Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1575: Don't have any points in mind

"Tang Nuan painting?"

As soon as Song Yijun heard the name of Tang Nuan's painting, her expression changed instantly, an unbelievable look, and her voice became sharp, "What is the woman doing here?"

"do not know."

Gu Jun said truthfully, "However, the front desk said that Tang Nuanhua wanted to see you, and said that he had something to say clearly to you."

"Speak clearly? Haha, what can I say clearly between me and her." Song Yijun chuckled lightly, just thinking it was funny.

"Then I rejected her?" Gu Jun asked softly at this time, turning around to answer the call.

Before he could speak, Song Yijun suddenly interrupted, "Wait!"

"?" Gu Jun puzzled.

Song Yijun coldly snorted with interest, "I'm a little curious, what on earth this woman wants to do, and what she wants to tell me clearly."

After speaking, Song Yijun nodded decisively to Gu Jun, "Okay, let Tang Nuan draw up."


Gu Jun answered, and then responded to the call, "Let her come up."

"Roger that."

The lady at the front desk also nodded, and then hung up the phone, and gave Tang Nuan a look, "Miss Tang, our boss has agreed to let you in. You can enter the door and turn right and go straight and you will see us. The boss’s office is gone."

"Okay, thank you." Tang Nuan painted slightly nodded.

Then Tang Nuan painting took a stride and went directly to Song Yijun's office.

She is so powerful that she can walk with wind, and the employees in the office area are stunned.


Suddenly, Song Yijun's door was directly pushed open by Tang Nuan's painting.

Song Yijun was startled. Before he could react, he saw Tang Nuanhua rushing in aggressively.

His face was as ugly as a poker card, and Song Yijun looked a little bit afraid.

After that, before Song Yijun asked why Tang Nuan painting came in, Tang Nuan painting directly said angrily, "Song Yijun, what do you mean this time? Do you know how many people you have killed!"


Hearing what Tang Nuan painted, Song Yijun was taken aback, pretending to be innocent, as if he didn't know what Tang Nuan was saying.

Suddenly, she smiled deceptively, "Miss Tang, why are you so fierce when you come here? Could it be that you are in a bad mood, do you want to come here to spoil you?"


"If you want to come here, that's understandable. After all, I heard that you were not a very polite girl before. The so-called situation is easy to change, and your nature is hard to change. I will not blame you. But why do you have Come to our Luoshi Group to spoil, people who don’t know may think that I have offended you, then I can't afford it."


When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he almost died of anger, "Why am I looking for you, don't you have any points in your heart!"

She really didn't expect that there should be someone as brazen as Song Yijun in this world.

After doing so many disgusting and self-interested things, she can actually laugh?

It is true that the tree does not need bark, and it will definitely die. People are shameless and invincible!

"Song Yijun, it seems that I really underestimate the extent of your cheeky. If you were just a cheeky before, then now, your cheeks are comparable to iron skins."

Suddenly, Tang Nuan painted a sneer.

"You!" Now it's Song Yijun's turn to become hot.

However, Tang Nuan didn't mean to talk nonsense with her, she directly scolded, "Okay Song Yijun, since you have to pretend to be innocent in front of me, then we might as well say everything today."

Tang Nuan didn't want to waste her expression and tongue. After all, she came today, mainly to ask what happened.

So next, Tang Nuan didn't procrastinate at all in his paintings, and just went on to reveal everything.

"Song Yijun, don’t think I don’t know. This time, the contagious virus spread out in the city is a ghost behind your back! You injected my assistant with the virus, and you caused all the people in the city to suffer. You did all this, right?"

Upon hearing this, Song Yijun's face changed obviously.

Before he could refute anything, Tang Nuan's painting continued to sarcastically, "Song Yijun, I really want to know, everyone is also human, why can your heart be so dark? How did you do it?"

"Do you know how many people died because of the viruses you made? They are all innocent lives, Song Yijun, even if you have a cruel heart, you won't harm those innocent people! "

"Well, if you create a virus just to be able to sell your medicines and to make money, then I can understand. After all, you have always been an unscrupulous person for your purpose. Not surprising."

Speaking, Tang Nuan's words gradually became sharper and sharper, "But, since you have chosen to sell medicines to make up for your mistakes, why should you stop selling your medicines overnight!"

"Or your medicines are simply wrong! You stopped selling them all because of your guilty conscience! Song Yijun, what I said was right!?"

! ! !

At this time, Song Yijun's face was completely pale.

Listening to the words and sentences drawn by Tang Nuan, her face, which was still very indifferent, gradually became extraordinarily weird.

It seems that she did not expect that all of her work would be seen through Tang Nuan's paintings!

Obviously she has done everything seamlessly. This **** Tang Nuan painting, how did she know these things, and also understand every detail clearly? !

Damn it! Damn it!

What does she want to do with this Tang Nuan painting? !

No, Song Yijun suddenly thought in a panic that she wouldn't admit that she had done these things. If she did, wouldn't she just stop confessing?

Thinking of this, Song Yijun's face changed rapidly.

She was like a chameleon, her face changed from being flustered to pretending to be indifferent, to pretending to be indifferent, and then suddenly a little angry and angry.

Finally, Song Yijun held her breath and stared at Tang Nuan's delicate and perfect face with extremely fierce eyes.

The corner of her mouth evoked a cold and evil smile, and Song Yijun's whole person became weird. She looked at Tang Nuan's painting with chills, and her voice was so enchanting and weird, "Miss Tang, don't forget, This is my place, I advise you, don't rush to spit people."

This sentence is undoubtedly a warning to Tang Nuan's painting.

Song Yijun wanted to tell Tang Nuan that this place belonged to her, if Tang Nuan dared to talk nonsense, she would be very welcome.

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