"But it doesn't matter, we will come to Japan for a long time. One day, I will find evidence of your crime to punish you. On that day, you will never want to easily escape from my hands!"

"Song Yijun, let's wait and see!"

After throwing this cruel remark fiercely, Tang Nuanhua finally turned and walked away.

Her whole body seemed to be carrying a strong wind, the kind of powerful aura that made people unable to ignore.

After Tang Nuanhua left, Song Yijun finally released her whole body. She suddenly leaned on the table weakly, her eyes tightly looking at the direction of the door, full of resentment.

Damn it!

This **** Tang Nuan painting, who gave her the confidence to be so mad in front of her!

"Miss, are you okay? Miss!"

At this moment, Gu Jun, a subordinate on the side, saw Song Yijun weakly leaning against the edge of the table, thinking what was wrong with Song Yijun, and his heart immediately hung up.

He hurried over to help Song Yijun, but before he reached out his hand, Song Yijun suddenly raised his hand and opened his hand fiercely, "Go away, I don't need your comfort."

"...Okay." Gu Jun had to leave silently.

Although he retreated, he still stood not far from Song Yijun, watching Song Yijun silently.

After that, I saw Song Yijun staring at the direction where Tang Nuan was leaving, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth with anger, "I just feel angry. I haven't seen you in a year. This woman is still so arrogant! hate!"

Song Yijun remembered that a year ago, when Tang Nuan's painting was so arrogant and hateful, every time he quarreled with Song Yijun, he just missed Song Yijun alive.

But now a year later, she turned into the adopted daughter of the Luo Family Group and returned. As a result, the temper of Tang Nuan's painting has not changed. It is so popular that she will turn her eyes to the sky!

Still the same sentence, if it was possible, Song Yijun really wished to tear the mouth of Tang Nuan's painting torn apart, and see how she could still express those annoying words.

But then again, Tang Nuan painted now, wouldn't she think that she is still the soft persimmon from before?

Song Yijun suddenly felt very funny, if Tang Nuan painting really thought so, it would be really wrong!

Thinking of this, Song Yijun suddenly narrowed his eyes insidiously, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "This Tang Nuan painting is too small for me. Does she think I'm still the lamb that was slaughtered back then? It's actually still me. I'm talking big in front of me, hum, I want to see who is between me and her first!"

"That's right, miss."

After hearing this, Gu Jun hurriedly helped to compliment Song Yijun. "You have been abroad this year and have undergone such intense devil training. You are no longer who you were when you came back this time. Nuanhua, how could you be your opponent? This time, we have to paint Tang Nuan with some color."

"That's right!" Song Yijun nodded.

She thought that Tang Nuan painting, Tang Nuan painting, since you said to wait and see, let's just wait and see!

I want to see this time, whether you are better or I am better!

In short, this time she Song Yijun will never spare Tang Nuan painting again!


Later, the Li Group.

After Tang Nuanhua left the Luoshi Group, he still felt angry. He didn't know how to vent his breath for a while, so he had to come to Li Jingyi first.

At this moment, Li Jingyi just finished a meeting.

When he walked out of the meeting room, Li Jingyi felt a little tired in his vision, so he raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows with his slender fingers.

Unexpectedly, at the moment Li Jingyi didn't pay attention, an unknown object suddenly rushed towards him!

If it weren't for a familiar scent, Li Jingyi would just push this person away immediately.

Fortunately, the scent of Tang Nuan's paintings is so special, and Li Jingyi realized that this girl is Tang Nuan's paintings, so he didn't refuse.

"Jing Yi..."

At this time, the person in his arms murmured softly, his tone sounded a little inexplicably wronged.

"What's wrong?" Li Jingyi felt strange and asked softly.

Tang Nuanhua shook his head again, unwilling to speak, so Li Jingyi had no choice but to ask more.

At this time, the colleagues in the company couldn't help teasing the scene of their president and his wife hugging each other sweetly.

"Look, look at the president and Mrs. Young!"

"Wow, it's really been a long time to see me. The first time I saw the president and his wife so sweet."

"Ahhhhhhhhh, she looks so sweet and so sweet..."

Although the voices of those who are talking are extremely small, they are still sufficiently clear in a quiet environment.

Xu Mo heard the voice and couldn't help but snickered. Then he squeezed his hand into a half-fist and placed it under his nose. He smiled and coughed twice and reminded, "Madam, President, this is still in the office area. , If you two have something to say, let's go back to the office first."


Hearing this, Li Jingyi nodded lightly.

Realizing that being so crooked in the office area is indeed a bit bad, they directly took Tang Nuan's small hand, and the two went to the office first.

After arriving at the office, Li Jingyi first arranged Tang Nuan's painting to sit down on the sofa.

Later, he found that Tang Nuanhua's face today was obviously not quite right, frowning and a frown, as if something happened.

Li Jingyi couldn't help but wonder, his voice calmly asked, "Did you encounter something?"


For a while, Tang Nuan didn't know how to say what to say in his paintings, but his big eyes were moisturized and innocent.

When Li Jingyi saw this, although he didn't know what had happened, he couldn't help but feel pain just seeing Tang Nuan's pitiful face.

I had to stretch out my hand and gently rubbed Tang Nuan's head, and Li Jingyi gently soothed, "What the **** is going on? Don't worry, you speak slowly, I listen slowly, and we solve any problems together. "

"Jing Yi..."


Li Jingyi touched her head gently.

I have to admit that Li Jingyi's words and this action are like a relief.

Tang Nuan painted his nervous and uneasy heart, but instantly felt a lot more stable.

She suddenly thought, yes, is there anything that can't be discussed?

With Li Jingyi here, what is she worried about.

Then, Tang Nuan painted well and told Li Jingyi all the ins and outs of this matter.

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