Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1587: Going to catch the bad guy

Since Song Yijun released the virus and they produced the medicine, it meant that they would definitely have a fixed base.

What Li Jingyi needs is to know where this stronghold is. Only by knowing this stronghold can he find evidence of Song Yijun's crime.

As long as evidence of her crime can be found, everything will naturally become apparent.

"Yes! Don't worry, the president, I will investigate immediately and will not let go of every corner of this city!"

Xu Mo nodded seriously after hearing this, and then went to investigate.

And Tang Nuan was not idle on the painting side. She also began to use all her relationships to ask Xia Ge to help investigate the location of Song Yijun's stronghold.

Fortunately, the effort pays off.

Two days later, Xia Ge found some clues and immediately reported the news to Tang Nuanhua, "Boss, I think I know where Song Yijun's virus base is hidden!"


Tang Nuan's voice suddenly became tense.

Then Xia Ge said seriously, "If you guessed correctly, it should be in an old forest deep in the mountains!"


Deep in the mountains and old forests? Tang Nuanhua thought he heard it right, right?

Then Xia Ge continued to explain, "Boss, this is the case. Actually, I don’t know the location of Song Yijun’s virus base. However, after my investigation, I found that Song Yijun will be there one day every month. Weird."

"It's like talking about the 15th of every month. According to my investigation, this Song Yijun has to go to the forest in the north of the city on the 15th of every month. It takes several hours to go in. Do you think this is suspicious? ?"

"It is indeed suspicious." Tang Nuanhua nodded, noncommittal on this point.

Then Xia Ge continued, "So boss, I seriously suspect that there must be a spreading point for her virus in the deep mountains and old forests, and the so-called antidote that their company has introduced before, must be studied from this place. from!"

After saying this, Tang Nuan's painting was completely silent

She thought to her that Xia Ge was right. If there was nothing special in that deep mountain, how could Song Yijun run into the deep mountain and old forest without any problems? Unless it is tricky!

It is very possible that those pharmaceutical and virus strongholds are really there!

"Okay, Xia Ge, I see."

At the end, Tang Nuanhua said cautiously, "I will investigate this matter immediately, but don't let up on your side. Remember to keep an eye on Song Yijun for me all the time, and tell me what happens as soon as possible."

"Good boss!" Xia Ge nodded seriously after listening.

After that, the two hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Nuanhua first took out the calendar, flipped through the calendar, took a look at the time, and didn't want to find out that it was the 14th today!

Xia Ge just said that the fifteenth of every month is Song Yijun’s day to go to the deep mountains and old forests. Then Song Yijun will act tomorrow?

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan's expression became serious involuntarily.

"Nuanhua, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Nanxiang watched this scene from the sidelines, not knowing what happened, and quickly asked about Tang Nuan's painting.

Tang Nuan did not hide the painting, and then said, "Nanxiang, I think we should find evidence soon!"

"Huh? Evidence?"

"Yes, it is the evidence that Song Yijun illegally spread the virus, and it can kill her all at once!"

Tang Nuanhua was a little excited as she talked about it. When she thought that Song Yijun could be wiped out as soon as possible, she couldn't help feeling a burst of excitement in her heart.

Even Lin Nanxiang became a little excited, "Really Nuanhua, can we really kill Song Yijun all at once? That's really great! In this way, we can help Chu Chen get revenge!"

"Yeah." Tang Nuanhua nodded vigorously.

After that, Tang Nuanhua had to find a way to start planning everything.


In the evening, Li Yuan.

After Tang Nuan came back from painting, he told Li Jingyi about the matter, and then discussed with Li Jingyi about a plan, and the two discussed it seriously.

"Jing Yi, let's do it tomorrow. I will lead someone to follow Song Yijun, and follow her in to see where his stronghold is, and you will leave a trick behind. The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind you. What do you think?" After the discussion, Tang Nuanhua asked enthusiastically.

"I listen to you."

Li Jingyi nodded, having no objection to Tang Nuan's painting.

After speaking, he exhorted again, "But remember, you must pay attention to safety. I will bring someone to protect you later, you know?"

"Hmm, don't worry." Tang Nuanhua nodded obediently.

"Well, it's not early, let's go to bed quickly."

"it is good."

Then Li Jingyi hugged Tang Nuan's painting, and the two fell asleep peacefully on the bed.

The next day, Tang Nuan's painting plan was formally implemented.

However, before the plan was implemented, there were some small, unexpected episodes.

It turned out that this day, Quan Zhichen didn’t know what was going crazy, so he suddenly ran to Tang Nuan painting’s company to find Tang Nuan painting, saying that there was something about the previous cooperation, and he had to talk to Tang Nuan painting in detail. .

Tang Nuan painting is now in a hurry to go busy cleaning up Song Yijun. She is not in the mood to talk to her, so she shirks, "I'm sorry, Mr. Quan, if you want to talk to me, you can come another day. There is something to be busy."

"Yeah, yeah, President Quan, our Nuanhua really has things to do." Lin Nanxiang also helped Tang Nuanhua speak.

After that, Lin Nanxiang was about to leave with Tang Nuan's painting. After all, they are going to investigate Song Yijun soon, if this is delayed any longer, it will be a mistake.

As a result, who knows, Quan Zhichen said nothing to let Tang Nuanhua leave. He immediately grabbed Tang Nuanhua’s wrist and asked, "Nuanhua, what are you going to do today? Why are you so worried? Is it possible? Tell me what happened?"

Originally, Quan Zhichen was just boring, and wanted to come to Tang Nuanhua to talk about work, and chat with Tang Nuanhua by the way, but unexpectedly, after arriving here, he found that Tang Nuanhua looked worried.

Do not!

This is not right!

He wondered what the **** was going on with this girl, could it be that something important happened?

"President Quan, I'm really sorry, I can understand your desire to discuss cooperation with me, but what I am going to do now is very important. Can you stop me!"

In desperation, Tang Nuanhua had to look at Quan Zhichen impatiently, and his tone was full of impatience.

Quan Zhichen was stunned at once, as if he didn't expect that his actions would anger Tang Nuanhua.

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