Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1571: The roots of troubles

"Also, the relationship between Miss Tang and I is very simple. It is only between friends and partners. There is no other excessive relationship. I hope everyone will stop gossiping."

"And everyone, don't forget, our President Tang's fiancé is Li Jingyi, the president of the dignified Li Group. You said I am a new company, so how dare I make this idea?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience laughed.

The mentality of everyone was still very gossip, and they were all comforted by Quan Zhichen. Everyone thought as they should, yes, yes, the female boss of the Tang Group is after all the fiancée of the president of the Li Group.

Let me ask, who would let the president of the Li Group choose a branch company to return to China? Is it impossible for everyone to think about it?

So next, everyone stopped gossip.

The meeting was finally able to continue as normal. After that, the media asked some moderate questions, and then conducted some basic interviews with Tang Nuanhua and Quan Zhichen.

In this way, Tang Nuanhua and Quan Zhichen formally reached a partnership.

In the end, the two sides shook hands amicably, which seemed so official and polite under the lens of the media.

At this time, it was exactly four o'clock in the afternoon, and this conference officially ended here.

At the originally overcrowded conference site, the crowd gradually dispersed, Tang Nuanhua and Quan Zhichen also returned to the backstage, and they also breathed a sigh of relief.

"President Quan, thank you today." Before leaving, Tang Nuan painted a polite smile at Quan Zhichen.

Quan Zhichen didn't care about it, but looked at Tang Nuan's painting with a chuckle, and suddenly made a request, "Miss Tang, would you please call me by my name in the future?"

"Huh?" Tang Nuan was taken aback.

Quan Zhichen asked, "We are at least friends now, right?"

"Um, of course it is."

Tang Nuanhua nodded. Perhaps she was not familiar with Quan Zhichen in her heart the previous few times, but through these few contacts, she gradually became less defensive against this person.

"So, since you treat me as a friend, don't always call me Quan Zong Quan. It's too polite. If you don't mind in the future, just call me Achen like my friends." Quan Zhichen suddenly smiled casually.

In fact, he has long been tired of hearing the two characters Quan Zong, especially when these two characters are spoken from Tang Nuan's paintings, he can clearly feel Tang Nuan's paintings for him.

This kind of credit is not what he wants.

Therefore, Quan Zhichen hopes that from now on, at least Tang Nuan's painting can start with a change of title, and then slowly accept him.

"Ah, Achen?"

Tang Nuan painting was taken aback at this moment, wondering if this name is too intimate?

However, Quan Zhichen did not give her time to respond and asked directly, "Nuanhua, since we are all partners now, do you want to have dinner together? I'll treat you."

"Um... okay." Helpless, Tang Nuan's painting also refused for unexpected reason.

After all, Quan Zhichen has already agreed to cooperate with the Tang Group, and this cooperation, the Tang Group has more advantages. If Tang Nuanhua does not agree to eat this meal, it is really not justified in terms of human relations.

Therefore, Tang Nuan painting simply packed up his things and led Lin Nanxiang, "Go, let’s go out and have a meal with President Quan?"

"Hmm." Lin Nanxiang nodded enthusiastically.

Quan Zhichen saw that Tang Nuanhua was finally willing to go out for dinner with him, and his heart was immediately happy, so he enthusiastically pulled his brother Yan Jie on, "Let's go, go to dinner with the beautiful woman."


Upon seeing this, Yan Jie sighed silently, what else could he do?

In fact, at today's press conference, Yan Jie was only notified temporarily. No one in the entire company knew that Quan Zhichen unexpectedly reached a cooperation with this woman without knowing it.

Moreover, it was urgent at the time, and the major media were all rushing to the press conference. Even if Yan Jie wanted to object, it was too late.

Reluctantly, he had no choice but to push it halfway, and reached a cooperation with the small international company, the Tang Group.

However, these are not the most surprising.

The most surprising thing was that after Yan Jie arrived at the scene, he discovered that the person Quan Zhichen wanted to cooperate with was actually that woman!

It was the woman who was saved by Quan Zhichen on the racing track.

It was also the woman who Quan Zhichen took the initiative to eat with her in the food stall that day.

Thinking of this, Yan Jiezai carefully took a look at Tang Nuan's painting up and down.

He wondered a little strangely in his heart, what kind of strange magic power is in this Tang Nuan painting? He actually sucked Quan Zhichen's heart so tightly.

Sure enough, it's a confidant's disaster, and a confidant's disaster!


Half an hour later, a five-star high-end restaurant in the city center.

Quan Zhichen had already booked a private room here, so when a few people arrived, the welcoming guests at the door walked up enthusiastically and politely nodded to Quan Zhichen, "Mr. Quan is here, please come inside." "

Then he took Quan Zhichen, Tang Nuanhua and others to the corresponding private rooms.

When he entered the private room, Tang Nuan realized that the tabletop was full of vegetables, and it was all steaming and fragrant.

"Wow, President Quan, you have everything ready and only owe Dongfeng?" Lin Nanxiang couldn't help but whispered when he saw this scene.

I thought to myself that it seemed that this Quan always came prepared, shouldn't it, wouldn't he have wanted to have a dinner with Nuanhua?

Tsk tusk tusk, Lin Nanxiang thought happily in his heart, hum, if this person doesn't have much interest in Nuanhua, then it's no wonder!

Of course, Lin Nanxiang only dared to think about this in her heart. She would not take it to the table casually to say it. She just happily sat down with Tang Nuan painting, and the four of them ate together.

"Nuanhua, you worked hard today. If you have any problems with cooperation in the future, remember to communicate with our company in time." As soon as he sat down, Quan Zhichen directly picked up a glass of wine and toasted Tang Nuanhua.

Tang Nuanhua felt a little flattered for a moment, but she couldn't drink because she was pregnant, so she had to hold a glass of coconut juice and touched a glass with Quan Zhichen, "Sorry, I feel unwell, so I will use juice instead of wine."

"Okay." Quan Zhichen didn't mind, and then the two of them touched a cup and ate a meal.

I have to admit that Tang Nuanhua was surprised to eat this meal, because she always thought that this meal would be embarrassing, but it turned out not to be embarrassing at all, and she even ate a little happily.

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