"Don't move, raise your hand!"

The police officer raised his gun directly at Gu Jun without hesitation, his eyes were righteous and firm.

However, Gu Jun ignored him, his eyes still fixed on Song Yijun's direction, full of worry and dismay.

He whispered in his heart, "Miss, don't worry, I will come back to rescue you as soon as possible, definitely!"

Then, between the electric light and flint, no one could see clearly, Gu Jun pulled something out of his waist.

All he knew was that he took out one thing, and opened the shutter of that thing, and a burst of yellow smoke filled it.

"No, it's a smoke bomb!" someone suddenly shouted.

"That person wants to escape, grab him quickly, don't let him run!" The police officer on the side rushed forward.

But when they rushed into the fog, they couldn't see clearly, they could only hear the sound of a motorcycle starting next to them!

Then Gu Jun stepped on the accelerator violently, followed by a gust of thunder. Gu Jun drove a cross-country motorcycle in the thick fog without looking back, and ran away.

And when the smoke clears, where is Gu Jun's figure?

Gu Jun fled in a hurry like this.

The police officer next to him was almost killed without expecting that this man was so cunning that he even brought a smoke bomb with him?

I had no choice but to immediately order, "Quickly, find a way for me to find this escaped person, and take him to justice anyway!"


Several nearby detectives immediately nodded vigorously, and the momentum was beyond negligible.

Then they drove two police cars and resolutely chased in the direction where Gu Jun had escaped.

At the same time, Song Yijun looked at this scene with a sigh of relief.

She thought to herself, okay, it's saved.

As long as Gu Jun can escape, these police officers will never catch him. As long as Gu Jun is alive, he will always have a chance.

This is not Song Yijun's self-confidence, but Song Yijun's belief that anyone in this world will abandon her, and Gu Jun will not.

No matter what way, Gu Jun will definitely come to rescue her, definitely.

Thinking about this, Song Yijun finally felt a little calmer...

After that, this farce finally came to an end.

Song Yijun was unceremoniously caught by several police officers, and she didn't resist any more, but before leaving, she gave Tang Nuanhua a fierce look, and then she was directly pulled into the police car by the police officer, without any room for turning around.

Soon, the police car started.

Before leaving, the leading police officer came over and waved to Li Jingyi, "Little Li, thank you for your help today!"

Li Jingyi didn't care when he heard the words, and nodded graciously, "It's okay, after you go back, try this woman, she also hides a lot of secrets you don't know, you can just find a way to ask."

"Yes, thanks for the reminder Li Shao."

The police nodded urgently, and then they also left.

A group of people waited to go far, and the sound of the alarm sounded from the mountain all the way down the mountain. The sound became smaller and smaller, until it finally disappeared completely, and everything finally came to an end.

At this moment, after a messy mountain road after a chaotic war, only Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan were left, and there was also Lin Nanxiang, and the three of them stayed here quietly.

Tang Nuan painting once again looked towards the bottomless abyss, with a sad, guilty, self-blaming, sad, and complicated expression on his face.

She stared mournfully at the bottom of the cliff. Although she didn't say a word, Li Jingyi could clearly feel how painful this girl's emotions were.

Hey, how could Li Jingyi not understand the thoughts of Tang Nuan painting?

This girl would definitely think that this person was killed by her, right? I would definitely blame everything on myself again, that's why I blamed myself and felt so sad.

She is a kind girl after all.

It's just that this girl probably doesn't know, seeing her so sad, Li Jingyi felt even more uncomfortable than her.

Having to stretch out his slender arm, Li Jingyi directly held the palm of Tang Nuan's painting and passed the warmth of his palm to Tang Nuan's painting.

At the moment it passed, Li Jingyi could clearly feel that Tang Nuan's painted hands were shaking.

Although Tang Nuan's painting tried her best to restrain her, she still couldn't stop the trembling in her heart, and her tears soon fell.

For a while, Li Jingyi felt even more distressed.

I couldn’t help but step forward and hug Tang Nuan’s painting gently, and then pat the back of Tang Nuan’s painting softly and comfort him, “Nuanhua, don’t cry, it’s not your fault. Don’t worry, I will send all the staff to it. Under the cliff, find Quan Zhichen, whether it is alive or dead, I will bear it with you, okay?"

"And didn't I tell you? No matter what happens, don't carry it alone, let me share it with you."

"As for the Quan family, we don't have to explain so much. All of this is done by Song Yijun. It has nothing to do with you. Of course, if you feel that you can't explain to them, then I will explain for you, how about?"

"Hey, don't cry."

When he said this, Li Jingyi was really gentler than ever before, and his eyes were full of care and pampering for Tang Nuan's paintings.

"Jing Yi..."

For a while, Tang Nuan painting almost cried when he saw Li Jingyi's gentle, handsome and warm look.

She raised her head, looking at Li Jingyi with tears in her eyes, her eyes filled with emotion, "Jing Yi, you..."

However, before he had time to say anything, Li Jingyi understood the meaning of Tang Nuan's eyes.

I had to smile slightly, hugged her tightly again, softly soothed, "It's okay, you are my wife, I said that your business is my business, you also promised me, you will bear it with me, eh ?"


When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he finally nodded.

And her mood seemed to be calmer gradually under Li Jingyi's comfort.

Although she still felt guilty and depressed, and although she still felt like a needle in her heart, she had gradually calmed down.

After that, Tang Nuan painting went home with Li Jingyi.

When she got home, it was already close to the evening. Tang Nuan had no appetite for painting and didn't want to eat. However, Li's wife used the name of "child" as an excuse to force her to eat something.

Tang Nuan had no choice but to accept paintings for children.

After reluctantly eating something, Tang Nuanhua felt a little tired all over. After all, after a fight today, he still had a backache.

So Tang Nuanhua went to wash up after eating, and when she was finished, she simply lay on the bed.

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