Of course, it also includes his father’s adverse reactions to the drugs, and Tang Nuanhua’s just going to Luoshi Group to negotiate with Song Yijun...

After talking about a series of things, Tang Nuan painting once again felt his own powerlessness.

The spirit of her whole body went down, and she could only ask Li Jingyi helplessly, "Jing Yi, what on earth should I do? I suddenly felt that I was really useless."

"Chu Chen was killed because of me. I felt very guilty for him. As a result, before I had time to rescue Chu Chen from the fire and water, my father was infected with this inexplicable virus again... my God... …"

Tang Nuanhua felt a pain in her heart, and her tone became more and more painful. "Dad's wind chill is getting more and more serious. If it doesn't get better, it may turn into a lung disease. Ah, how can I help? No way..."

Talking about Tang Nuan painting is extremely painful.

She raised her hand and wiped the corner of her eye, but her eyes were already filled with helpless tears.

God knows how Tang Nuan hated his incompetence at that moment!

Seeing that her friends and relatives are suffering, but she is powerless, she has the heart to kill herself.

"Warm painting."

When Li Jingyi saw the appearance of Tang Nuan's painting, he couldn't tell his heartache.

Raising his hand and gently stroking it, he touched Tang Nuan's painted face. He had to gently wipe away the falling tears for Tang Nuan's painting, while calmly comforting softly, "Don't be like this, these are not your fault."

"It's not my fault, whose fault is it!"

Tang Nuan's painting struggled, and she didn't care about her image anymore, tears fell in front of Li Jingyi, "If it wasn't for me, I would be kind to Song Yijun over and over again, if I was when Song Yijun just came back. , To hinder her in all aspects and prevent her from making a comeback. Such a thing today will not happen!"

"It's all right now, I blame it, I blame it for harming Chu Chen and Dad." Tang Nuan couldn't help but feel guilty.

She could not ignore her mistakes, nor could she avoid the condemnation of herself in her heart.

She kept thinking that if she had stopped Song Yijun when Song Yijun was just about to return to China at the beginning, and cut off Song Yijun's path, perhaps it would not have happened today.

Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything.

Thinking of his father’s physical condition and Chu Chen lying in the hospital, Tang Nuan couldn’t help crying, and couldn’t forgive himself...

"Nuanhua, Nuanhua, be good, don't cry."

Seeing this girl's tears continue to fall, Li Jingyi's heart was pulled together with the pain.

Tang Nuanhua blames himself in his heart, so why not blame himself!

If it wasn't that he didn't protect this girl, if he helped this girl except Song Yijun from the beginning, this girl wouldn't worry about this, crying so weakly...

However, it is not too late.

The deep eyes suddenly sank, Li Jingyi didn't know what he was thinking about, and his tone became more serious, "Nuanhua, let's send my father and Chu Chen to a foreign country for treatment."


Tang Nuan was taken aback when he heard the words.

Li Jingyi nodded affirmatively, gently wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said, her voice sounded particularly solid, "I know you are in a heavy mood now, but tears can't solve the problem, things always have to be solved one by one. "

"I have some friends abroad who are proficient in medicine. They are very knowledgeable in medicine. Maybe my father and Chu Chen went there and got their help. They should get better soon."


Hearing Li Jingyi's words, Tang Nuanhua's tears stopped instantly.

Li Jingyi patiently tidyed her tousled hair, nodded comfortingly, "Well, believe me, I won't make my father's illness worse."

"After my father and them go abroad, we will think of ways to deal with Song Yijun. Don't worry, I will be with you this time to make Song Yijun completely disappear from your life. I will never let you face this alone again. Up."

Li Jingyi was not joking this time, he was serious, he couldn't bear to leave this girl alone anymore.

Isn't it just Song Yijun?

There is only one woman who dares to embarrass him, and she will die or disappear forever.

Song Yijun must be one of them.

"Jing Yi..."

In an instant, Tang Nuanhua's heart warmed.

These words, like warm quilts in winter, warmed Tang Nuan's cold and broken heart in an instant.

She looked deeply into Li Jingyi's eyes, and suddenly realized that in those bottomless eyes, everything was filled with tenderness to her.

Finally, Tang Nuan couldn't help painting, she plunged directly into Li Jingyi's arms, hugged Li Jingyi tightly, and then was willing to release all her emotions.

Grievance, self-blame, complaint, anger, and guilt, as well as the mountain-like pressure accumulated in my heart, all collapsed from my heart...

And as long as she was in Li Jingyi's arms, she didn't need to be afraid of anything.

Li Jingyi patted her shoulder gently, with every touch, the warmth of the palm could truly warm her skin.

Tang Nuan painting couldn't help closing his eyes with enjoyment, wishing to be so, and for the rest of his life indulged in this gentleness.

In this way, a long time passed.

Li Jingyi finally felt that the mood of the people in his arms had calmed down a lot, so he patted Tang Nuan's painting on the shoulder lightly, "Okay, it's not too early, we should go home from get off work."

As he said, he pushed the person in his arms.

However, the Tang Nuan painting in his arms did not move at all, and there was nothing to say. Li Jingyi suddenly became a little panicked. He lowered his head and looked at Tang Nuan's painted face from his chest. Only then did he realize that Tang Nuan's painting was crying. Crying and fell asleep.

After being fiddled with by Li Jingyi, she still looked like a little dazed, frowning in dissatisfaction and muttering, "Well, don't touch me, sleep..."

Li Jingyi couldn't help but couldn't help but feel helpless at the same time.

But who made this the little ancestor of his own choice?

When this little ancestor laughed, it was almost like the sky full of stars, like the most splendid flower in the spring, and it was so beautiful.

But when this little ancestor was in tears, Li Jingyi felt like the sky was falling apart and the tsunami broke out.

And when this little ancestor was asleep, he looked like a simple baby, and his tender little red face was so cute and likable.


Li Jingyi looked at the painting of Tang Nuan in his arms indulgingly.

No way, who made him trapped by her already.

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