Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1594: Be a pair of fateful mandarin ducks

Although it can be seen, this woman also has two skills.

However, perhaps due to the inherent weakness of physical strength, Lin Nanxiang's awkward movements seemed to them just a few strokes of a three-legged cat.

Dealing with this woman is definitely easier than dealing with Tang Nuan's paintings!

Thinking of this, everyone moved their target to Lin Nanxiang together, and then rushed up in a swarm.

"Nanxiang, Nanxiang be careful!"

Tang Nuanhua saw these gangsters and turned his target to Lin Nanxiang, and his eyes widened suddenly.

Then, I saw Lin Nanxiang's hand, which was severely grasped by one gangster, the other gangster kicked hard from her waist behind her, and another gangster was beside him, preparing to throw a fist!

At this moment, Tang Nuan's painting suddenly flew up, and directly kicked the man who was about to do it!

Kicking off a tall man next to Lin Nanxiang, Tang Nuan painted angrily and cursed, "It's really mean and shameless!"

She yelled laboriously, "You guys, tall men, bullying a weak girl, do you have a face! All you have the ability to come to me!"

"Oh, okay, come at you, come at you!"

Song Yijun was not afraid anymore, she responded directly, "You all heard me, since Tang Nuan painting insists that you all go at her, then we should teach her a lesson! Give me a beating. She! Throw her down the cliff again! I want her to die without a place to be buried!"

Song Yijun almost said the last sentence through gritted teeth.

She hates Tang Nuan painting!

I have always hated Tang Nuan painting!

Her hatred for Tang Nuan's paintings has long since reached a terrible level. She can't wait for her to die. She can't wait for thousands of ways to die in this world, Tang Nuan's paintings can come again!

This hatred is also the spiritual pillar that has supported her through this whole year.

In that year, Song Yijun's devil training abroad, it can be said that what kind of inhuman torture suffered, and all this torture was given to her by Tang Nuan's painting!

So now, Song Yijun has finally been able to return to China, and finally can have such a big power, how could she let Tang Nuan painting?


Let it go?


She wished that Tang Nuan painting could go to death, it is best to die today, die immediately!

As long as Tang Nuan painting is dead, as long as this eye-catching trouble is eliminated, from now on, she can live the life she wants.

Therefore, Song Yijun's eyes at this moment are extremely cruel, and all the vicious words used to describe her eyes at this moment are indescribably vicious.

Soon, Tang Nuanhua started fighting with a group of people again.

And Quan Zhichen's side was also haunted by people.

While dealing with the few people in front of him, he observed the situation on Tang Nuan's painting.

I saw Tang Nuan painting a person, flexibly performing movements in the crowd, but after all, a person is outnumbered, and people's attention can't be so distracted at the same time.

Tang Nuan had just dealt with a person in front of the painting, and then he had to pull out a leg from the back to bring down the person who attacked. Just after facing the person behind him, he had to resist the attack in front.

For a time, Tang Nuan's painting can be said to be a avatar, and soon the reaction speed slowly can't keep up.

At this moment, Gu Jun, who was on the side, was already silently staring at Tang Nuan's painting.

Seeing that Tang Nuan's paintings were getting weaker and weaker, and his movements looked more and more cumbersome and laborious, a sinister smile suddenly clung to the corner of Gu Jun's mouth.

Afterwards, Gu Jun first glanced at Song Yijun, and then rushed directly.


Suddenly, a scream came from the crowd.

Quan Zhichen and Lin Nanxiang were shocked, and they immediately looked over vigilantly, only to see Tang Nuan painting without paying attention. Gu Jun seized the opportunity and carried it on his shoulders!

Then Gu Jun walked straight to the edge of the cliff, as if he really wanted to throw Tang Nuan's painting down.

"Warm painting!"

"Warm painting!"

At that moment, Quan Zhichen and Nan Xiang went crazy.

Lin Nanxiang struggled desperately, but her physical strength had reached the limit, no matter what, she couldn't escape the obstacles of the few people around her.

Only Quan Zhichen did not know where the strength came from, and he was crazy and burst out!

"Dog stuff, get out of me!"

With a few legs, he kicked the people around him fiercely. Quan Zhichen was like an agile cheetah, and the red-eyed man rushed towards Tang Nuan's painting.

When he was caught off guard, Gu Jun's shoulder was firmly grasped by Quan Zhichen, Quan Zhichen directly punched him with a fist, "Asshole, let me put people down!"

However, Gu Jun is not a vegetarian either. This fist passed with a heavy punch, and he flashed past almost instantly as soon as he lowered his head.

However, Tang Nuan painting also fell from his shoulder because of this action. After falling down, Tang Nuan painting immediately wanted to escape, but her wrist was firmly grasped by Gu Jun.


God knows how much effort Gu Jun used, and Tang Nuan's painting instantly felt so painful that he couldn't say anything.

Quan Zhichen's eyes were anxious, and he hurried up to help Tang Nuan draw the siege. He fisted towards Gu Jun's hand, but he didn't want this. His hand was directly missed and Gu Jun pinched his neck tightly. !

"Ahem... Ahem..."

Quan Zhichen's expression instantly uncomfortable blue veins appeared.

"Achen!" Tang Nuanhua screamed.

Gu Jun grabbed the two men fiercely, with an arrogant and insidious expression on his face, "Huh, just with you two little things, you want to fight me too? Do you know who I am!"

"You, you let me go!" Tang Nuanhua gritted his teeth and shouted.

Gu Jun still sneered, "I'm embarrassed, it's impossible to let you go!"

"Tsk, look at this pair of you who cherish each other, how pitiful, do you feel sorry for each other? Very worried about each other? If I were you, I would definitely want to hug each other, but unfortunately, you don't have this opportunity!"

"Miss, since these two dog men and women are so sympathetic to each other, why not let them fall down the cliff together and be a pair of fateful mandarin ducks!"

Gu Jun raised his head and shouted at Song Yijun.

Song Yijun curled up the corners of his mouth with satisfaction, and then nodded, "Very well, just consider me to be merciful, then send them down and be a pair of fateful mandarin ducks together!"

"Yes!" Gu Jun nodded vigorously.

Then, Gu Jun began to exert his strength. He tightly grasped Quan Zhichen and Tang Nuan's paintings, and almost exhausted his energy, he directly pulled Tang Nuan's paintings and Quan Zhichen to the edge of the cliff, and Will pushed to the edge of the cliff, forcing her to look at the unfathomable bottom of the cliff.

And one hand screwed Quan Zhichen's neck severely, leaving Quan Zhichen unable to move at all.

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