Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1568: Will not smash the signs

If the father's condition can be treated, it will naturally not get worse!

It's all right now. It was just a good wind and cold. As long as the injection and some medicine are taken, it will be healed. In the end, I was dragged to the deterioration of the condition and coughed up bleeding!

If this continues for a long time, will it not cause lung disease?

Damn it!

Tang Nuan's paintings are almost to death.

She thought angrily, how could there be a selfish woman like Song Yijun in this world!

Does Song Yijun know how many innocent families will suffer because of the inexplicable virus she released? ? ?

My father’s condition is actually very mild. What should they do if someone in the family is seriously ill?

Others have worked so hard to save so much money, just to get the best treatment for their families, and to get the last chance!

As a result, because Song Yijun released this inexplicable virus, they lost their lives in vain! Also wasted effort!

Could it be said that Song Yijun is really a little bit, so he has no conscience?

She is so selfish and selfish, so there is no guilt at all!



Tang Nuanhua thought about it, and suddenly sneered again. How could a vicious woman like Song Yijun have a conscience?

From the beginning to the end, everything Song Yijun did was based on his own interests and never cared about the lives of others.

People like her are simply not qualified to live in this world!

Because she is not worthy!

Hmph, the wicked have their own retribution, Song Yijun, you hurt my family and my friends, do you think I will just let you go?

You are dreaming!

My Tang Nuan painting has always been a person with clear grievances, so I won't let you go like this.

This is what you did wrong. I will personally take apart your true face and show everyone your ugly face. It will definitely make you pay for your wrong behavior!

Let's wait and see.

Thinking so firmly in my heart, finally, Tang Nuan's painting no longer showed a weak side.

She quietly put away all her tears, in front of her father, pretending to be strong, "Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't take care of you, and I didn't care enough about your physical condition. All this is My fault."

"But dad, please rest assured, I won't let your condition get better, you will definitely get better!"

After speaking these words firmly, Tang Nuan painted no longer linger.

She directly stood up and told the servants around her, "You must take care of my father with extra care during this period of time, do you know? Don't make any further mistakes."

"Yes, eldest lady, we know." The servants nodded at once when they dare not say a word.

Tang Nuanhua looked at Uncle Chen aside again, and said in a calm tone, "Uncle Chen, please come with me."

"Good eldest lady." Chen Shu nodded.

Then Uncle Chen went out of the house with Tang Nuan's painting for a while.

"Hey, this girl..."

Elder Tang looked at the figure painted by Tang Nuan behind him, and had to sigh.

But for half a minute, Uncle Chen had already followed Tang Nuan's painting to the outside of the house, and he respectfully asked, "Miss, is there anything you want to tell me when you call me out?"

"Yes." Tang Nuanhua nodded, looking serious.

After that, she ordered, "I heard that the Rock Group recently launched some medicine against this virus. It is said that after taking it, it can make my father better. You can buy it tomorrow and try it. "

"Huh?" Uncle Chen was a little surprised when he heard this.

"What's wrong?" Tang Nuan was puzzled.

Uncle Chen shook his head and analyzed rationally, "There is no big lady, I just think their medicine gives people an unreliable feeling. After all, even the hospital can't give a reasonable explanation about the virus. They No matter how strong the Rockwell Group is, it is impossible to produce such effective drugs on its own, right?"

"Moreover, I heard that their medicine seems to have not yet been reviewed. The Health Bureau has been reviewing it. They didn’t say there was any problem with the medicine, but they didn’t say there was nothing wrong with the medicine. Trial phase."

"Think about it, for a medicine that doesn't even have time to take a trial, if something goes wrong with it, who is responsible?"

I have to admit that Uncle Chen is still very considerate.

If this is under normal circumstances, Tang Nuan's paintings really have to think twice.

However, this time the situation is different.

Tang Nuanhua thought to herself, since this Song Yijun was a virus she released, and it was an antidote she released, shouldn't he smash the sign?

After all, what Song Yijun wants is not to make money?

Now that the drugs that can fight the virus have been introduced, Song Yijun shouldn't be all right and throw a rock on her own foot, right?

Even if the antidote they introduced is not so magical, it should not be harmful to the human body.

Otherwise, Song Yijun is equivalent to himself, sending himself into the abyss with his own hands, and never want to get up again.

"Uncle Chen, it's okay, just do what I said, buy some medicine and give it to my dad to try it, and see if it works. After all, this condition is dragging on, so you have to think of a way, right? ?"

"Furthermore, Song Yijun is a person who knows her well. She will not deliberately sell poison. At most, Dad will have no effect after taking it. There shouldn't be any major problems."

"Anyway, let's try it."

In the end, Tang Nuanhua tried to persuade Uncle Chen.

Although Uncle Chen is still a little worried, he must admit that the young lady's analysis is indeed reasonable.

After that, I finally nodded and agreed, "Well, Miss, I'll just do what you said, go and buy some for the master to drink, whether it's useful or not, I will report to you then."

"Okay." With that said, Tang Nuan's painting is finally a little relieved.

After that, Tang Nuanhua no longer had the appetite to eat and did not stay here for a long time. She exhorted, "Remember to let dad eat more and tell him that I will visit him whenever I have time. Let him not miss me too much, I will go back first."

"Hmm, good lady, pay attention to safety all the way." Chen Shu nodded.

After that, he was far away, watching Tang Nuan painting leave.


At the same time, the Luo family mansion.

Song Yijun is eating with An Ruoqing at the moment, and can't help but humming while eating. Obviously, she has been in a good mood these days.

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