Helplessly, Quan Zhichen’s tone softened, and apologized, “I’m sorry, Miss Tang, I didn’t deliberately stop you. I just looked at you in a hurry and worried about you.”

Quan Zhichen was really curious. He didn't know what Tang Nuan was going to do in this hurry, so he couldn't help interrupting her.

Don't want Tang Nuanhua to be obviously unhappy after hearing this.

What is she thinking?

Isn't this Kwon Jisho a little funny?

He is not someone of her, why do you want to ask so clearly?

If something is said, it means something is going on. Is it necessary to break the casserole and ask in the end?

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan didn't have any good tone for painting for a while, "President Quan, I'm really curious, why do you want to know me so much?"

"I..." Quan Zhichen was speechless.

"Yes, I really appreciate your willingness to cooperate with our company and bring some help to our Tang Group, but public to public, private to private, you don't need to be so clear about my private affairs, right?"

"I do not have……"

"No? No, why are you asking so much?"

Tang Nuan painting didn't know what was wrong, maybe because of the impatient, she became a little aggressive.

Her voice was indifferent and polite, "Yes, I also know that you are a very warm and cheerful person, President Quan, and I would like to make friends with you, but President Quan, I already have a fiance, I hope we End of the chat, since it’s what I don’t want to say, don’t ask more, okay?"

"Well... I'm sorry."

After Tang Nuan painted a few words like this, Quan Zhichen suddenly had nothing to say, and he looked ashamed with his head down.

After all, he didn't expect that he just casually blocked Tang Nuan's painting, which would make this girl so unhappy.

Fortunately, Tang Nuan painting is not a caregiver. Seeing Quan Zhichen apologized, she couldn't blame it anymore, "Forget it, it's not a big deal, Quan does not need to feel guilty."

Then he calmly said, "But I'm really sorry, Mr. Quan, I still have something to do, so I'll go ahead."

After speaking, Tang Nuan painting stopped staying, turned around and took Lin Nanxiang directly to the side of the road, and got into a black car that seemed to be prepared in advance.

The cars gradually flooded into the traffic and drifted away.

Quan Zhichen stood there, remembering what Tang Nuan had just painted, and sighed helplessly. He thought that he had no malice at all. It was just that she was in a hurry, a little worried, and asked casually. Just one sentence.

However, with his eyes fixed on the direction Tang Nuan's painting left, Quan Zhichen was suddenly curious.

What does this little girl want to do?

Looking at her face just now, it seems that something serious has happened, otherwise she would not be so anxious.

No, I have to hurry up and take a look! If something really happens, maybe I can still help.

Thinking of this, Quan Zhichen could no longer stand.

He turned directly to the side of the road, got into a silver-gray Rolls Royce, then activated the throttle, and quickly followed Tang Nuan's direction.

At the same time, Tang Nuanhua didn't know that someone was catching up behind him.

While sitting calmly in the car, she discussed with Lin Nanxiang next to her, "Nanxiang, are you sure that Song Yijun has set off?"

"Yes, warm painting."

Lin Nanxiang nodded, "I sent someone there to stare at Song Yijun early in the morning. They saw Song Yijun set off with their own eyes."

When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he nodded seriously, "Then let's catch up as soon as possible."

"Good." Lin Nanxiang also nodded.

After that, Tang Nuanhua took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Li Jingyi. The content of the text message was only three words, "Go."

But within three seconds, the phone beeped.

Tang Nuanhua turned on the phone, and Li Jingyi also responded to Tang Nuanhua, "Received, wife, pay attention to safety."

Seeing the words "wife", Tang Nuan painted a gratified smile, feeling a burst of happiness in his heart.

After that, Tang Nuanhua put the phone away and put it in his pocket, watching the road ahead with full concentration.

The road has become increasingly biased.

From the endless stream, the car gradually turned several forest trails, and the number of vehicles next to it became less and less. From time to time, a few cars passed by the vehicle where Tang Nuan painted.

Of course, except for the one behind her.

Tang Nuanhua hadn't noticed that a car was following. Suddenly, Lin Nanxiang on the side whispered, "Nuanhua, look at the rearview mirror!"


Tang Nuan looked at the rearview mirror suspiciously when he heard the painting.

In the end, it was okay not to look at it, and I was shocked at first glance.

It turned out that a silver-gray car followed them closely, and it seemed like it had been following them for a long time.

"Nuanhua, how do I feel that this grey car seems to be following us all the time? What is going on." Lin Nanxiang was a little strange.

Tang Nuanhua frowned slightly and shook his head, "I don't know, but are you sure that the car is following us?"

"I don't know, I just saw it." Lin Nanxiang looked innocent.

No way, Tang Nuanhua had to ask the driver who drove Xiang, "Master, did you see the silver-gray car behind? How long has he been behind us?"

"Oh, you said that."

After the master stood up, he looked dissatisfied and chuckled, "Is that your friend in the car? He has followed us all the way, don't worry, I have already reduced the speed of the car, and he will not fail to keep up. ."

! ! !

What? ? ?

Tang Nuanhua and Lin Nanxiang were shocked when they heard this.

When the driver saw this, he immediately panicked, "What's the matter with the two young ladies, what are your expressions? Isn't the person in that car your friend?"

"Hey..." Tang Nuan sighed suddenly.

Lin Nanxiang was very helpless, "Master, that is not our friend, if it is a friend, we will tell you."


The driver was silly now, a little unbelievable, "But this car has already followed us all the way, shouldn't it, shouldn't it be an ambush?"

"I do not know."

Lin Nanxiang looked helpless and had to ask Tang Nuanhua anxiously, "Nuanhua, you said we, could it be that Song Yijun gave us an army? Could the car behind us belong to Song Yijun? ?"

Tang Nuan painting was relatively calm at this time. After hearing this, she shook her head silently, "Probably not."

"Why not?"

"Because that car looks too high-profile."

Tang Nuanhua answered coldly, "Do you think Song Yijun is so high-profile?"

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