Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1525: People are stupid and have a lot of money

As a result, this man actually wants to participate in the competition for Tang Nuan painting?

How can this work!

Thinking of this, a veto appeared on the middle-aged man’s fierce face, “No, you can’t play for her! This is a gambling game between Miss Tang and I, not with you, and you and her have no relatives for no reason, so why do you replace her? ? You are not qualified!"

Finally, he could make a fortune in vain and he would not let other people come in and make trouble.

"Heh, I think you can't afford it, right?"

Suddenly, Quan Zhichen sneered.

"What are you talking about?" The man became angry.

Qingjun's face curled up slightly, revealing a touch of obvious disdain, "Is it worried that the people under your hand will be defeated by me? Tsk tsk, it's not like the boss of a party. You said, the scene is like this. Many people are watching you. It’s not ashamed of you to send so many hands to race a car with a woman? If there is such a thing, compare with me, how?"


Being so agitated by Quan Zhichen, the middle-aged man's face suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

When the people around him heard this, they laughed. They said that this middle-aged man was really useless, he was also the leader of a black force, and he couldn't play anything like that.

In short, all kinds of discordant sounds rang.

The atmosphere at the scene was very oppressive.

But for a few seconds, even a few people standing next to the middle-aged man felt a little uncontrollable.

I couldn't help coughing lightly one by one, and leaned forward, "Boss, or you can let this man take the place of the woman surnamed Tang and compare us with us! Otherwise everyone thought we were really scared."

"That's right, boss, this man has a little white face, and it's certainly useless except to speak big words. We might as well be on the road with our brothers and beat him with driving skills!"

"Instead of bullying a woman, it's not nice to spread it out, it's better to have a formal match with this little bastard! If you win, you will naturally be convinced."

"Yeah yeah……"

While talking, the few gangsters actually wanted to play with Quan Zhichen more and more.

They wanted to see how capable this man really was, and he dared to stand up and challenge them!

You have to know a few of them, but the famous racing masters in this racing track can be surpassed by ordinary people?

Humph, since this man is so self-conscious, let them teach him a lesson!

"Okay! Then, you can compare with us instead of her, but I can tell you in advance. If you lose, you will pay 200 million yuan, and you must not lose one point!"

Finally, the middle-aged man was moved.

Anyway, as long as you can get the money, it doesn't really matter who you play with, as long as you can win.

Quan Zhichen heard this, but he still looked careless and even smiled, "Boss, don’t worry, if I lose to you, I will not only compensate you two billion, but I can even turn it over. How about paying you a total of 400 million in compensation?"


Four billion! ! !

As soon as Quan Zhichen came out, everyone around him dug their ears with their hands, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

This is no joke!

Don't talk about billions of dollars, just say tens of millions, which may be a number that ordinary employees will never reach for a lifetime.

As a result, when the man opened his mouth, it was such an amazing number? ! !

Although there are countless people betting on cars, they have never seen such a large number of gambling games.

Hey, this bet is really big enough!

For a while, everyone's eyes widened, and while they couldn't believe it, they were looking forward to this game more and more in their hearts.

"Are you sure you can come up with four hundred million?"

The middle-aged gangster looked at Quan Zhichen suspiciously at this time, as if he was wondering whether Quan Zhichen had this ability and whether he was talking big.

After all, that is not a small amount, but four hundred million!

Ordinary people who would just take out four hundred million to gamble?

Facts have proved that Quan Zhichen really dare.

He was not arrogant or deliberately playing high-profile, but calmly took out a brand-new check from his wallet, then took out a pen and wrote a series of words on it at random.

It is four billion.

Then with this check, Quan Zhichen said calmly, "Now, what do you think?"

! ! !

In an instant, the middle-aged man and the people present were dumbfounded when they saw the check.

No one thought that he actually put out so much money. It seems that this man has a very solid family!

"Okay, okay, I promise you!" At this time, the middle-aged man had completely opened his eyes to the money.

I thought that as long as a car can get 400 million, this profit is a huge business, why didn't he do it, and why not?

Almost anxiously nodded, the middle-aged man said with certainty, "Since you want to take this woman's place in the competition so much, come on, but if you lose, you must be willing to bet!"

"of course."

Quan Zhichen said indifferently, still so careless.

People who don't know might think that this man is a stupid man with a lot of money. As everyone knows, Quan Zhichen is just too confident.


In this world, if he says that his technology is second, I'm afraid no one would dare to be the first.

I stayed in K country for five years. Every year in the racing competition, Quan Zhichen is the first place to do my part. Not only has he been promoted to the world league many times, he can also help K country get back the top three each time. Medals. This glorious glory, I am afraid that none of the people present knows.

It just so happened that he didn't want these people to know.

"Hey, why are you helping me?" At this moment, Quan Zhichen obviously felt that he was caught by his sleeve.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Tang Nuanhua looking at him strangely, as if he was very puzzled by his willingness to help, "I am not relative to you, what are you doing for me? Do you know me? Also, if you lose, you will lose four hundred million. Are you crazy?"

Tang Nuan painting could hardly understand the man in front of him. He was obviously a stranger. Why should he help her?

Is it true that people are stupid and have a lot of money?

"Oh, you think too much."

Quan Zhichen just chuckled, "I've been queuing here for a long time. I just want to go to the competition as soon as possible. I'm not so much helping you. I'm actually helping myself."

"Besides, why do you think I will lose?"

"I..." Tang Nuan painted completely speechless.

In fact, she just thinks it is strange. Why does this man help her in a good manner? The two of them are strangers who don't know each other, okay?

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