"I suspect that the boss just pumped his gas tank to the bottom, but he could barely start, but it is estimated that his car will run out of gas if he can't drive far, or believe it, let's wait for a good show!"

One of the gangsters analyzed it methodically.

The other **** nodded after listening, and said that it should be the case.

And at this moment, in a moment when these people were not paying attention, the purple racing car controlled by Quan Zhichen, which had been trailing behind them, suddenly rushed from the middle of their cars in a thunderous manner. Past!

Waiting for this moment for a long time!

After Quan Zhichen succeeded in overtaking, the corners of his mouth turned into a proud arc.

He had been waiting for the opportunity just now to see if there was any time to rush to the front, but he really seized the opportunity.

I'm sorry, everyone, from now on, this track is owned by his Quan Zhichen alone!

"Damn! Why did that guy get in front of us? Wasn't he still behind us just now?!" Seeing that he was overtaken, several gangsters were a little bit ashamed and angry.

It seemed that he didn't expect that it took him a moment to overtake!

It's all pervasive!

In an instant, Quan Zhichen went from the bottom to the one that was far ahead.

"No, we hurried to catch up. His car is out of gas. It should be easy for us to catch up, but we must not let this man win!" The gangsters also began to get nervous.

They looked at the purple car in front of them with breathlessness, thinking that even for the four hundred million, they would never let this man win casually.

Directly stepped on the accelerator, these people began to chase each other, and a fierce race was soon launched on the track. From a distance, it seemed that the situation was very fierce.

The three red and yellow racing cars have been closely following Quan Zhichen's back, and if there is a slight loophole, they want to overtake Quan Zhichen's car.

Unfortunately, they miscalculated.

Quan Zhichen is not the one who makes people overtake so easily. Just like at this moment, Tang Nuanhua stared at the computer screen closely, watching the monitoring on the track, it can be said that he was completely stunned by this scene.

On the screen, the purple racing car controlled by Quan Zhichen had reached the peak of speed.

The cars behind him kept trying to get ahead, but Quan Zhichen had a clear insight into the minds of these people, so he began to play extreme drift on the road!

If someone on the left wants to overtake, he drifts directly to the left. If someone on the right wants to overtake, he drifts directly to the right. In short, all the roads behind him are blocked, so that they have no chance to overtake.

It seems that this man still has two things.

Tang Nuan couldn't help but confuse his tongue, thinking that with that man's skills, he could only possess the level and skills that he could possess unless he was a professional racing car.

Tsk tsk, no wonder the man was so confident just now, it seems that she underestimated him.

At this time, those gangsters were about to be **** off by Quan Zhichen.

Countless times I want to overtake and get blocked countless times, Quan Zhichen seems to be playing a group of people with low IQs, turning them around! There is almost no one.


For a while, those gangsters on the track had to slap the steering wheel directly, and yelled, "Is this **** sick? He guards this road so hard, did he dug this road!?"

"It seems to me that this man was deliberate. He is playing with us now! It's really maddening!"

"We can't be fooled by him anymore. If the audience on the field sees this, we still don't know how to laugh at our brothers. How will everyone look good? The boss will definitely be disappointed in us! No, we must rush over!"

"Okay! Then we'll be ready and rush over together. I don't believe it anymore. The boss said that this man has no gas in his car. How long can he be arrogant!"

With that said, the gangsters immediately joined their hearts, and together they wanted to overtake.

They stepped on the accelerator almost at the same time, and immediately increased their speed, obviously in a posture that they wanted to rush straight through.

"Tsk tusk tusk, do these people want to get past my car? In order to win, they are really unscrupulous." Quan Zhichen suddenly felt amused. He has never seen such a person who wants to win.

It seems that the temptation of four hundred million is really not that big.

It's a pity, just a few of you, want to take the money from him? I'm afraid it's still a bit beautiful.

However, since they play so seriously, if Quan Zhichen still doesn't take them seriously, wouldn't he be suspected of playing with his opponent?

Hey, he's not the kind of person who doesn't respect his opponent, so I'm embarrassed next!

Suddenly, I saw the purple car on the track suddenly accelerate, and the whole car seemed to be surrounded by a wave of suffocation, almost unmatched in the track mountain.

The next few bullies thought they could overtake, but when they saw Quan Zhichen accelerate again, they were all shocked!

"Damn! Isn't that bastard's car running out of gas? Why is it speeding up again!" The gangsters behind suddenly gritted their teeth.

"I don't know, **** it, let's catch up with that bastard!"

Thinking of this, the gangsters immediately accelerated from behind.

Unconsciously, they have been successfully recruited.

Quan Zhichen glanced at the display on the car. Yes, the car was completely out of gas, and the gas tank was about to bottom out. It was estimated that it would not be far away.

But there is no need to travel far, because the opportunity has come.

Because of their high concentration on the purple car, the gangsters didn't notice at all. Quan Zhichen in front had a brand new strategy in his mind!

Looking at the impressive mountain wall in front of him, a triumphant smile appeared indifferently at the corner of his mouth. After he thought it through, this is your way!

Then, I saw the purple car rushing forward, and the cars behind him accelerated and rushed forward! It seemed that Quan Zhichen was going to be knocked off.

But at the moment when he was approaching the mountain wall, suddenly Quan Zhichen made a big turn of 180 degrees!

The car that had rushed straight to the mountain wall suddenly dropped its head and quickly returned to the track!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Before the gangsters had time to react, they saw the towering mountain wall in front of them, so coldly standing in front of them.

After that, a group of people couldn't turn around completely, one by one, as if they were piles of cubes, they all ran into the wall.

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