"Song Qianying!!!" Song Yijun became angry.

"What's wrong with me? Huh?"

Song Qianying smiled triumphantly, with a scornful tone, "I didn't expect it, not long ago, our Miss Ann was still beautiful and proudly bullying people in front of me. Why is this less than a month away, you Has it come to this end?"


Song Yijun's eyes were red with anger.

She looked at Song Qianying's proud face, and she couldn't wait to go up and tear her up immediately, and she had to tear her face that was so smiling that she couldn't see her eyes.

Of course, this was just Song Yijun's angry thoughts.

After all, Song Yijun and Lin Jiaohua and Song Qianran are here, so she wouldn't do anything with these three people over and over, that would undoubtedly be asking for trouble.

So even if Song Yijun feels uncomfortable, he can only bite the bullet and endure the breath, sneered, and said, "It's really a tiger falling to Pingyang and being bullied by a dog, and the wall is pushed down by everyone. Don't you just want to get to the bottom! Humph, then you guys? Just laugh at it, in my eyes, you are just a little bit of aspiration."

Speaking of Song Yijun, she deliberately covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes full of mockery.

"What did you say! Who do you say is the villain!"

This time it was Song Qianying's turn to get angry. When Song Yijun called her a villain, Song Qianying's face was almost green. She couldn't wait to roll up her sleeves and go straight to Song Yijun to slap her.

However, Lin Jiaohua grabbed Song Qianying and sensibly persuaded, “Qianying, don’t get excited! The outside of this cell is monitored. If you see us doing things inside, I’m afraid it’s going to give us Drive out!"

"Yes, Qianying, there is surveillance in it, we are here, it's better not to do anything, if there is anything to be solved, we will solve it outside." Song Qianran also followed.

Song Qianying had a sudden stop.

When I looked up, I saw the corner of the roof of this small black house, with a camera with a red dot on it, monitoring their every move clearly.

If you do it inside, you will definitely be discovered by people outside, and I'm afraid it will really be kicked out at that time.

Thinking of this, even though Song Qianying had countless anger in her heart, she still had to gritted her teeth and forced herself to endure that anger.

Then, she almost gritted her teeth and squeezed out a smile, and said to Song Yijun, "Sister, why do you have this attitude? We all came to see you kindly, why don't you appreciate it?"

"I bother!"

Upon hearing this, Song Yijun spit on the ground unceremoniously.

She squinted her eyes and looked at Song Qianying with disgust, only to feel disgusted, "Song Qianying, what you say you pretend to be in front of me is worth it, do you have to disgust me?"

"Disgusting? Haha, okay, it seems that you also feel disgusting." Song Qianying smiled.

Not enough. Next, Song Qianying didn't bother to talk nonsense with Song Yijun here. This was not the purpose of her coming here today.

After calming down for a while, Song Qianying simply stated his intentions directly, "Song Yijun, I am too lazy to talk to you, since I'm here, let me just say it straight. Actually, I came to see you today. "


Sure enough.

Song Yijun knew that there would be nothing good for this family to find themselves.

She smiled disdainfully, and said, "What kind of heart can you do, forget it, I don't bother to talk nonsense with you, just say what you want to do with any purpose."

"Okay, then I can just say it straight." Song Qianying didn't bother to raise the bar with Song Yijun, so she went down the steps.

Then Song Qianying said directly, "Song Yijun, what we want is very simple, since you are now the adopted daughter of the Luo family, then you have nothing to do with our Song family, so we hope you can take Song Can the group return it to us?"

"What? Still?"

Song Yijun laughed directly when she heard this, as if she had heard a big joke, she wondered how could this be?

This Song Group was so hard for her to grab it with so much effort, and it was also the only sustenance of Aunt An Ruoqing for herself.

Song Yijun finally took back the things that belonged to his mother, so why did he give up again?

Thinking of this, Song Yijun refused almost without hesitation, "No, I won't give you the Song Group."


Song Qianying didn't understand, "Since you are not the Song family anymore, why do you want a Song family group?"

"Because it belongs to me, why should I give it to you?" Song Yijun answered naturally.

"What? You!!!"

"You actually said that it belonged to you? Song Yijun, you are shameless!?" Song Qianying became angry on the spot.

In Song Qianying's view, this Song Group was originally her family's company. If Song Yijun hadn't played tricks from it, how could this company fall into her hands?

It's better now, this Song Yijun snatched someone else's things, and he even said it out. Why did he say that the Song Group belongs to her?

It's disgusting!

"Song Yijun, I can understand your heart, but I also hope you can figure it out. This Song Group is an industry that my father has accumulated after years of hard work. !" Song Qianying grabbed the conversation.

In exchange, only Song Yijun sarcastically, "Taking it away? Which eye did you see that I took it away?"

"In the year I left, you managed the Song Group in the same way, Song Qianying, are you really embarrassed?"

Song Yijun didn't give in. She just got up from the bed and walked to Song Qianying's face step by step. The cold light in her eyes made people look frightened, "Song Qianying, you are so ridiculous."

"Why do I take the company from your hands, huh? You said that if you have a little ability, can I take it away? If you have some management talent, I will buy your company's heart so easily? If you manage a little Better, I can take away the Song Group so casually and directly raise the level of the company by several levels?"

In fact, since Song Yijun took the Song Group back, Song Yijun has also spent a lot of thought on the Song Group.

Since Song Qianying’s previous customer volume has been almost consumed by Song Qianying, it relies on some old customers to maintain the order volume, so Song Yijun tried to develop new customers for the company first.

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