Even if some people are naturally warm-hearted, they are not so warm-hearted, right?

However, Tang Nuan's paintings could not solve these doubts for a while, because the racing competition was about to begin.

After a loud whistle, four or five racing cars were ready at the starting point of the car. Just waiting for Quan Zhichen and these people to sit on it, and then the race can begin.

A few of them got into the car quickly and fastened their seat belts. Only Quan Zhichen was still standing in place, making the final communication with Tang Nuan painting.

"Anyway, Mr. Quan, I really appreciate your willingness to help me out. If that's the case, it will trouble you. If you really can’t match it, it’s okay. I will pay for the money. You promise me, you must Should you pay attention to safety?"

No way, Tang Nuan's painting is really too worried that these people are secretly playing tricks.

She even felt that winning or losing was no longer important, as long as the man came back safely, after all, she didn't want to hurt an innocent person.

"Oh, lady, you have so little confidence in me?"

With a light sneer, Quan Zhichen could see that this woman had already determined from the heart that he would lose.


No way, no way, if that's the case, he has to make good use of it to prove his strength.

Otherwise, everyone thought that he, the world champion, was talking big here.

Thinking of this, Quan Zhichen didn't continue to grind with Tang Nuanhua. The corner of his mouth was slightly curved, and then he snapped his fingers directly, "Wait, I won't let you down."

After that, he turned and walked in the direction of the car.

At that moment, the cheers on the court directly reached its peak. Everyone was looking forward to this game. After all, it was a gambling game of up to 400 million! Everyone really wants to know in the end, whether these four billion will fall into the hands of that gangster.

However, Tang Nuan painting was staring at the figure of the man worriedly, and it was impossible to say that he was not worried.

She had no choice but to pray silently in her heart that the man could come back safely, at least not to hurt the innocent!

Soon, Quan Zhichen put on his helmet and got into the car as soon as he turned slender and tall.

After getting in the car, he first fastened the safety fluently, and then began to test some racing performances, such as handbrake and so on, to see if there were any malfunctions, so that the car would not be touched.


At this moment, the car suddenly issued a warning sound.

Quan Zhichen frowned and glanced at various parts of the car strangely, and saw that the accelerator indicator on the display had been continuously flashing.

Oops, it seems that this car has run out of gas, and it must be changed quickly.

Thinking of this, Quan Zhichen hurriedly pulled down the car window and glanced at the referee outside the window. When he was about to say that he was going to change a car, suddenly, a loud whistle blew, and the referee began to count down, "Ready! Three! Two! ..."

That's too late.

Quan Zhichen suddenly felt a headache. He glanced helplessly at the car next to him, and saw that the gangster on that car waved to him triumphantly, "How about it? Old iron, is the car still working?"

Hearing this, Quan Zhichen frowned fiercely, and suddenly understood, "It's your ghost!"

No wonder Tang Nuanhua has been reminding him to be careful just now. Now it seems that it is not unreasonable. These people can be said to be no compromise in order to win! Despicable and shameless!

However, do they think that this will embarrass him?

Anyway, he is also a professional racing driver. How could such a little question make Quan Zhichen difficult?


With a sneer, Quan Zhichen was still so arrogantly looking at the triumphant bully in front of him, and said, "See you at the end."

"Hahahaha, I hope you can reach the end smoothly!" The bully laughed.

With the falling of the mixed voice, the game officially began. At the same time as the referee made the last countdown, Quan Zhichen closed the window coldly.


Finally, the game officially began.

The cheers at the scene suddenly reached a certain level, and everyone stood up happily, with excited and excited expressions on their faces.

In the eyes of countless people, the four cars on the track rushed out at the same time, but one of them was clearly behind, and that was the car where Quan Zhichen was.

"Huh, why isn't that car moving?"

"Could it be a malfunction?"

"Or that the man's driving skills are not good, persuaded?"

Hearing the surrounding sounds, Tang Nuan's painting was also deeply worried.

She stared at the car of Quan Zhichen on the field with her eyes full of expectation, and she kept saying, "Go on, go on!"

As everyone knows, at this moment, Quan Zhichen has already captured all the expressions of Tang Nuan's painting through the rearview mirror.

The corner of his mouth suddenly evoked a smooth arc, Quan Zhichen thought in his heart with satisfaction, rest assured, I won't let you down!

After that, the car in which Quan Zhichen was rushed out at an astonishing speed in an instant!

The audience suddenly boiled over.

"Wow!! The car is moving! It is moving!"

"It seems that the man doesn't know how to drive, hey, he is so handsome and his personality is so handsome. If I'm the first in racing skills for a while, I will really fall into it." There are even women. There was a nympho.

Of course, there are also many men who show disdain for Quan Zhichen, and even spit on the ground with disgust.

Tang Nuan's paintings are all in their ears, and they don't care.

She doesn't care whether the man wins or not, as long as he can come back safely.

After that, Tang Nuan painted no longer cared about the situation at the scene, but returned to Chu Chen's side, constantly comforting Chu Chen, "It's okay, it's okay, Chu Chen, I won't let you have anything."

"Miss..." Chu Chen was so moved, tears filled her eyes.

On the other side, on the curved lane.

The purple racing car where Quan Zhichen is in has already joined the other three racing cars, and there is even a vague tendency to surpass the other racing cars.

Seeing this situation, several gangsters suddenly became puzzled, "Damn! What's the matter? Didn't the boss drain that car?"

The gangster on the side shook his head and replied, “It’s impossible to drain. If the car’s oil is drained, then his car will not start at all, and the game will not be counted. The referee will definitely change this person. A car will start the race again, understand?"

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