again, and hurriedly put the check that Tang Nuan painting threw to him just now, and hurriedly put it back into Tang Nuan painting's hand.

As he stuffed it back, he kept apologizing to Tang Nuanhua, "I really can't help it, Miss, I don't know Taishan, I am too defiant, and I hope you are magnanimous!"

Upon seeing this, Tang Nuan snorted coldly, but he forced the money back into his hand, "No, you take the money. This is what my friend owes you and you deserve it."

"But I hope that you will encounter such things again in the future and stop being so aggressive! Even if others can't afford your money, you are not qualified to trample on the dignity of others. Don't think that you can be mad if you have a few money. Respecting others is also respecting yourself, understand?"

"Yes, yes, I understand, thank you Miss for your lesson, I will never dare to do it again." The man apologized.

Seeing that, it seems that he really knew it was wrong, so Tang Nuan didn't care about painting.

She snorted, "Okay, you can go."

"Yes! I will go now, I will go now." Then the man ran away numbly.

Finally, this farce finally ended, but the surrounding guests did not expect that the ending would be like this. Helpless, everyone had to gradually disperse.

Li Jingyi turned around at this time and looked at Tang Nuan's paintings tenderly, with a caring tone, "Is it all right?"

"Well, it's okay."

Tang Nuanhua felt warm in his heart, and there was a slight smile in the corners of his eyes and brows.

Turning his head and comforting Lin Nanxiang, "Nanxiang, be good, don't be sad, it's all right now."

"Nuanhua, thank you..."

Lin Nanxiang was moved in his heart, turning his head and hugged Tang Nuan's painting tightly, very grateful.

After all, she wouldn't know what to do without Tang Nuanhua's help.

"You're welcome Nanxiang, aren't we friends? It's okay." Tang Nuan's painting had to pat Lin Nanxiang's back lightly, constantly comforting her.

After a while, Lin Nanxiang finally felt better in his heart, and Tang Nuanhua let her go, then turned his head and asked Li Jingyi, "Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Li Jingyi's mouth turned into a faint smile, "Can't I come?"

"No, didn't you say that such an occasion is boring, don't you want to come over?" Tang Nuan asked.

"It won't be so boring if you are there." Li Jingyi replied with a light smile.

In fact, Li Jingyi didn't plan to come, but thinking of this girl, he came to the banquet by himself, for some reason, he always felt very worried.

So he got off work early, changed a suit casually and rushed over.

Facts have proved that Li Jingyi is outstanding no matter what he wears, even a simple suit that is temporarily changed can not stop the cold and noble breath of him. A glance from a distance is enough to be fascinating for many celebrities on the scene.

Of course, the fascinated people are not just the celebrity daughters, but also many business owners.

Unexpectedly, a big man like Li Jingyi would actually show up here, how could these business owners let go of such a good opportunity?

But after a while, there were a lot of the bosses who got together in front of Li Jingyi.

"President Li, long time no see! Do you remember me? I am President Ou of the Ou Clan Group."

"Mr. Li, the last time I saw you was at your father's birthday party. At that time, it was up to you to show your talents. When I saw you today, it was really handsome!"

"Oh, is this Mr. Li's fiancée in the legend? Tsk tsk, she is really a pretty woman, and you are a natural match with Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Li..."

"Mr. Li..."

In short, just a rainbow fart is right.

At first, Li Jingyi was able to respond reluctantly, but then these people grew more and more, and Li Jingyi had to feel a little irritable.

In the end, Li Jingyi had to find an excuse, "I'm going to the bathroom." Then he quickly took Tang Nuan's painting and escaped.

After a while, the two arrived at the backyard of the hotel.

"Puff...Jing Yi, I now know why you don't like to come to such a place. Look at those people, how enthusiastic you are." After walking to the backyard, Tang Nuan laughed without holding back.

Li Jingyi looked helpless, he had no choice but to ask, "When do you plan to leave?"

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