"No way."

An Ruoqing shook her head decisively, and said calmly, "We have used the method of fraud to death once, and we can't use it again. The same trick, those police officers are not fools, and they will not be deceived again."

"Then, what should we do?"

"Let me think..."

An Ruoqing didn't know what to do, so she had to calm down and think for a while.

However, for a while, An Ruoqing couldn't think of a way even if he wanted to break his head.

After thinking about it for a while, she shook her head, sighed, and said to Gu Jun, "Forget it, let me think about it. It's not that simple. Maybe I have to think about it longer."

"Ah? What about the lady!"

Gu Jun was anxious, he really couldn't see Song Yijun suffer a little bit in prison.

An Ruoqing had to patiently calm down, "Don't worry, don't worry, Yijun is my niece, and I won't let Yijun have an accident inside."

"Although I haven't thought of a way yet, I can save Yijun directly, but I can ask my friends inside to help drag the case, and try to make her suffer less, and then we can think of a way."

This is the fastest and most appropriate solution that An Ruoqing can think of.

In addition, she turned her head again and told Gu Jun, "By the way, you should also remember to contact Baicheng and ask them to help out with the white blood organization."

"This time there is a lot of trouble. Maybe, I can't solve it by myself. You ask them to think of a way. Anyway, Yijun is also one of them, so I can't ignore it, right?"

"Yes, madam, I know this." Gu Jun nodded.

Of course he will not forget to contact the white blood organization. Anyway, Song Yijun is also a hall master in the organization, and he is also the most trusted subordinate trained by Baicheng himself.

Now that something happened to Song Yijun, the white blood tissue would naturally not ignore it.

Thinking this way, Gu Jun didn't have any confidence, and seemed to be a little relieved at last.

"Okay, then it's settled."

At the end, An Ruoqing nodded and waved to Gu Jun, "You go quickly, I have to sleep at night."

"Yes, ma'am."

Gu Jun nodded sensibly, then turned and left.

Without taking two steps, he turned around and added, "By the way, madam, if someone from the police station comes to you tomorrow, you remember to say that you don't know about this matter, so don't be involved."

"Ok, I know."

An Ruoqing nodded, she certainly wouldn't let everything involve herself.

Gu Jun was relieved, and then turned out the window and left completely.

An Ruoqing stepped forward and gently closed the window, drew the curtains, then turned around and took off the cloak and returned to the bed, but could not sleep anyway.


She sighed deeply, thinking of Song Yijun in her heart, saying that it was fake if she was not worried.

This child has had no mother since he was a child, and has been rejected by the Song family for so many years. He is obviously very smart and hardworking, but life is not going well...

For various reasons, Song Yijun's heart was a bit extreme, An Ruoqing is also understandable

As for An Ruoqing, she herself was more than Song Yijun's aunt, An Ruoqing had already regarded her as her own daughter, and was thinking about her niece everywhere.

No way, who calls Song Yijun the only daughter of his own sister?

Moreover, An Ruoqing has been found to be infertile since she married the Luo family. She has not had any children under her hands for so many years, which is also a great regret.

Because of this, my husband does not go home all year round. Although he still has a relationship with her and is willing to help out when encountering problems, there is not much left in their relationship.

At this time, Song Yijun appeared, just to make up for the gap that An Ruoqing had no children in her heart. Therefore, she naturally loved Song Yijun in every possible way.

Song Yijun is getting into trouble now, and she is naturally worried in every way.

So what is needed to rescue Song Yijun from it? What is needed to make Song Yijun safe and sound?

Thinking about this, An Ruoqing fell into a deep thought.


On the other side, white blood tissue.

After Gu Jun left the Luo family mansion, he began to contact the white blood organization and reported the matter to the leader of the white blood organization, Baicheng.

"Ha... how long did she go back now to get into such a big deal?"

On the other side of the phone, after Baicheng heard the ins and outs of the matter, there was no response, only a smile came up at the corner of his mouth.

Even across the screen, Gu Jun can clearly think of the indescribable wicked smile at the corner of Baicheng's mouth, which is the same as before.

"Boss, please find a way to save Miss." Gu Jun couldn't figure out Bai Cheng's thoughts for a while, so he had to beg nervously.

"Tsk tusk...it's really troublesome."

Baicheng smiled disapprovingly, and then said in a perfunctory manner, "The things she provokes, she solves by herself, why bother to organize."

"May Miss is also a member of the organization, isn't she?" Gu Jun argued.

"Yes, but Song Yijun himself is not beautiful enough to do this thing. Why should the organization help?" Bai Cheng said with a chuckle, as if he didn't want to help.

Now Gu Jun was a little anxious, he couldn't help but angrily said, "Boss! You can't do this!"

"No matter what you say, Miss is also a member of our white blood organization. She has brought a lot of benefits to the organization for such a long time. What's more, if it wasn't for the organization to spread the virus this time, she would not have come to this point. what."

"Boss, you can't just leave the young lady just like that!"

"And don't forget, the young lady still holds a lot of confidential documents about the organization! If she does not escape this time, boss, I'm afraid this confidential document..."

"Okay, Gu Jun, you dare to threaten me!"

Before Gu Jun finished speaking, Bai Cheng in front of him was already angry.

In fact, in order for the white blood organization to unite the members of the upper and lower parts, it will let different hall masters hold a small amount of the organization's confidential documents.

In the past year, Song Yijun has become the head of the organization, and naturally has a confidential document in his hands.

Of course, ordinary members are not allowed to bring up this confidential document.

Gu Jun was forced to use this as a reason to threaten Baicheng.

No, Baicheng didn't expect that Gu Jun would dare to speak, threatening himself with confidential documents, and suddenly the whole person was angry, "Gu Jun, you are so bold!"

"Sorry boss, I didn't mean it, but I really have no other way."

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