Where did Tang Nuan paint his father like this?

Seeing that his father was getting older, he actually bowed his head to himself for a little medicine...

Tang Nuan's painting is really sad, and tears are about to fall.

But seeing my father yelling here is not a solution after all. Now my father has to calm down first.

Therefore, Tang Nuan painting had to gritted his teeth, cruelly, and stubbornly gave an order to the servants on the side, "Bring the master up, let him calm down, take care of him by the way, don't let him get into trouble!"


The servant nodded, and then the servant approached Master Tang again.

Of course, Master Tang is still struggling. The whole person is like a grasshopper on a frying pan, his face turned hideous and his expression is even more painful, "Don't come here, don't come here!"


Seeing this scene, Tang Nuan's painting felt even more uncomfortable, but she couldn't help much, so she could only comfort her father, "Dad, there is a problem with the medicine you are taking, I will definitely help you find out the cause quickly, you Go up and take a good rest. If you itch, you will endure it, and then endure it. I will definitely be back as soon as possible."

After that, Tang Nuanhua couldn't bear to see his father anymore, and directly waved to the servants, "Hurry up and bring people up."

"Yes, Miss."

After that, the servants didn't care about the three, seven, and twenty one, and went straight forward, and arrested Mr. Tang regardless, and then brought Mr. Tang upstairs and into the room.

Along the way, Master Tang was constantly struggling, he was constantly twisting like an earthworm.

"Hurry up and let me go, you all quickly let go, right? You don't want to do it, right?"

But none of the servants dared to let go, after all, Tang Nuan was painting here staring at them. They could only hold Master Tang's arm hard, and bluntly grabbed people into the room.

Dad, sorry.

Tang Nuanhua saw this scene behind her, and her heart was particularly painful, but what could she do?

My father didn't know what was wrong. Looking at his emotional state, he was a bit close to mania, and Tang Nuan had to calm his father first.

After his father finally entered the room, Tang Nuan painted a sigh of relief.

Then, she will begin to investigate the ins and outs of all this.

Sitting down on the sofa, Tang Nuanhua's face was very gloomy at this time, she wondered how could she be like this?

Could it be that Song Yijun had always been selling fake medicines before? How could the side effects of this medicine be so big!

What the **** is Song Yijun doing?

No way.

Tang Nuanhua suddenly felt that he couldn't wait and die like this anymore!

If she sits like this and waits for death, she can't solve anything, so she can only dryly worry about it. What's the point?

Rather than sitting here in a hurry, it is better to find Song Yijun!

After all, from the spread of the virus to the research and development and sales of drugs, Song Yijun did the ghosts himself.

No one knows what is going on better than Song Yijun.

Chu Chen's situation, the virus, and the antidote... Tang Nuanhua thought to herself that she had to ask for it in person!

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan's painting immediately stood up from the sofa decisively without delay.

"Miss, where are you going?"

At this time, the housekeeper Chen Shu settled his father upstairs, and brought a few servants down. He immediately saw Tang Nuan painting turning to leave, and he asked quickly.

Tang Nuanhua said, "I still have something to deal with first. You stay at home. Remember to take good care of your father. Don't let your father make any more accidents, you know?"

"I see, Miss, please don't worry, I will contact you as soon as possible if there is any unexpected situation." Uncle Chen promised.

Hearing this, Tang Nuan painted an ah, and he was relieved.

After that, Tang Nuan did not postpone her painting. She stood up directly from her seat and left Tang's house with her bag.

Walking to the side of the road, Tang Nuanhua stopped a taxi casually. After getting on the bus, she spit out a few words coldly, "Master, go to Luoshi Group."

"Roche Group? There are two Roche Groups now. I don't know which Roche Group you are going to, Miss?" the driver asked puzzled.

Tang Nuanhua thought for a while and said, "Go to a subsidiary of the Rock Group."


Then the driver took Tang Nuan's painting to the Luoshi Group.

Soon, the car arrived at the Rock Group.

After Tang Nuan got out of the car, he strode directly into the elevator, and after finding the floor where the Rock Group was located, he went directly in vigorously.

After entering, Tang Nuanhua first walked to the front desk of the company, and politely asked the front desk staff, "Miss, where is your boss's office going?"

"Um... may you be?"

The front desk staff looked hesitant when seeing Tang Nuan's painting.

Since Tang Nuan’s paintings are all here, they simply didn’t hide and tuck them, and directly exposed their identity, "My name is Tang Nuanhua, and I’m an old friend of your boss. I came to see her today. I have something to do. Talk to her clearly."

"Oh, that's the case, do you have an appointment?"

The front desk staff asked strangely.

Tang Nuan painting suddenly felt a little funny, but he didn't expect that a mere Song Yijun, who opened a new company, would actually come up with such an arrangement.

But since the front desk asked so, Tang Nuan didn't make it difficult for her to paint.

Tang Nuanhua said directly, "I don't have an appointment, but you can just call your boss and say that the boss of the Tang Group is here and let her take care of it. If you don't see me, you will be at your own risk!"

In the last sentence, Tang Nuan painted very hard.

In an instant, the front desk staff were a little frightened by Tang Nuan's overbearing aura.

I had to pick up the phone tremblingly, and the voice weakened, "Okay, okay, then I will help you ask."

Then the front desk had no choice but to follow Tang Nuan's painting and tap a phone call in Song Yijun's office.

Within a few seconds, the call was connected.

However, the person who answered the call was not Song Yijun, but Song Yijun's subordinate, Gu Jun.

His voice was somewhat cold and severe, "Who?"

The lady at the front desk responded cautiously, "I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, this is the front desk. Now there is a lady at the front desk. She said that she is the boss of the Down Group. Now she wants to come in and talk to the boss. You know this Miss? Can I let her in?"


Hearing this, Gu Jun frowned almost instantaneously, and hurriedly turned around and said to Song Yijun, "Miss, Tang Nuan painted the woman here!"

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