Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1570: Has nothing to do with personal emotions

At that time, if those medicines really addicted to people, it would cause countless consumers to come to fight, Song Yijun thought he could not afford it.

"Oh! Okay, Auntie, I'll listen to you."

Finally, after thinking and thinking, Song Yijun had to make a compromise, after all, she still knew which one was more important.

Although she still felt a little pity in her heart, it was a pity that there was nothing she could do. She turned her head back and ordered to the men next to her, "Gu Jun, do you know what to do?"

"Miss, I know." Gu Jun also nodded solemnly.

"Well, if someone has any adverse reactions after taking our medicine, remember to shirk the responsibility, do you know?"

"Good lady." Gu Jun nodded.

After that, Gu Jun went down and did what Song Yijun said.

Seeing that Song Yijun is so willing and able to afford, An Ruoqing immediately felt relieved. After all, Song Yijun was not so sensible in the past.

It seems that her niece has really grown too much, so gratifying, gratifying.


The next day, in the morning.

Tang Nuan didn’t know anything about it. She called and asked Uncle Chen about her father. In Uncle Chen’s voice, there was a hint of joy, "Great lady, you let me yesterday The medicine from the Rockwell Group I went to buy was really effective!"

"Master took the medicine yesterday and his condition is better today. Although he still coughs, he no longer coughs up and bleeds, and he rarely has headaches."

"Really? That medicine is really so effective?" Tang Nuan couldn't help feeling excited when he heard this. After all, his father could get better, so naturally it couldn't be better.

However, while Tang Nuan was excited about painting, he was also a little worried, thinking that Song Yijun was not joking.

Tang Nuan painting can feel that Song Yijun is really starting to do business seriously. If this development continues, it is estimated that Song Yijun will really become his own competitor in the future.


But so what?

Although Tang Nuan's painting is somewhat defensive against Song Yijun, she hasn't paid attention to her. After all, the Tang Group is an old brand for so many years.

And this afternoon, the company will develop a conference and announce that it will formally cooperate with the Quan Group.

At that time, all eyes will definitely be attracted. Tang Nuan Painting will use the cooperation with the Quan Group to once again establish its position in the pharmaceutical industry.

This status is not something ordinary people can surpass.

In the afternoon, the press conference was held as scheduled.

The scene can be said to be crowded with people, countless media and masses all came, and they sat down one by one, waiting to see how this conference will be held.

No wonder, who made the Quan Group have always been a highly anticipated international enterprise?

Its status in Country K is almost comparable to that of the Li Group in China.

This is why everyone pays special attention to the Quan Group.

Especially today, the Quan Group will announce the first partner since the establishment of their branch, and cooperation projects. In other words, the Quan Group will completely kick off the company's operations today and announce their good start.

It's a good start, naturally it is also attracting attention.

And the Tang Group, as the partner of the Kwon Group’s choice of a good start project, naturally followed the Kwon Group.

At the press conference, the reporters' flashes constantly took pictures of Quan Zhichen and Tang Nuan.

Tang Nuanhua and Quan Zhichen were very calm. They sat together quietly, with rare serious expressions on their faces.

At this time, a reporter asked curiously, "Excuse me, President Quan and President Tang, who first proposed this cooperation between you two?"

"It was proposed by our Quan Group." Quan Zhichen admitted generously.

The reporter then asked, "Then why do you have to choose the Tang Group?"

"As we all know, although the Down Group is also a large company, it is still not comparable to an international company like yours. You are fully capable of choosing some more capable, professional and well-known companies. Why, you choose To the Tang Group?"

"Yeah, yeah, can it be said that there are any different friendships between you two?"

"President Quan, please answer, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Tang? Is it because they are friendly to each other that they decide to work together?"

"May I ask you two, is it just a pure friendship? Or is there any other different relationship? Could you please explain."

"President Quan, President Tang, please explain."

For a time, all the gossip problems came out.

Because of the gossip questions asked by the reporter, the scene suddenly boiled over, and some even started to booze boredly, "President Quan, did you choose to cooperate with the Tang Group because you love the young and beautiful President Tang? "


As soon as this word came out, it caused a lot of noise.

Everyone looked gossiping at the paintings of Quan Zhichen and Tang Nuan on the stage, and the smiles on each of their faces were unfathomable, as if they really felt that there was something tricky about the two on this stage.

Otherwise, why did the powerful Quan Group choose the Tang Group instead of the well-known large companies for cooperation?

This question, if Quan Zhichen does not give a reasonable even, I am afraid that everyone will go on gossip.


Tang Nuan painting can be said to be speechless at the moment. She feels cold sweat is dripping on her forehead. She wonders how these reporters can edit so, isn't it just a collaboration? Is it necessary to gossip?

If this were to give them a script, maybe these people could make up a love-hate drama out of thin air...

Sure enough, this is the disadvantage of the entertainment age.


At this moment, when the anger at the scene was very noisy, suddenly Quan Zhichen, who was sitting next to Nuan Hua, made a sound.

With a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, he first glanced at Tang Nuan's painting, and seeing Tang Nuan's helpless look on his face, the smile on his face couldn't help.

After that, Quan Zhichen began to explain seriously, "I think you might have misunderstood something."

"Between our two companies, it just happens to value each other's needs for cooperation. I feel that this cooperation will be of great help to the development of both of us, and we will cooperate together. This cooperation is also Our Quan Group has gone through a long period of investigation and has nothing to do with personal emotions."

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