"Tsk tusk, it's a pity, I'm not a garbage shelter here, and people who betray me are never welcome. So, don't let me repeat it, get out of here!"

After that, Tang Nuanhua was too lazy to take a look at the person in front of him, and coldly ignored him, took the file from the desktop and proceeded to deal with the work.


Han Ke also yelled reluctantly, but Tang Nuanhua simply ignored him.

Lin Nanxiang on the side also sighed at this moment, "Han Ke, you really disappointed us this time. I didn't expect that you would be such a double-handed person."

"Okay, Hanke, you go quickly, because you are still serious about your work during this time, we don't blame you much, but in the future, don't show up in front of us again!"

Lin Nanxiang was also really disappointed. When he said this, his tone was full of depression.

And the spy on the side knew that he was not fit to stay any longer, so he told Tang Nuanhua to quit, "Since there is nothing to do with me here, Miss Tang, then I will go one step ahead."

"Well, go ahead." Tang Nuanhua nodded.

The spy left first.

While Han Ke stood in place, he felt very boring.

It seemed that no matter what he said, Tang Nuan painting and Lin Nanxiang would ignore him.

That being the case, he didn't have the need to continue to stand here, and he simply bowed his head to Tang Nuan painting, "Then, then I will go, Miss, thank you for your care during this time."

"..." Tang Nuan painting ignored it.


Han Ke had no choice but to breathe, and then he left in a desperate manner.

The office door was then closed, and a low click came. At this time, Tang Nuanhua finally raised his head from work.

Lin Nanxiang sighed at the side, "Oh, Nuanhua, I didn't expect Han Ke to be such a person."

Then he asked, "But Nuanhua, how did you know that Han Ke was the inner ghost sent by Song Yijun?"

You know, Lin Nanxiang has never felt anything strange about Han Ke since this time.

At first when Tang Nuan painting felt that Han Ke was a little weird, Lin Nanxiang thought that Tang Nuan painting was too much, and in turn comforted Tang Nuan painting.

Now it seems that Tang Nuan's paintings are too prescient, right?

At this time, Tang Nuanhua sneered, thinking that she would doubt Han Ke, and it was not groundless.

"In fact, I have long felt that Hanke was wrong, but I don’t know what was wrong. Until the last time, at the opening dinner of the Power Group, Hanke disappeared without saying a word. I felt very strange, so I paid more attention. a bit……"

In fact, that day, Tang Nuan also accidentally discovered that Han Ke and Song Yijun were tricky.

At that time, Han Ke disappeared without saying a word. When he returned, he said that he had gone to the bathroom. Tang Nuanhua believed it. After all, people have three urgency, which is understandable.

However, when Han Ke came back, Tang Nuan painting took another look at the direction Han Ke had just walked.

Without knowing this, I actually saw Gu Jun, Song Yijun's subordinate!

Of course, at that time, Tang Nuan didn't know that Gu Jun was Song Yijun's person, but he felt that this person was very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

I don't want to think that just last time, when Tang Nuanhua went to the Luoshi Group in person to find Song Yijun to settle accounts, he actually saw Gu Jun standing around Song Yijun, like her personal bodyguard!

At this moment, Tang Nuan painting was silently in his heart, connecting all this together.

Including when talking about the spy, Tang Nuanhua also deliberately paid attention to Han Ke's actions. In fact, he wanted to test whether Han Ke would really betray.

As for the result, it's all here.

"So this is ah……"

At this moment, Lin Nanxiang finally knew the ins and outs of the whole thing, she shook her head helplessly, "Oh, there is no other way, everyone has their own plans."

He said again, "Forget it, anyway, the inner ghost has been caught anyway, this matter is not important anymore, but Nuanhua, we arranged the eyeliner for the Luos Group, didn't it fail?"

"Who told you that you failed?" Tang Nuanhua suddenly chuckled.

"Well, isn't it?" Lin Nanxiang was taken aback.

"Of course not."

As Tang Nuanhua said, the smile on his face became brighter.

In fact, Tang Nuan's painting is just a small trick, or it can be said to be a blind trick.

As for what the situation is, I'm afraid I have to ask Li Jingyi.


At the same time, the Li Group.

Li Jingyi was at work at this time, Xu Mo suddenly knocked on the door, "President, can you come in?"

"In." Li Jingyi didn't raise his eyebrows.

Then Xu Mo pushed the door and walked in. He was holding some documents in his hands. After entering the door, he first put the documents on Li Jingyi's desk, and then reported, "President, the eyeliner you asked me to arrange yesterday has successfully entered. There are several core pharmaceutical companies under the Rockwell Group, but..."

Xu Mo hesitated slightly as if he had encountered some problems.

"What?" Li Jingyi asked.

Xu Mo said, "But according to our eyeliner, there seems to be no viral pathogen in the pharmaceutical factory of the Rock Group, because they don't even have a decent laboratory."

"Also, they have never been responsible for the production of the drug introduced by the Rockwell Group... However, since the establishment of the Rockwell Group branch, Song Yijun has only a few factories, and it is impossible that every manufacturer has not produced it. Right?"

In fact, last night, Li Jingyi had arranged a few inconspicuous manpower to infiltrate the various pharmaceutical factories under the control of Song Yijun and a subsidiary of the Luoche Group.

The reason for this was because Li Jingyi knew clearly that arranging people to go to the Luoshi Group was actually useless.

If you want to really investigate the evidence, you must sneak into the enemy's lair and find the process evidence of the evil activities they have done.

However, Li Jingyi did not expect that Xu Mo would report back to this result.

The pharmaceutical companies under the Rockwell Group are not producing the drugs they sell? And the pathogens of those viruses are not in the factory.

"President, do you think Song Yijun is hiding somewhere and secretly doing these unclean activities?" Xu Mo said suspiciously.

Hearing this, Li Jingyi's eyes became darker unconsciously, and then he seemed to concentrate for a while, and said, "Go and find out to see if Song Yijun has established any private pharmaceutical factories in other places."

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