Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1573: Has been discontinued

When the words were over, Master Tang suddenly began to scratch his skin.

No way, he is really going to die.

It was as if there were countless insects chewing up and down on Master Tang's body, densely itch and painful.

He couldn't help but scratch his skin with his hands, the skin was red, but he still couldn't stop the dense, itchy and painful feeling.

When Tang Nuan saw this scene when he painted, he immediately felt a little tingling on his scalp.


After shouting loudly, Tang Nuanhua immediately strode to his father's side and asked worriedly, "Dad, what's the matter with you?!"

When Master Tang heard this voice, he saw his daughter coming back in a blink of an eye. He smiled happily at first, "The painting is back."

Then there was a distressed look on his face, "Painting, my father feels very uncomfortable recently, as if there are bugs biting me, my skin is full of bugs, and I feel uncomfortable!

Only yesterday’s medicine will make me feel better after taking it. So kid, please go and buy some medicine for dad, dad really can't bear this kind of pain! "


When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he couldn't bear it, and he didn't know what happened to his father.

She turned her head and asked Uncle Chen aside, "Uncle Chen, what is going on? How could my dad be like this?"

"I don't know either, Miss!"

Uncle Chen looked nervous and shook his head helplessly, saying that he really didn't know anything.

In fact, when Uncle Chen went to buy medicine yesterday, he only bought two meals because he was worried about the side effects of this medicine.

Last night, after Uncle Chen gave Master Tang a meal, Master Tang's condition has indeed improved a bit, and Uncle Chen also relieved a lot.

But who knew that by the next morning, Master Tang suddenly said that he was itchy all over, and then he wanted to take medicine.

After taking the medicine, Master Tang felt better again. He didn't expect that in the afternoon, he would start to itch again, and depending on the degree of the itch, it was even worse than yesterday!

However, the medicine that Uncle Chen bought has already been eaten.

Seeing that the master is so uncomfortable, Uncle Chen was thinking about not going to buy some more. How can I know that this medicine in the pharmacy outside, somehow, was out of stock overnight!

Helpless, Uncle Chen had to come back dingy.

When I came back, I saw the crazy look of my master, and Uncle Chen didn't know what to do, so he could only quickly find Tang Nuan for painting.

"Uncle Chen, besides taking medicine, does my dad eat any other messy things?"

At this moment, Tang Nuanhua suddenly asked vigilantly.

"Other things? It doesn't seem to be right!"

Uncle Chen shook his head and thought about it in his mind. Then he told Tang Nuanhua with a certain degree of certainty, "Miss, I can be sure that except for the two medicines, the other food is the same as daily. There is no abnormality."

"Yes, yes, Miss, we are worried that the master has been caught in the cold, and we specially made some light and stomach-warming food for the master."

"Master used to eat like this before, so how could there be a problem with the food?"

The servant who was cooking on the side also said at this time.

Hearing this, Tang Nuan could not help but ponder for a while, and then her eyes gradually strengthened, "Since it is not a problem of diet, it seems that there should be a problem with these medicines!"

But why is it like this?

It’s not that Tang Nuan’s paintings have never been seen before. The evaluations on the drug introduced by Song Yijun on the Internet are all unanimously praised. No one has ever said that there is a problem with the drug, only people say that the drug is effective.

But how could it be a problem with my father?

"Uncle Chen, how about that? You can buy a little more of this medicine. Let me see if there are any unsafe ingredients in this medicine!" At the end, Tang Nuanhua ordered.

However, Uncle Chen shook his head helplessly, and said helplessly, "Miss, you forgot, I just said that this medicine has been discontinued."

"Stop selling?" Tang Nuanhua frowned.

"Yes, miss!"

Uncle Chen said weakly, "It's really not that I don't want to help you, but I really don't know where I can buy this medicine."

Originally, Uncle Chen bought the medicine yesterday and bought it well, but I didn't know what happened last night. All of the major stores stopped selling this medicine overnight.

Right now, even if he wanted to help Tang Nuan draw errands, it was useless.

"How could this be……"

When Tang Nuan painting heard this, it was even more incredible.

She wondered what the **** was going on?

Good point, what the **** did Song Yijun do? He introduced a medicine and suddenly stopped selling them in the middle of the night. Is there something wrong?

and many more!

Tang Nuanhua suddenly thought that Song Yijun, a woman who loves money so much, can't wait for the whole world to know that her company has launched such a product, how can she stop selling this medicine?

There must be a reason for the sudden suspension of sales!

Is it possible to say, is it possible to say what is wrong with this medicine?

Thinking of this, Tang Nuanhua's heart jumped! Suddenly she had a very bad premonition in her heart!

However, with this premonition, Tang Nuan didn't dare to be too sure about painting, and for the time being, he dared not speculate.

I had to turn my head first, and Tang Nuan painted comforted his father first, "Dad, please calm down first. This medicine is now sold out on the market. There is no need to sell it. And you are not feeling well, so you should go to bed and rest first. Well, take a good rest to get better."

When the words were over, Tang Nuan painted a wink at the servant on the side, "You guys, hurry up and let the master go upstairs and let the master have a good rest."

"Yes." The servants nodded immediately.

Then they approached Master Tang and tried to help Master Tang.

Unexpectedly, what a few people didn't expect was that when Master Tang heard that he was going upstairs, he immediately went crazy.

He lifted the crutches in his hand, and Master Tang slapped the coffee table fiercely with the crutches a few times. It crackled and crackled, and he resisted loudly, "I won't go, I won't go! I won't go to rest. !"

"Dad..." Tang Nuan painting was about to collapse.

Master Tang turned his head, and suddenly looked at Tang Nuan's painting with a begging look, "Painting, can't you shut me up?"

"Daddy's whole body is very uncomfortable now. I feel like I'm dying. Painted. Otherwise, can you buy medicine for me? Just treat it as my father begs you..."

When he said this, Mr. Tang looked so pitiful.

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