"Furthermore, not to mention whether I can leave here alive. With so many people here, I can completely explain the act of killing you as an accident, as self-defense, or self-protection, and I still Do not bear any criminal responsibility, do you understand?"


Tang Nuan painted a sneer on the tip of her nose. That's right, she was going to kill Song Yijun's spirit now.

She wants Song Yijun to realize deeply that she has no way to go now! She has no choice but to follow her own words!

She kept sarcasm, "What are you afraid of? You should take a good look, are you willing to be thrown from this place by me, or are you willing to obediently listen to me?"

"Here, in fact, as long as you are willing to take me to your stronghold and obediently hand over the antidote to me, I can let you go. Otherwise, the only thing with you is this abyss!"

After talking, it was another tweet.

"Ah——!!!" Song Yijun was so scared that tears came out.

She was facing the bottom of the cliff, her whole person was already nervous to the extreme, now as long as Tang Nuan paints a little loose hand and then pushes, she will undoubtedly die!

Where did Song Yijun still have the courage to scream with Tang Nuan, and quickly said in a weak voice, "I was wrong, I was wrong, Nuan painting, I promise you, I promise you can't do it!"


Tang Nuanhua laughed when he heard this, and then asked, "What did you promise me? I didn't hear it."

Song Yijun shook her voice quickly, "Nuanhua, I promise you what you said! Don't you want to go to my stronghold of virus research? Don't you want an antidote that can cure your father? I will take you there, what you want Can't I give you everything?"

"Nuanhua, don't be impulsive! It won't do you any good for you to push me down. If I die, can you really get rid of it? But, as long as you don't kill me, I can kill you. Give you everything you want!

I promise, as long as you want and I have, I will give you everything, OK? Save me forever! "

Song Yijun was really frightened. She thought that as long as Tang Nuan painted, she could not kill her, and she would not hesitate to tell her to kneel now.

Little does it know that all of this is so ridiculous in Tang Nuan's paintings.

She thought to herself, this woman really didn't shed tears without seeing the coffin. Now that she knew she was wrong, why was her mouth so hard just now?

Just now when Tang Nuan drew good words and talked, this Song Yijun was like an angry hen, wishing to ride on her head while flapping her wings.

As a result, I was forced to be helpless at this moment, and the attitude of the whole person suddenly became so humble, tusk...

However, she is considered acquainted!

Now that Song Yijun had already taken up this attitude, Tang Nuan painting had no need to continue to scare him.

She sneered and said impatiently, "Okay, since you have said this, then I will believe you once, but I can warn you, if you dare to play any tricks, I have the means to deal with you, I hear you! "

"I know, I don't dare. Where can I dare to use any tricks." Song Yijun repeatedly begged for mercy.

After that, Tang Nuan painted no longer scared her, and directly grabbed Song Yijun by the neck and pulled her back.

Then took the dagger from Lin Nanxiang's hand, Tang Nuan drew one hand around Song Yijun's body and the other hand held the dagger, still holding her hostage in front of him.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let your people lead the way." Tang Nuan drew.

"Okay, okay, I will let someone lead the way."

Song Yijun nodded timidly, then looked up at Gu Jun, "Gu Jun, get in the car and lead the way."

To say so, but no one noticed that at that moment, a trace of cold gloomy bird and a touch of unfathomable scheming flashed in Song Yijun's eyes.

Those eyes seemed to be talking to Gu Jun.

When Gu Jun also saw Song Yijun's eyes, his face changed slightly, and finally nodded, "Okay."

After Gu Jun turned around, Tang Nuanhua also pulled Song Yijun into the car, and Quan Zhichen also went to the back and got into the car.

What nobody expected was that at that moment, an accident happened.

Tang Nuan painted first pushed Song Yijun into the car, and then he was ready to follow in, but at this moment, Gu Jun almost rushed over! Severely grabbed Tang Nuan's wrist before he could get on the car!

! ! !

Tang Nuan's painting was startled. Before he could react, Gu Jun suddenly pulled Tang Nuan's painting from the car!

"Miss, come down!" After pulling Tang Nuan's painting out, Gu Jun shouted to Song Yijun in the car.

Song Yijun was also a devil-trained person anyway, and he still had a few shots. No, she kicked her leg directly, and she got out of the car and dexterously hid behind Gu Jun.

"Let go of me, let me go!" It was Tang Nuan's painting that was caught this time.

Gu Jun grabbed Tang Nuanhua's wrist tightly, said nothing, and even stretched out his fist directly at Tang Nuanhua!

Fortunately, Tang Nuan drew a dexterous head and avoided it.

Afterwards, Tang Nuan raised his knees and slammed Gu Jun's waist.

Gu Jun wasn't a vegetarian either, he just shifted his waist slightly, and easily avoided this leg.

In this way, Tang Nuan painted under Gu Jun's control, and after several attempts with Gu Jun, the two were evenly matched for a while.

At the same time, Quan Zhichen had already rushed out of the car and got off the car and came directly to Tang Nuan's painting.

"Stop it to me!"

After screaming angrily, Quan Zhichen said that he rushed forward one after another, and when he went up, he slammed a hard fist.

Lin Nanxiang was not idle either, and somehow she also learned a little taekwondo. Although she was not very good at learning, she still offered a helping hand at the crisis of Tang Nuan's painting.

However, the kick hadn't passed yet. Suddenly, Song Yijun rushed directly to interrupt Lin Nanxiang's movement, and took advantage of the situation to make a move with Lin Nanxiang.

The whole scene, in this way, became a place where a few people played tricks.

And the subordinates Song Yijun brought, all stood beside them, dumbfounded, everyone was dumbfounded like a wooden man.

Mom, what's the situation! ?

Until Song Yijun and Gu Jun couldn't stand it, they shouted intolerably, "Are you all wood? Don't you hurry up and help me!"

These subordinates finally recovered one by one, and then a group of people waited for it.

"Damn it! Song Yijun, you are actually called a helper!" Tang Nuanhua immediately became angry.

Song Yijun smiled very proudly, "So what? You came here single-handedly, you can call it if you have the ability!"

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