Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1603: See you making a fool of yourself


Li Jingyi nodded, his indifferent eyes revealed a sense of wisdom. He said coldly, "Song Yijun and the Song family have always had antagonisms, especially after the Song family group was taken away by Song Yijun, the Song family's heart is even more full. Hatred, I will never let Song Yijun go."

"This time, instead of intervening, let's let them take care of their own family affairs. Since someone can do this, we don't have to waste this effort."

Li Jingyi knew clearly that the best way to insult a person is to let those who had been bullied by Song Yijun climb on her head again, trample on her dignity severely, and make her suffer twice as much pain and torture. , Far more pleasant than directly punishing Song Yijun.

Given the degree of hatred of Song Yijun by the Song family, they would never make Song Yijun feel better.

If Song Yijun was in his own decadence, but saw the Song family who had been trampled under his feet, all of them came to the ground, it is estimated that Song Yijun's heart would be more broken, right?

In this way, Li Jingyi's goal has also been achieved, and he can still make personal affection for the Song family. Why not?

"President, you are still thoughtful!"

At this time, Xu Mo exclaimed from the side, admiring Li Jingyi with all his heart.

He thought that if he were himself, he would definitely not think of such a deep level, and would not consider it so comprehensively. Although Li Jingyi didn't say a word, he considered everything.

Sure enough, the president is still the president!

Li Jingyi snorted coldly at this time, lowered his head while dealing with work, while urging, "Okay, don't flatter here, go and execute it, if you have any information, remember to report it to me as soon as possible."


Xu Mo immediately nodded vigorously, and then ran down.


In the afternoon, the police station.

Song Yijun has been imprisoned for more than 20 hours. For more than 20 hours, she hasn't eaten or drink. She has gone from hungry and hungry to yellowish and thin face, and she looks completely depleted.

"Oh, no, sir, that woman doesn't eat or drink at all. I doubt she will be dehydrated if this continues."

Seeing Song Yijun's posture of not eating or drinking, the little police officer who delivered the food had to be a little worried about Song Yijun's safety, so he had to report the news.

And at this moment, a small police officer ran into the chief's office and reported respectfully, "Sir, the family members of a few suspects came outside, saying that they would meet with the new suspect. It."

"Heh, meet the suspect? They think this is their home. Can they meet if they want to see the suspect?"

The police officer cleared his throat while speaking, and said, "Let them go back. The suspect can't meet people casually. Let them wait until the suspect is relieved."

After thinking about it, he had to sigh lightly and got up from his seat, "Forget it, go out and have a look."

"Yes." The little police officer nodded.

Then the two walked to the lobby of the police station together, and then they saw Song Qianying and Lin Jiaohua mother and daughter, and one of them was Song Qianying's elder brother, Song Qianran.

When the three saw the officer, they bowed their heads and said hello, "Hello, officer."

The officer nodded politely, and then asked softly, "Who are you here for?"

"Oh, I'm here to find my sister Song Yijun." Song Qianying said with a friendly smile at this time.

"Why are you looking for her?" the police officer asked again.

"It's okay. The main thing is that I want to talk to my sister. After all, this good-natured person didn't know why he was arrested suddenly, so let's take a look at her and enlighten my sister by the way." Song Qianying is cute. Speaking indifferently, Lin Jiaohua and Song Qianran next to each other nodded.

Hearing this, the police officer took a close look at Song Qianying and the Song family mother and son next to him.

Seeing that the three of them were indeed a family, the police officer had nothing to say, so he nodded, "Go in, don't delay too long."

"Oh, well, thank you so much!" Lin Jiaohua, mother and son thanked immediately.

Then they went in to visit Song Yijun under the leadership of people.

At this moment, Song Yijun obviously didn't know what was going on. She was locked in a small black secret room with only a simple bed and all-grey walls. The whole room gave people a depressive atmosphere.

It only took more than twenty hours here, and Song Yijun was almost suffocating depression. She had to shrink her whole body in the corner of the small black room, her hands and feet were tightly handcuffed by cold handcuffs, and she had her head down without knowing she was thinking. Something.

At this moment, there was the sound of unlocking the door.

Song Yijun's heart violently moved when he heard this sound, but then he thought that the person who unlocked himself was just a little policeman who came in to deliver the food. The fire in her eyes was finally extinguished and looked again. To the empty corner.

However, what she didn't expect to kill Song Yijun was that it would be Song Qianying and Lin Jiaohua, the mother and daughter she hated most.

"Oh, isn't this the eldest lady of the Anshi Group, An Ruohan? Why, wasn't it still very beautiful a few days ago? How come the scenery has come to an end now?"

The first to speak was Song Qianying's mother Lin Jiaohua.

As soon as she walked into this small secret room and saw Song Yijun curled up in the corner, she couldn't help laughing proudly with her chin held high. I want to tut, it's really feng shui turns, God has eyes, who can spare anyone?

At this moment, Song Yijun's face changed instantly when he heard this familiar and disgusting voice.

She turned her head abruptly, her eyes widened when she saw the few people in front of her, "Lin Jiaohua?! Song Qianying?? Why are you here!!!"

"Haha, this is really funny, Song Yijun, you can be in this place, why, can't we come to see you making a fool of yourself?" Song Qianying smiled contemptuously.

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