Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1596: What's wrong with them

If the young master of the Quan family falls, can he survive?

If he could not survive, wouldn't the Quan family ever become her old enemy of Song Yijun?

no no……

Song Yijun felt completely flustered this time.

And it was at this time, the sound of alarms not far away, and Li Jingyi and others rushed to the scene finally.

When Song Yijun heard this voice, she felt a severe shock in her heart!

I couldn't control anything in a hurry, so I waved to my men quickly, "Gu Jun, get in the car, the police are here, let's run!"

No way, it will be too late without running.

They just pushed a person off the cliff and killed a person. Not to mention that there are two production bases controlled by Song Yijun in this mountain. One is for researching viruses and the other is for researching solutions. Medicinal.

If both of these places were discovered by the police, plus this intentional homicide, could Song Yijun have a good life for her!

of course not.

So Song Yijun kept on running, and quickly took his men into the car, ready to drive away.

However, they have missed this opportunity.

Just as Song Yijun was eagerly preparing to board the car, the police got out of the car and pointed the pistol directly at her forehead without hesitation, "Don't move! If anyone makes another move, I will shoot!"

In order to be able to frighten the people here, some police officers even fired a shot directly into the sky.

With a loud "bang", the hearts of Song Yijun and the others were shocked.

Suddenly, none of them dared to move.

One by one cleverly raised their hands under the police's orders, Song Yijun had to admit it.

At this time, Li Jingyi's car also rushed over. After getting out of the car, he was the first to look for Tang Nuan's paintings.

But I didn't expect that after getting off the car, I actually saw Tang Nuan's painting sitting on the edge of the cliff depressed, his whole body twitching...

"Nuanhua, what's wrong with you?"

Li Jingyi immediately stepped forward and asked concerned about the situation of Tang Nuan's paintings.

Lin Nanxiang also hurried over crying at this moment. She knelt on the ground with a bend of her knees, crying like a tearful person, and hugged Tang Nuan's painting tightly, "Nuanhua, Nuanhua... …"

"What the **** happened."

Li Jingyi faintly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. It was really incredible why the two girls were crying when he came, and they were crying under the cliff.

However, Tang Nuan painting has no energy to explain. She remembered the moment Quan Zhichen fell, her eyes were full of fear and despair, and then full of hope...

Fear is because of fear, despair is because of knowing that oneself will undoubtedly die... Hope, but because of seeing her.

The eyes were so affectionate, so special, as if they were telling Tang Nuanhua with their eyes, "I'm leaving, you must live well."

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan couldn't make a sound of painting.

When Li Jingyi saw this scene, even if he wanted to comfort Tang Nuan's painting, he didn't know what happened. After a while, he didn't know where to start.

I had to look at Lin Nanxiang on the side and asked, "Miss Lin, what happened?"

Lin Nanxiang calmed down and said, "Young Master Li, just now, we were originally three of us here, Nuanhua, I, and a Quan Zhichen, the boss of the Quan Group. As a result. ... As a result, just now..."

While talking, Lin Nanxiang cried again, "They just wanted to push Nuan Hua off the cliff. In order to save Nuan Hua's life, Master Quan fell by himself!"


Hearing this, Li Jingyi's heart was shocked, and his gaze immediately turned to the bottomless abyss, where is there any figure!

Yes, there are only Tang Nuan paintings on the shore, a back figure that keeps sobbing, a heart that keeps guilty and blames itself.

Tang Nuan painting is really crying, she feels so heartbroken, really heartbroken!

Although Quan Zhichen and she were not particularly good friends, and even though they had not had time to understand each other better, it was a living life after all.

At the most critical moment, Quan Zhichen did not abandon Tang Nuan's painting, but instead used his own life to exchange Tang Nuan's life.


Tang Nuanhua thought about this favor, how should she pay it back? How to pay it back? Where do you start? Can she afford it again!

While thinking about this, the tears in Tang Nuan's painting continued to shed.

Of course, Li Jingyi knew that this girl felt uncomfortable, so he had to go forward to comfort Tang Nuanhua, "Nuanhua, don't cry, it's not your fault."

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

Tang Nuan's painting started crying louder and louder. She finally couldn't help it, hugged Li Jingyi tightly, and got into his arms, "Jing Yi, why do I always harm my friends? I am Isn’t it really bad? Why, why do I want to save people every time, but the friends around me are always getting hurt by me again and again? Am I a broomstick..."

Just like that, tears wet Li Jingyi's clothes.

God knows how distressed Li Jingyi is when he sees this girl blaming so much. He can't help but raise his hand and gently caress, touch the girl's head, his eyes are full of tenderness.

"Silly girl, how can you be blamed for this? You didn't do anything wrong. If you want to blame it, you also blame me. I was too late."


Tang Nuanhua continued to cry, crying while shaking his head, "No, it's no use to blame anyone now, Quan Zhichen has fallen, he must have died underneath, Jing Yi, what do you think I should explain, I should How can you explain to the Quan family!"

Tang Nuanhua really felt that she was going to be guilty and crazy. She was like a deflated balloon, crying so hard that she almost couldn't straighten her waist.

In my heart, I constantly blamed myself, how could this be, how could this be, how could an innocent person take his life for nothing?

However, this is the end of the matter, and no matter how much she cries, no matter how sad she is, it will not help.

Suddenly, seeing Tang Nuanhua put out a particularly vulgar expression, she rushed straight to Song Yijun and slapped Song Yijun three times.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

These three slaps were so hard and so loud that they slapped Tang Nuan's painted hands, not to mention how much pain Song Yijun carried.

Tang Nuan painted while beating and cursing, her eyes and tone were so cruel, "Song Yijun, how many people are you going to kill before you are willing, you say! If you hate me, come at me, why must you hurt me? People around, have they provoke you! What's wrong with them!"

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