
At the same time, the Luo family mansion.

It was late at night, and An Ruoqing was already resting at this time.

Since she was found to have no reproductive function in her early years, it was a common thing for her husband Luo Tianji not to go home for the night, so An Ruoqing always spent this long night alone, but she was used to it.

At this moment, the room was unbelievably quiet.

An Ruoqing casually turned around and changed her sleeping position, and suddenly heard some movement outside the window, as if someone was gently tapping on her glass.

An Ruoqing frowned sensitively, then immediately turned on the lamp, looked out suddenly, and saw a familiar face.

It's Gu Jun.

He gently buckled the glass window with his knuckles, and whispered, "Madam, madam!"

"Huh—" An Ruoqing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person outside the window.

He quickly patted his chest, and complained a little bit, "Why are you, why are you climbing the window in the middle of the night? I thought it was a thief."

While talking, An Ruoqing got out of bed and put on a cloak by the way, and then went to open the window for Gu Jun.

Without the window barrier, Gu Jun's voice suddenly sounded clearer.

But the first sentence he said was, "Madam, it's not good! Miss has something wrong!"

"What's the matter?" An Ruoqing frowned almost instantly.

Gu Jun said, "The eldest lady was taken away by the police!"

"What do you mean? What happened? How could she be taken away?"

An Ruoqing frowned when he said that, and immediately let Gu Jun enter the room, "Quickly come in and tell me the matter clearly."


Gu Jun gently jumped into the room.

After that, Gu Jun hurriedly reported the confrontation between Song Yijun and Tang Nuanhua today to An Ruoqing.

"What? You guys, you actually killed someone? It was the only heir of the Quan Group, Quan Zhichen? You are crazy!"

After listening to An Ruoqing, she only felt terrified and her voice trembled!

"Yes, ma'am, but we didn't mean it, please help Miss!" Gu Jun almost begged.

It can be seen that Gu Jun is very concerned about Song Yijun, and his voice is almost too anxious, "Madam, now only you can think of a way to save Miss, please help and think of a way!"

"Oh my god……"

Hearing this, An Ruoqing really almost didn't faint directly.

She raised her hand to cover her chest, suddenly short of breath, and looked at Gu Jun with extremely disappointed eyes.

However, he clearly wanted to scold him, but for a while, he didn't know how to scold him.

Finally, An Ruoqing had to hold back a sigh of relief and said angrily, "You are really crazy! You are completely crazy!"

"Gu Jun, I asked you to stay with Yijun because I wanted you to help her, to help her think of ways, not to let you help him be abusive! Why do you listen to what she says!"

"I'm sorry...Madam, it's my fault." Gu Jun lowered his head to admit his mistake.

After all, he had never violated Song Yijun. No matter what Song Yijun wanted to do, he would always rely on her and never considered the consequences.

It now seems that he did not have enough supervision, so Gu Jun also recognized it.

"Oh, you have finally come back from abroad once, and finally you can start a new life again, why bother yourself?"

An Ruoqing sighed as she spoke, feeling really helpless.

And Gu Jun finally realized his mistake, and in addition to apologizing, he had to apologize, "We are not deliberate madam, really not deliberate, but I still hope you can help, save the lady!"

"It's all right."

An Ruoqing waved his hand impatiently, having had enough, "Don't apologize, what's the use of an apology, do you think I don't want to save? I save, I want to save, but how do you want me to save?"

An Ruoqing frowned when she said that she had a headache, which was really difficult.

After all, if the victim was just an ordinary person, An Ruoqing would not take it seriously, and just deal with it casually.

But this man is no ordinary person. He is the only young master of Quan Enterprise. If he accidentally offends Quan Enterprise...

Oh, it's difficult.

Of course An Ruoqing did not want to see her niece fall into injustice, but this matter was too difficult to handle.

Killing and paying for life, paying debts and paying off debts, these are all justified things.

If An Ruoqing simply wanted to release Song Yijun on bail, it would be almost impossible. At most the police officers would only look at An Ruoqing's face and allow her to intercede, nothing more.

The most important thing is that Song Yijun really did too much this time.

She made drugs and sold fake drugs, but now she actually pushed Quan Zhichen off the cliff.

Oh my God...Is that person still alive if such a high cliff pushes people down! There is basically no possibility of survival, okay?

This is intentional homicide!

In serious cases, An Ruoqing even suspects that the court will impose the death penalty on Song Yijun. After all, the law is rigidly laid there. What use is it for her to come forward?

Even if An Ruoqing tried her best to find a lawyer for Song Yijun, saying that she was a missed murder, and that she was also abducted for making fake drugs, and that Song Yijun's death sentence could be preserved. Song Yijun could not save Song Yijun's life in prison for decades!

These, An Ruoqing really can't avoid it.

So the matter this time is really difficult to handle.

"Madam, ma'am, have you thought of a way?"

Looking at An Ruoqing's thoughtful look at this time, Gu Jun began to ask questions again.

"Oh...I don't know what to do, please give me some time to think about it."

An Ruoqing had no choice but to shook his head helplessly.

"Madam...you, you must not leave the young lady alone, she is your only niece!"

But Gu Jun saw An Ruoqing's vague response, and he was almost mad, and his voice trembled.

He couldn't help but eagerly said, "If you are not a wife, just follow your practice a year ago and create a false death for the young lady, and save it from prison again, how about?"

As he talked, Gu Jun's own voice trembled, and he could hear that he was really devoted to Song Yijun.

He didn't want Song Yijun to be imprisoned in this way. No matter what method he used, even if he lost his life, he would definitely pull Song Yijun out of the dark prison.

The woman he loves most must live aloft, how can she live so unbearably?

So no matter what, Gu Jun would not give up.

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