Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1572: Disguised punishment

And what Tang Nuan didn't expect was that Quan Zhichen was quite different from what she thought.

Although Quan Zhichen usually looks cold, domineering, and arrogant...

But as long as you get acquainted with him, you will find that Quan Zhichen is actually a very easygoing and joking person.

Of course, through the conversation with Quan Zhichen, Tang Nuan painting can also tell that Quan Zhichen is also a stubborn donkey.

If it hadn't been for a quarrel with his family, Quan Zhichen would not have been rushed to this city by his family.

Although it sounds nice, the Quan family brought Quan Zhichen over to allow him to operate a branch here, but in fact, this is a kind of punishment in disguise.

Tsk tusk tusk, in that case, Quan Zhichen still seems a bit interesting!

However, compared to Quan Zhichen, the man who came with Quan Zhichen on the side was meaningless.

When Yan Jie saw Tang Nuan's paintings, his eyes were obviously full of dissatisfaction.

It was as if seeing an enemy, either staring straight at Tang Nuan's painting, or shaking his head and sighing.

It's really strange.

Tang Nuan painted innocently and thought, did he hire this person or provoke this person? Why does this person seem to have an opinion on himself?

However, before Tang Nuanhua would say hello to Yan Jie, suddenly a phone call came and interrupted their meal.

"I want you to be by my side, I want you to dress me up, the wind in the night is itchy..."

Tang Nuanhua's cell phone rang.

Tang Nuan painted a slight pause, and immediately said embarrassed, then took the phone out of his pocket, immediately slid to answer the call, and put it in his ear.

"Hello? Uncle Chen, what do you want me to do?"

"Miss, it's not good, it's not good!"

Suddenly Uncle Chen's yelling came over the phone, his tone sounded very anxious, as if something serious had happened.

When Tang Nuanhua heard this tone, he suddenly felt nervous in his heart.

But still try to stay calm and ask, "What's the matter? Uncle Chen, please calm down first and make things clear, okay?"


Hearing Tang Nuanhua's response, Uncle Chen also knew that he shouldn't be too excited, so he had to force his state to calm himself down.

Then he said, "It's not good, Miss, something happened to the master."

"What's the matter?"

Uncle Chen shook his head, "Miss, what happened, I didn't know for a while. In short, there is a problem with the medicine you asked me to buy for the master. The master has a problem with the medicine now. Please come back soon. Look!"

Hearing this, Tang Nuanhua was shocked.

How could she think?

Didn’t Song Yijun’s medicine specifically target the virus?

How could it cause problems for people?

No, she has to go back and see the situation!

Thinking about this, Tang Nuan didn't hesitate anymore. First, he calmly said to Uncle Chen, "Uncle Chen, wait for me at home, I will come over now!"

Then he hung up his phone, and looked at Quan Zhichen, Yan Jie and Lin Nanxiang in front of him apologetically, "I'm sorry everyone, I suddenly have something urgent, and I must deal with it! Today's meal, I will I can’t eat with everyone anymore, but I promise I will make it back if I have a chance next time, okay?"

After finishing Tang Nuan painting, he never lingered, bit his lip, and then directly picked up his bag and stood up, hurriedly grabbed the door and left.

"Hey, warm painting, warm painting!"

Lin Nanxiang yelled a few times from behind, but there was no time to stop Tang Nuan painting.

Helpless, she had no choice but to stand up quickly with her bag, and apologized to Quan Zhichen and Yan Jie in front of her, "I'm sorry, President Quan, since Nuanhua is gone, then I will take a step first. I have a chance next time. Get together again."

Lin Nanxiang chased after speaking.

In the box, only Quan Zhichen and Yan Jie were left. One looked dumbfounded and didn't know what happened, the other shook his head helplessly.

And when Lin Nanxiang chased outside the hotel, Tang Nuanhua had already raised his hand to stop a taxi, just sat in, and then left.

Since Lin Nanxiang couldn't catch up, he had to give up.

Soon, the Tang family mansion.

Tang Nuanhua kept urging the driver to speed up along the way, and the driver rushed over almost desperately.

After arriving at the door of his house, Tang Nuanhua hurriedly got out of the car, threw a red banknote to the driver, and ran into the house without looking back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, he bumped into the scene of Master Tang going crazy.

"Ah! Give me medicine! Give me medicine! I asked you to give me medicine, did you hear me!"

At this moment, Grandpa Tang didn't know what was wrong, his whole person seemed to be in a demon stunner, and he leaned on a cane to get angry at the servants.

The whole face was flushed with anger, the flames on Master Tang's body burned violently, and the whole person looked particularly terrifying.

When the servants on the side saw this scene, they were all crowded together, and they didn't dare to make a loud noise.

Even the housekeeper, Uncle Chen, didn’t dare to say anything, so he could only keep repeating from the side, “Master, you can calm down, you can calm down, your anger is bad for your health."

"Yeah, yeah, master, calm down." The servants next to him nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

As a result, Master Tang not only lost his anger, but he became even more angry, "What do you want to do, what do I do! Didn't you give me the medicine yesterday? Why is there no medicine today? What about the medicine!"

"The medicine... the medicine is already sold out, sir, I only bought a little bit yesterday, didn't you have finished drinking it?" Uncle Chen replied helplessly.

Hearing this, Master Tang became furious, and struck him directly with a cane, "Don’t you know if you don’t know how to buy the medicine! Get it for me quickly, get out of here to buy it, you are standing here one by one. What are you doing!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir, this medicine is not that I don't buy it, but I can't buy it at all. Last night, all those medicines were sold out. I went to the market today and saw nothing, you, you How can I buy it for you, sir?" Uncle Chen said helplessly.

However, Master Tang was angry, so he could not hear his explanation.

Elder Tang doesn’t care, as if he’s gone crazy, he yells at the people next to him, "I don’t care! No matter what you do, you must get this medicine for me anyway, otherwise I can’t spare you one by one. !"

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