It's over...

Tang Nuanhua looked at the bottomless abyss in front of him, and his heart sank to the bottom at that moment, thinking that if this person fell, how could he still survive?

Could it be that she will definitely die this time?

In the previous life, Tang Nuan was murdered to death by Song Yijun. Is this life still destined to escape this fate?

The baby in her belly, Jing Yi, and her father and friends...

Tang Nuanhua wondered if he really couldn't keep one of them?

But what I have to admit is that it's really bad now, Gu Jun pressed her neck tightly, leaving no room for Tang Nuan to fight back.

At the moment, the man only needs a little effort to throw her to the bottom of the cliff, and the life of Tang Nuan's painting may be over.

It was at this time that Tang Nuan painting suddenly made up his mind.

She thought to herself, after all, she was a person who had already died once. In this life, she was lucky enough to live again. It was already extremely lucky.

God’s pity has allowed her to return to Li Jingyi’s side again, and spend so many happy days with Li Jingyi, to allow the stepmother and stepsister, the tumor to leave her father’s life, and to reverse the relationship between Lin Nanxiang and Lan Sixia. Fate... She has a clear conscience.

Although it is very regrettable and sorrowful, Song Yijun was not crushed in the end, although the baby in his stomach has not had time to be born...Although there are still many things I want to do...

However, Tang Nuan painting is already very content.

Perhaps the end of her life can only be here.

So, at least before Tang Nuan painted her death, she should stop dragging other innocent people into the water!

Thinking about this, Tang Nuan's painting burst out of strength almost instantly. She increased her voice and said, "Song Yijun, listen to me!"

"If you hate me and want to kill me, you can, but don't hurt the innocent people around me! Especially Quan Zhichen!"


When Song Yijun heard this, he raised his eyebrows with interest.

Tang Nuanhua continued to shout angrily, "Do you know his identity? He is the only son of the Quan family. You can offend me, can you offend the Quan family! If you kill me, it's fine, but If you kill the only son of the Quan family, do you think you will have a birthday in your life!"


This sentence was sonorous and powerful, but it reminded Song Yijun severely.

She brows, and her heart says yes!

Although Tang Nuan painting really hates Tang Nuan painting, and can hardly wish that Tang Nuan painting can die immediately, but the Quan Zhichen next to her is innocent after all.

Moreover, the Quan Group is a well-known super enterprise in the world, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

And the only heir to their family is now in his own hands. If Song Yijun really harmed Quan Zhichen, wouldn't the Quan Group still find himself endless?

Song Yijun can afford a Tang Nuan painting, but can't provoke so many big Buddhas!

She thought to herself that she had better not die, as the saying goes, staying on the sidelines for doing things, so that we can meet each other in the future.

Thinking about it, Song Yijun had to order his subordinate Gu Jun, "Gu Jun, you let me go that Quan Zhichen, I don't want his life, I only need Tang Nuan to paint the life of a person."

"But..." Gu Jun hesitated, after all, he finally caught both of them.

Song Yijun couldn't help but said in a tone, "Listen to my order, some people can afford to provoke, some people we can't provoke, we can let go of those who should be let go, do you hear me!


Reluctantly, Gu Jun faced Song Yijun's strong attitude and had no choice but to make a compromise.

Then the strength in his hand loosened a little, as if he intended to let Quan Zhichen down.

However, no one thought that at this moment, an accident happened.

The moment Gu Jun tried to let go of Quan Zhichen, Quan Zhichen suddenly felt full, grabbing Gu Jun's hand with both hands, breaking his hand from his neck vigorously, then lowered his body, directly It's just a leg sweep!

Gu Jun was caught off guard and was severely tripped to the ground. Just as he stumbled to the ground, Gu Jun violently pushed Tang Nuan's painting forward.


After this, Tang Nuan painted half of his body towards the edge of the cliff, and had to scream...

go to hell!

Gu Jun thought cruelly in his heart, Tang Nuan painted, if it were not for your presence, the young lady would not have lived so hard and tired.

Only when you are dead, the young lady can live a happy, free, happy, and carefree life from now on.

Therefore, you must die!

Thinking about this, Gu Jun raised his hand again. This time he was fiercely prepared to push Tang Nuan's painting down completely.

But at this moment, Quan Zhichen saw that Tang Nuan's painting was about to fall, and immediately reached out his hand quickly and grabbed Tang Nuan's hand, "Nuanhua, come here!"

With a sudden force in his hand, Tang Nuan's painting was like this, and he was pulled back from the edge of the cliff.

But unexpectedly, Gu Jun saw that both of them had a tendency to get up, and quickly reached out and pushed forward, "Want to survive? No way, go to hell!"

And this palm was actually pushed on Quan Zhichen's body!


Quan Zhichen finally rescued Tang Nuan painting, but his body leaned back unexpectedly!

At that moment, Tang Nuan's breathing almost stopped, and his eyes opened as big as copper bells.


She hurriedly stretched out her hand, trying to reach Quan Zhichen's hand, trying to pull him back from the edge of the cliff...

However, it was too late.

Like slow motion, after Quan Zhichen's hand slid in the air for a few laps, the whole person suddenly began to fall rapidly.

Soon, as Quan Zhichen's voice disappeared, Quan Zhichen completely disappeared at the bottom of the cliff.

"Achen, Quan Zhichen!!!"

Tang Nuan's painting was like crazy for an instant. She knelt on the edge of the cliff and kept yelling desperately below the cliff, "Quan Zhichen, Quan Zhichen!!!"

It was as if there was a breath, which made Tang Nuan's painted face flush instantly.

She almost broke her throat, and the green veins on her neck and forehead burst one by one!

How could this be, how could it be like this!

And behind him, everyone was stunned, no one thought that in the end, it would be this result.

Song Yijun's face turned pale, she thought how could this happen, how could this happen?

What she wanted to kill was obviously just a painting by Tang Nuan, how could she fail to push the eldest master of the Quan family down!

Then there is a bottomless abyss below! ! !

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