"Ah!" Song Yijun screamed in surprise.

Seeing this, Gu Jun, the subordinate behind him, immediately yelled, "Let go of her!"

Speaking anxiously, he took a step forward and wanted to take back Song Yijun from Tang Nuan's painting.

However, Tang Nuan painting is not a vegetarian, anyway, after practicing martial arts for so long, he turned Song Yijun around with a single force, then strangled her tightly and warned Gu Jun loudly, "You stop me!"

At the same time, Lin Nanxiang also took out a knife from the side, and without hesitation, he directly hit Song Yijun’s carotid artery, and her tender voice became very powerful, "Hey, I warn you, you If we come one step further, Nuanhua and I will immediately kill Song Yijun!"

"do not!"

Gu Jun was scared at once.

The sonorous voice just now weakened a lot. He said softly, "I can't go there, you guys, don't hurt her."

After speaking, Gu Jun looked at Song Yijun with countless worries. Just seeing this look was enough to see how much Song Yijun weighed in his heart in his eyes.

This sentiment can be seen by anyone with a bit of foresight, why can't Tang Nuan paint it?

Then, without knowing why, Tang Nuan's painting suddenly felt a little ridiculous, and couldn't help but ridicule, "Song Yijun, I didn't expect that a woman like you would be willing to be infatuated with you? Tsk tsk, in this case, you Why bother to come back and be a demon? Live well with someone who knows you love you, isn't it?"


Lin Nanxiang also echoed.

But she didn't want Song Yijun to hear this, and became a little irritated inexplicably. She frowned and pulled Tang Nuanhua's hand while angrily said, "Tang Nuanhua, you don't worry about eating radishes for me here. It's not your turn to talk about me!"

"Is it?"

Tang Nuan didn't care when he heard the painting, and still laughed mockingly, "Could it be that you are not satisfied with your subordinate? No, I think your subordinate is very handsome, not just what you like. Type? Isn't it good for you to stay with him honestly?"

"Yes, yeah, Song Yijun, don't you just find someone who loves you steadfastly for the rest of your life? Why should you run over and be a demon?" Lin Nanxiang continued to agree.

I don't want Song Yijun to suddenly become angry, and shouted, "Well, what is it, the subordinate is the subordinate, with this lady? He is not worthy!"

How could her Song Yijun be with a subordinate, how could she be worthy of her noble status with just one Gu Jun?

This Tang Nuan painting is simply nonsense!

"Tsk tusk tusk..."

After Tang Nuan heard the painting, he couldn't help but slapped his lips, but he had no choice but to look at Gu Jun with sympathy, "Hey, do you hear? Song Yijun said she didn't love you, said you were not worthy of him, and you were so devoted to her. Why bother?"

"..." Gu Jun was silent.

Looking at Song Yijun lightly, he had to admit that he did feel a slight injury in his heart.

Although he had always known that Song Yijun's feelings for him were superficial, and he was just calling him a subordinate, but hearing Song Yijun personally said such hurtful things, he still felt a little sad.

And Song Yijun’s expression became a little uncomfortable at this moment, and it seemed to be a little guilty. She had to conceal her emotions in a hurried tone, "Okay, Gu Jun, you, what are you doing? Save me!"


Gu Jun almost instinctively nodded, and then stepped forward.

Don’t want Tang Nuanhua’s hand to strangle Song Yijun’s neck suddenly tightened, and her tone was sharp, "Hey, come and try it! I'll break her neck!"

Gu Jun's footsteps had no choice but to stop, and he dared not move.

Song Yijun's face was already flushed ugly at this time, and Gu Jun really didn't dare to take a step forward.

After all, the strength of Tang Nuan's painting does not seem to be small. There is a dagger next to Song Yijun's carotid artery. The threat is too great. Song Yijun may be killed if he is careless. Of course he has to save it first. Song Yijun's.

"So Tang Nuan painted, what are you going to do!"

Finally, Song Yijun couldn't bear it anymore. She gritted her teeth and asked, "Say! What are you going to do!"

"What do I want? Huh."

Tang Nuanhua suddenly sneered, and then her tone gradually calmed down, "Actually, what I want is very simple. Take me to your stronghold. I want to know what the **** are you guys doing!"

"Also, I want to find the antidote to treat my father! And take the antidote away. Too many innocent people have been killed by you. I can't let the people in this city continue to be killed by you!"

Although Tang Nuan's painting is not a Virgin, she still has this conscience of heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Song Yijun heard that Tang Nuan's painting was going to take the antidote, and refused on the spot, "Impossible! I won't give you the antidote!"

"you sure?"


"Okay! OK! Then don't blame me!"

With that, Tang Nuan's painting directly pressed Song Yijun fiercely, and led her to the edge of the cliff, looking at the bottom of the cliff that was out of sight below, and forced Song Yijun's face to face down.


But Tang Nuan painting won't let her go. She smiled coldly and directly squeezed Song Yijun's neck. The strength of her hands gradually increased, and her tone became cold-blooded, "Why, you are yelling, then call me loudly. A little bit, I want to see who can save you!"

"Tang Nuan painting, dare you!!!" Song Yijun shouted desperately.

"What I dare not!"

Tang Nuanhua sneered, and the tone became weird again, "And didn't you just say it? There is no monitoring in this wilderness, even if you are thrown off this cliff, no one knows, right? "

He said that he pressed Song Yijun down a little bit. Song Yijun was so scared that his soul was almost gone, and the whole person was almost unable to breathe, so he was afraid and angrily shouted, "Tang Nuan painted you crazy!!! However, if you push me down, do you think you can get out of here alive. Killing and paying for life, do you think the police will not hold you accountable!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he burst into laughter.

Her voice was full of contempt and contempt, "Song Yijun, it is my business whether you can solve you, and whether I can leave here alive, that is my business, and you don't need to worry about it."

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