"Huh? Oh, I'm going now."

Although Lin Nanxiang still didn't understand, why Tang Nuan painting wanted Han Ke, but since Tang Nuan painting wanted to see Han Ke, she had to find Han Ke.

But after a while, Han Ke arrived.

When Han Ke entered the door, he didn't know what was going on, so he took the initiative to greet Tang Nuanhua, "Hello, Miss, may I ask what you want."

"Order? Yes."

Tang Nuanhua smiled heartily at this time. Suddenly he looked at Han Ke with a deep smile, and asked, "I want to ask you a question, and I hope Comrade Han Ke will answer truthfully, okay?"


Han Ke was a little speechless when he heard this, and didn't know what Tang Nuan's painting meant. He had to bite the bullet and responded, "Miss, you are polite. Just ask if you have any questions. I must know everything."

"Haha, it's so good to know everything!" Tang Nuanhua suddenly laughed.

For a while, the people around saw this scene, and they were a little confused. They didn't know what Tang Nuan's painting was talking about, let alone what Tang Nuan's painting was laughing at.

Only Tang Nuanhua knew that she had already seen Han Ke through.

No, she asked a direct question, "Han Ke, do you think you have done anything sorry for me since you became my assistant?"

"Sorry about your business?"

Han Ke thought about it after hearing this, and then almost immediately shook his head, "Of course there is no eldest lady, I am loyal to you, absolutely indifferent, how could I do anything to sorry you!"

That's what I said, but Han Ke's forehead was clearly beginning to sweat.

What a clever person Tang Nuan painting is, naturally you can tell at a glance that Han Ke has already begun to feel guilty.

However, Tang Nuanhua didn't rush to expose this person, but continued to ask with a smile but a smile, "What if, did you do something sorry for me?"

"No, dare not!" Han Ke still denied.

However, he was already silently guilty, always feeling that Tang Nuan painting asked this question very strange, as if he already knew something.

In fact, Tang Nuan painting did know something.

No, Tang Nuan didn't have the patience to continue to bend around. He simply smiled and pointed the topic clearly, "Hahaha! Han Ke, are you sure you want to continue to pretend to be in front of me?"

"Han Ke, are you actually from Song Yijun?"


When these words came out, Lin Nanxiang and Fang Han both opened their eyes!

Han Ke's face was most stunned, his expression on his whole body was not right, and even his words began to tremble, "No, no, no, I..."

The words were not finished, but Tang Nuan was interrupted expressionlessly by Tang Nuan's picture, "Okay, don't explain, explanation is just to cover up."

After that, Tang Nuan painted no more chuckles on his face, but gradually became serious, "Han Ke, you told Song Yijun about the fact that I sent a spy to the Luos Group?"

"I..." Han Ke was too guilty to speak again.

"Of course you don't have to rush to deny it, because I know everything. From the very beginning, when Tang Yan'er was sent to prison by me, Song Yijun started secretly laying out all this."

"She arranged you by my side and asked you to provoke divorce by my side. In fact, I can see all these things clearly. For so long, I've just been acting stupid. Do you really think that I am Don't you know?"

If the remarks just now belonged to questioning, then Tang Nuan's current remarks are arrogant.

Don't look deeply at Han Ke in front of her, her eyes suddenly become unfathomable, "How is it? What else can you explain."


This time, Han Ke was completely silent.

Tang Nuan's painting has already revealed everything ruthlessly and revealed his identity, so what else is there to explain?

At this moment, Lin Nanxiang on the side was shocked to see this scene.

She looked at Han Ke incredulously, her voice filled with shock and suspicion, "Han Ke, I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person, you, how could you be the undercover agent sent by Song Yijun!"


Han Ke was also helpless, so he had to apologize to Lin Nanxiang.

After all this time. Although Tang Nuan didn't want to see him very much, Lin Nanxiang was still very friendly to him.

At least Lin Nanxiang really regarded him as a friend, and he would call Han Ke whether he was eating or going home.

It's a pity that Han Ke was forced to stand on the opposite side of Tang Nuan painting from the very beginning when he came to this company.

Therefore, even if Lin Nanxiang is good, they are destined to be unable to be friends.

Now, his true face has finally been taken apart. For some reason, Han Ke felt relieved inexplicably.

After all, he used to follow Tang Nuan's painting every day with fear, but now, there is no need to worry.

"Yes! I am indeed from Song Yijun, I admit it!"

At this time, Han Ke was finally unwilling to cover up, and simply confessed everything.

There is no longer the usual timidity in his words, and some are actually a determination to live toward death, "But what about it? Isn't it normal to use people's money to eliminate disasters?

Song Yijun gave me money and gave me a sum of money that I could never spend. Why didn't I help her supervise you? Miss, it is really bad for you to do this, but I am not wrong, am I? "

"Huh. What a clever tongue."

When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he gave a cold snort.

I thought that this person meant that he had betrayed Tang Nuan's painting secretly, and Tang Nuan's painting would have grown up to forgive him a lot?

What logic is this!

Tang Nuan's painting only finds it ridiculous.

In the end, Tang Nuan painting didn’t bother to continue arguing with this Han Ke, and said coldly, “If it’s done, don’t make any more excuses. Actually, I don’t mean to blame you, I’m just I have been waiting for such an opportunity to reveal your true colors!"

Tang Nuanhua said impatiently, "Since now your true face has been revealed by me, I also know that you are from Song Yijun, and you don't need to stay with us anymore.

Go out, go back to Song Yijun as soon as possible, return to where you should be, don't let me see you again, understand? "


However, this Han Ke also made a look of reluctance, as if he felt a little guilty in his heart.

Don’t want Tang Nuanhua to see this scene and feel even more funny, and suddenly asked strangely, “Han Ke, don’t you tell me, you’re betraying again now, and want to take refuge in me?”

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