Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1605: Don't worry about this

Facts proved that Song Yijun was successful. She not only attracted new customers for the company, but also directly raised the position of the Song Group among the upper-class companies by two.

It's okay now, Song Yijun finally let the Song Group make a little improvement, and in the end, Song Qianying, still said that she took away the Song Group?

She was so embarrassed to come over and ask her to return the Song Group?

It's so funny!

Song Yijun was naturally doing her part, "Song Qianying, can you please think through your words first, and return the company to you? Are you dreaming?"

"First of all, the Song Group is in my hands. It is no longer the Song Group. You don't have the ability to manage it."

"Secondly, even if the Song Group is as always rubbish, I will not give it to you anyway, because it was originally mine. It is the old man Song Huinian who owes me and my mother!"

"As for the three of you, mother and daughter, heh, I feel sick when I see you. Get out of here!"

After speaking the last sentence, Song Yijun didn't bother to pay attention to the three people anymore, and went straight back to the corner of the small black room, and continued to squat by himself facing the wall.

"Song Yijun, you!!!"

Song Qianying saw Song Yijun like this, only to jump out of anger.

What does it mean that the company is originally hers? Is it clear that she stole it! ! !

While Lin Jiaohua and Song Qianran on the side, although they were also very angry at this moment, they still tried their best to stay sensible. They once again held Song Qianying and persuaded, "Qianying, calm down, don't do anything here, we Think of a solution again!"

"Yeah, yeah, think of a solution." Song Qianran nodded.

What can Song Qianying do?

The flames in her heart were about to burn madly, but she couldn't go forward and tear Song Yijun with her hand, so she had to bear it in her heart.

At the end of her tolerance, she smiled stiffly at the corner of her mouth, and then said, "Song Yijun, you think you don't agree, so I can't do anything with you? Tell you, I have a way to deal with you, brother, come here. "

When the words fell, Song Qianying suddenly called Song Qianran to her side. After that, the two got together and whispered, not knowing what was said, and then Song Qianran left first.

Song Yijun couldn't help feeling weird when he saw this scene, and asked suspiciously, "What did you just say?"

"Heh, you'll know in a while." Song Qianying smiled triumphantly.

Song Yijun's brows frowned more tightly, thinking about these sneaky people, what are they doing?

When Song Yijun was wondering, Song Qianran had already returned, but this time he was also carrying two police officers.

The police officer and Song Qianran were talking and laughing, as if their relationship was already very close. The police officer also patted Song Qianran on the shoulder, and the two seemed to be brothers.

and many more!

I don't know why, Song Yijun saw this scene, and a very bad feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

When he walked to her, Song Yijun immediately looked at the few people in front of him with extreme caution and asked, "Song Qianying, Song Qianran, what do you want to do?"


The police officer chuckled softly at this time, and while smiling, he helped Song Yijun to remove the handcuffs, and said, "Your family has come to pick you up. Isn't this what you dream of?"

After speaking, the police officer directly unhook Song Yijun's handcuffs that had troubled her for more than 20 hours.

Song Yijun finally got rid of the annoying handcuffs, stretched out his hand to shook his wrist, but frowned tightly, "What? They want to pick me out?"


Song Yijun looked at Song Qianying, Song Qianran and others in front of her strangely, thinking it was impossible, these people would not be so kind, after all, they were not short-circuited in their brains.

Unless they say otherwise?

Thinking about this, Song Yijun suddenly increased his vigilance and simply sat down on the simple bed next to him, "I'm sorry, Comrade Police, I won't go."

"What? Are you not leaving?"

The police officer was slightly surprised. It was the first time he saw a suspect, and he didn't want to leave this place.

You know that every suspect who is being held is almost waiting to leave this place? It turned out that Song Yijun refused to leave, which is really amazing.

"Sorry, comrade, my sister has a bad personality. Isn't she **** us off? Blame us for being late for making such angry words." Song Qianran quickly explained with a dry smile.

"Oh, it turned out to be so." The police officer suddenly realized.

After that, he smiled and patted Song Yijun on the shoulder, and said, "Girl, I know your character is more stubborn. You have been here for more than 20 hours. You have not eaten or drink. You can see that you are a A girl with personality."

"However, from your family’s point of view, girl, I think you still need to understand your family. Didn’t they use the fastest speed to come and save you? You, don’t talk to them. Get out of breath, go back quickly."

"But, am I not a suspect? How can you let people go so casually?" Song Yijun was not very happy.

She thought to herself that this still resembled what a police officer said?

She is now a suspect, where is it that she should be let go?

Of course, although Song Yijun really wants to go out, she doesn't want to leave with Song Qianying, right? The ghosts know what they are doing well!

However, this is the end, and she doesn't want to go now.

After all, places like the police station will not imprison citizens forcibly. This also violates the legitimate rights and interests of citizens.

The police officer on the side was also very helpless, "Yes, miss, you are indeed a suspect, but our police have not found evidence so far and can directly point out your guilt. Therefore, you can leave here for now, and wait until later if you have any more. If the wind blows, we will catch you back again. Don't worry about that."

"But now, we have no reason to continue detaining you, so you can go home with your family first."

After saying this, the police seemed to be too lazy to continue dealing with Song Yijun, and directly urged, "Okay, stop arguing so much. If you let you go, you can go. There is so much talk."

"I... alright."

Song Yijun was helpless. She knew that she couldn't compete with the police officer, so she stopped fighting.

After that, they had no choice but to leave the police station with them behind Song Qianying and Song Qianran.

Soon, outside the police station.

Song Qianran, Song Qianying, Lin Jiaohua and others got in the car first.

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