Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1569: Long-term meal ticket

After preparing for such a long time, Song Yijun finally tasted the victory and was naturally very happy.

For a while, even An Ruoqing and Gu Jun on the side were somewhat amused by Song Yijun.

An Ruoqing couldn't help but joked, "Yijun, you did a good job this time. Auntie is proud of you."

"Yes, Miss, you really did a great job this time, and we are all very happy for you." Gu Jun also echoed.

When Song Yijun heard the praise from the two, he did not rush to take credit.

She smiled, and said gratefully to An Ruoqing in front of her, "Auntie, in fact, I can do this step today. Thanks to your support for me for so long. If there is no aunt, I will also There won't be today anymore."

Hearing this, An Ruoqing was happier.

At least Song Yijun still knows how to be grateful, so she is not in vain as an aunt.

But to return to the subject, An Ruoqing is more concerned about Song Yijun's next plan.

"Yijun, although you have achieved initial success now, what is your next plan? Have you planned it seriously?" An Ruoqing asked with concern.


Song Yijun nodded vigorously, she had already planned all of this in her heart, and naturally she would not lose the chain.

After all, Song Yijun is no longer the same Song Yijun who had no vision and only knew how to take a step.

Then, Song Yijun probably told An Ruoqing about his next plan.

"Auntie...Although I have introduced such a medicine now, it can indeed be temporary and curb the spread of the virus, but this medicine is not a good medicine."

Song Yijun explained earnestly, "The average person will become addicted to this medicine as long as they take this medicine once. The feeling is a bit like a drug addiction. Once infected, they cannot be quit easily."

"If this is the case, wouldn't our Rock Group have a long-term meal ticket?"

Speaking of this, Song Yijun is still a little proud.

But not wanting to hear this, An Ruoqing suddenly changed her face and said in shock, "What? Yijun, you mean that the medicine you are launching now is not for curing people at all? Is it making people enter a bigger pit?!!!"

" there anything wrong with this?"

Song Yijun is still a little confused, and she feels very strange to her aunt's attitude.

In the next second, An Ruoqing suddenly felt very regretful and sighed. The joy just now disappeared and turned into a deep anxiety.

"Hey, Yijun, you boy, why are you so confused? How can you tell me how to say hello!"

"Auntie, what's wrong with me? Why do you say that..." Song Yijun was a little panicked.

An Ruoqing explained helplessly, "Auntie, I originally thought that the medicine you introduced can indeed improve everyone's condition and stabilize the company's reputation. Naturally, I am happy for you. But Yijun, you want Understand a truth, honesty is the foundation!"

"Maybe today and tomorrow, those customers who take your medicine feel effective and will continue to repurchase it, but what about after a long time? The inferior nature of your medicine will slowly be exposed! Just like you said, similar Yu Dup makes people want to quit but can't quit."

"At that time, do you think everyone will agree and give Rock Group a good reputation?"

"No, they will only think that you have harmed them, they will only think that the Rock Group is making money in disguise, and they will only think that you are a liar! Do you understand!"

After speaking painstakingly, An Ruoqing kept shaking her head, raising her hand weakly to support her forehead, she felt very helpless.

No way, she really didn't expect Song Yijun to do such a despicable thing.

For reasons that can help everyone heal, but openly sell things similar to drugs and products?

How did this kid come up with this despicable method? !

To put it harder, this kind of thing is illegal at all!

If you can't be found out, that's fine.

But if Song Yijun sells this medicine, once it is detected by the Drug Administration that there is a problem with the composition, then it will be a big trouble!

By the time, let alone the company's reputation, I am afraid that even the Rock Group's head office will be scolded.

The reason why the Rockwell Group is able to get to where it is today is because they maintain integrity with customers all the time.

Once it loses its integrity, no company will be able to stay long in the business circle.

This is why An Ruoqing is heartbroken.

"Auntie, is it really as serious as you said..."

For a moment, Song Yijun became a little flustered.

She only knows that doing this by herself is indeed a bit unethical, but it can bring some benefits to the company. Of course, she has not thought about the long-term consequences.

Now that An Ruoqing finished his analysis, Song Yijun realized what a stupid decision he had made.

After thinking about it in her mind, Song Yijun finally realized her mistake, and for a while, she panicked a little.

"Auntie, auntie, what should I do now? I, I didn't think about that much." She immediately asked An Ruoqing for help.

"Oh! You have done this, what else can you do? Of course it's cold."

An Ruoqing was also powerless this time, so she sighed.

Then he added another sentence, "However, there is no way out."

"What can I do?" Song Yijun immediately held his breath and concentrated.

An Ruoqing said, “The best way now is to stop selling the medicine before the side effects of your medicine have occurred. The factory must also stop work immediately. Cut them all to avoid endless troubles."

"As for the consumers, you just said it was a problem with the factory. The goods have been sold out and they must be replenished from abroad. Just drag them out."


When Song Yijun heard this, he hesitated severely.

There was an embarrassed expression on her face, and she was obviously reluctant to do so.

After all, she finally released the virus, and finally came up with this method and made a fortune for the company.

It can be said that this medicine is now the company's cash cow. If it is suddenly cut off, God knows how much economic resources will be lost.

But... if you don't do this, Song Yijun is worried that the situation An Ruoqing said will happen.

After all, a company can't just do a one-shot deal.

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