Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1593: Make a break as soon as possible

"You!!!" Tang Nuan draws angrily.

However, she really has no helper to call right now. Although Li Jingyi is on the way here, it is definitely impossible for him to arrive so soon at this moment.

Tang Nuan's painting had to think secretly in his heart, it seemed that he had to delay time first.

"Song Yijun! Let's talk about it!"

Suddenly, Tang Nuanhua stopped fighting and said something.

The fighting at the scene stopped immediately, and everyone looked at Tang Nuan painting and Song Yijun with face to face.

"Talk? Oh, what else can I talk to you? Don’t think I don’t know. You want to know where I study the virus, and you want to take the antidote for this virus from me, then In the next step, isn't it necessary to report me thoroughly so that I will die without a place to die?"

While talking, Song Yijun sneered, "Tang Nuan painting ah Tang Nuan painting, do you really think I am a fool? You made it clear that you want to harm me, should I still believe your nonsense?"


"Enough, no need to talk nonsense in front of me!"

Before Tang Nuanhua could finish speaking, Song Yijun interrupted coldly, and the tone was completely involuntary.

She wondered why listen to the nonsense of Tang Nuan painting? It's just a waste of time!

Instead of wasting so much time, it's better to make a break as soon as possible!

Since Tang Nuan didn't give her a way to survive, she was cruelly trying to push her off the cliff?

Haha, okay, anyway, this Tang Nuan painting is just a **** woman, so let’s let Tang Nuan painting taste the taste of being pushed off the cliff first!

"Gu Jun, get me Tang Nuan's painting!"

Suddenly, Song Yijun commanded arrogantly and sarcastically, "This woman actually wanted to push me off the cliff just now? Oh, that's okay, let's let her taste what it's like to be really thrown off the cliff! Give me a taste of it! on!"


With an order, all the subordinates around Song Yijun immediately responded in unison.

Then, a large group of people began to draw in Tang Nuan.

They stared at Tang Nuan's paintings, as if they were looking at the prey, their eyes were vicious and vicious!

Lin Nanxiang’s son in this meeting is going to be terrified. She, Tang Nuanhua and Quan Zhichen stepped back step by step, and said in panic, “Nuanhua, Song Yijun just said to leave you off the cliff, then you should What to do? Or let's go!"

After all, even though Tang Nuanhua, she, and Quan Zhichen are more or less capable of so many skills, but the widows are ultimately invincible, where can they deal with so many people? It is better to seize the opportunity to escape quickly.

However, Tang Nuanhua thought with deep eyes, but shook his head. He said firmly, "It's too late to escape now."

It will take ten seconds after they get back to the car, close the door and start the car again.

And how can these people who are staring at him give them ten seconds? I'm afraid that if there is a slight movement, they will all rush forward like wolves!

Therefore, driving away is not ideal now.

The only ideal choice is to drag!

Tang Nuanhua thought to himself, Li Jingyi was already rushing here, and now they have to wait for Li Jingyi to come over, and there is hope for everything!

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan squeezed his fist in his hand calmly.

She lowered her voice, "It seems that this time we have to go head-to-head to delay time as much as possible, Nanxiang, Achen, are you ready?"

"Well, we are ready!" Quan Zhichen nodded, without any comments.

On the contrary, he even got a little excited, because he hadn't experienced such an exciting thing for a long time.

Although Lin Nanxiang on the side was not good at fighting, he still tried his best and clenched his fist.

She and Tang Nuanhua said side by side, "Nuanhua, I am ready too. Since there is no way to retreat, then we might as well fight for it!"

"Okay, then fight it!" Tang Nuanhua repeated.

So the three of them clenched their fists, bravely facing the dozens of people in front of them, each with an undaunted expression.

But Song Yijun saw the three people look like the same enemy, suddenly couldn't help applauding, and laughed.

"Very good, very good, the three of you really have a deep friendship! I haven't seen such a deep friendship for a long time, and I am about to be moved by you and cry."

Speaking of Song Yijun, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes pretendingly, but after recovering, the sinister expression still appeared on his face, "It's a pity, today your friendship is coming to an end, don't blame me for being cruel. If you want to blame it, blame Tang Nuan's painting, after all, all of this is, and she hurts you!"

When the words fell, Song Yijun waved his hand involuntarily, "Okay, go!"

Then a group of people rushed towards Tang Nuan painting and others vigorously.

Although Tang Nuanhua was panicked, she was not afraid of danger. She said to the two friends next to her, "You should pay attention to your safety. We can delay as much as possible!"

"Hmm!" The other two nodded.

After that, the three joined the chaos.

In an instant, the whole road on the mountain wall became a mess of porridge, and everyone fought together.

Among them, it can be seen that although Tang Nuan painted five or six people by one person, these five or six people are very average, so Tang Nuan's painting can be regarded as easy.

And Lin Nanxiang was surrounded by several people, so she was struggling, because her kung fu was not so good.

Quan Zhichen has a rare ability to deal with several, and it is not a problem.

After a stalemate in this way for a few minutes, neither of the two sides had the upper hand, and neither had the upper hand.

Song Yijun looked a little anxious at this moment, she wondered if these people were crazy?

Do you want to beat the more than twenty people on your side with just three of them? It's so funny.

While it was funny, Song Yijun also became a little nervous, thinking that he couldn't keep going like this.

After the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, God knows if Tang Nuan has asked for help!

In case it is still here for a while, what to do if Tang Nuan's helper arrives, it will be difficult to deal with then.

Thinking of this, Song Yijun hurriedly yelled at the crowd nervously, "Hey, you guys have a little bit of the target, hit that good guy! Hurry up, go fight Lin Nanxiang, fight Lin Nanxiang!"


Upon receiving Song Yijun's order, the subordinates immediately turned their attention to Lin Nanxiang.

Indeed, compared with Tang Nuan's physical flexibility and agility, Lin Nanxiang is still a little short of distance.

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